Here's some images of Imran Awan from outside the court where he appearanced. There were 2?
there may not be Awan "brothers." - almost one year ago now? He may have created a "brother" as another employee in the Congress so as to receive an extra salary. [being a IT guy with all the passwords and root etc. He could easily create ghost employees]
He did have a few buddys he brought over to help him, a friend, Maybe a cousin. There is a eventually a whole network / gang. The pictures of the "brother" are fake. They are paste ups? We never found a good image of "brother" that I know of.
To refresh all on this subject look to George Webb.I know it's massive data from his YouTubes, but sometimes he does summaries for beginners.
AT one of Awan Imran Court appearances. Jason Goodman tried to interview him, chased he and his lawyer down and ran along side while asking questions. Awan looked super violent-angry at that. I got a screen shot.