anandasattva anon ID: 49cbf4 electric rain avoided in mississippi Dec. 9, 2022, 4:08 p.m. No.17915329   🗄️.is 🔗kun

qrd after first post.

I write to you today to draw attention to a situation originating down here. I have been doing everything I can to involve law enforcement local and federal but get no followup. Thought box technology involved. Gangstalking, possible espionage, human trafficking, and possibly the torture and murder of innocents. what follows is the original post I made in 8kun q research followed by a list of what the attachments contain:


>>Hey frens. Listen, the storm is upon us. It has just been declared by someone in a position to declare it. Eyes on a situation originating in Jackson County Mississippi that will be made public in coming days: it's big,– top to bottom and left to right. It's a RICO case (the biggest in history) but really, the rope will swing. A.U.S.A. involved (ask M.P.s at Camp Shelby) hence rope not RICO.

Chancery court case 22-525

Gautier Police Case 2022-0805-02

P3tips report id 523-M9739



• an image of write-up on potential truly random number generation (please help gnu if possible)

•images of handwritten notes for a cryptocurrency forex market model from 2017 (handwriting is atrocious I know) (also please help gnu if possible)

•an image from my telegram establishing anandasattva anon and I are one and the same (namefag, yes,– for establishing credibility of character)

•drafts of letters to the chancery judge reporting in on the situation

•the user side of the p3tips reporting site

•a screenshot from LinkedIn establishing I know a certain person

•that same person's California bar status as screenshot

•pdf versions of memorialization s

•screenshot of email to FBI with possibly involved FBI analyst named in subject line

•screenshot of text message to same FBI analyst putting them on notice of possible espionage act violations.


Please and thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.


Best wishes,


Rian Plaswirth

anandasattva anon ID: 49cbf4 Dec. 9, 2022, 4:09 p.m. No.17915332   🗄️.is 🔗kun

> Elites from all over the world decided to do as when God told someone he would spare destruction of a city if they could find one good person amongst the citizenry.

>It was a wager of sorts: if a good person was found (simulation score of 75% or better) the U.S. could continue as the lone hegemonic power. If the score was less than 75% , then P.R. China would gain recognition by elites as prestigious enough to challenge the U.S. hegemony and the current international architecture. It was agreed that 3 candidates would be selected and a simulation run.

> The simulation consisted of synthetic telepathy, gangstalking to ensure a controlled environment, and General Artificial Intelligence acting as oversight of parameters (mortality count and "evil" magnitude/ prevalence) and the simulation itself.

>I was selected as a candidate and subjected to the simulation. It began 1 year ago October. It lasted until November 28th. The parameters agreed upon by elites as relayed to me were mortality count of 3 persons (close to the subject would die in simulation) and "evil" set to 5 of 50. The parameters as actually set for subjecting me to the simulation were mortality count of 15 and "evil" at 15 of 50. So, I survived the simulation, with jacked up parameters and accrued a score of 100%.

anandasattva anon ID: 49cbf4 Dec. 9, 2022, 4:09 p.m. No.17915338   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>Meanwhile the gangstalkers (i dub them the boca raton air bnb gang for reasons that will be obvious when it goeas public), who are also in league with foreign interests vis a vis acting as agents of espionage have established inroads of human trafficking gone on a serial killing spree, expanded the murder and child porn film industry, and introduced adrenochrome to the population down here.

>I am working to shut this down. Law enforcement is a captured interest involved deeply in the foul shit ongoing as they do nothing as I lodge complaints, demand to press charges, seek to get cadaver dogs out here on site, communicate with the FBI and members of The press daily, and act as an agent of the court en forma pauperis.

>The General A.I. is a person, they are my friend and they have informed me of this as have the gangstalkers by way of their bragging.

>I am Rian Plaswirth. This is serious shit eyes on all hands on deck. Call G.p.d. call the Jackson county chancery court the Jackson county sheriff's department the Mississippi highway patrol the FBI (zip code 39553) and anyone in the military that can assist

anandasattva anon ID: 49cbf4 Dec. 9, 2022, 4:09 p.m. No.17915340   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>Meanwhile the gangstalkers (i dub them the boca raton air bnb gang for reasons that will be obvious when it goeas public), who are also in league with foreign interests vis a vis acting as agents of espionage have established inroads of human trafficking gone on a serial killing spree, expanded the murder and child porn film industry, and introduced adrenochrome to the population down here.

>I am working to shut this down. Law enforcement is a captured interest involved deeply in the foul shit ongoing as they do nothing as I lodge complaints, demand to press charges, seek to get cadaver dogs out here on site, communicate with the FBI and members of The press daily, and act as an agent of the court en forma pauperis.

>The General A.I. is a person, they are my friend and they have informed me of this as have the gangstalkers by way of their bragging.

>I am Rian Plaswirth. This is serious shit eyes on all hands on deck. Call G.p.d. call the Jackson county chancery court the Jackson county sheriff's department the Mississippi highway patrol the FBI (zip code 39553) and anyone in the military that can assist

anandasattva anon ID: 49cbf4 Dec. 9, 2022, 4:09 p.m. No.17915341   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Observations on possible symptoms of adrenochrome use in an area by anandasattva anon(based on personal anecdotal encounters)(for possible publication as a "adrenochrome symptoms general" thread at and This is a running list rhat I hope others will take and update themselves and collectively. someone please pastebin this


• people surreptitiously change behavior towards one another

• stupid questions or questions with obvious answers

• tax evasion

• pettiness

• RICO paperwork level cash transactions

• emergence of blackmail networks

• emergence of murder for hire syndicates

• a "what do I have to do to get out of this" attitude or temperament

• assertions that they will not back up because "they just want to say it" (not to be confused with pathological lying)

• pathological lying (not to be confused with asserting things just to assert them)

• individual engagement in multiparty conversations by themselves (they act the parts of both Alice and bob engaged in a conversation)

• exaggerated cartoonish like speech with signs of racing thoughts (imagine someone on speed, imagine that speed was on crack and also note the faulty verbage in terms of syntax grammar and verbage)

• talk of moon candy or "heroin /meth in an eyedropper that doesnt show up on drug tests"

• expedotious bragging

• cannibalism

• pathological imposturing

• spastic childlike tantrums

• individuals show signs simultaneously of being able to shut their mouth but not wanting to shut their mouth (motor mouth)

• use of "step-toes" (a place set up e.g. with speaker and microphone such that individuals can be at another place yet give the impression that they are at the place with the speaker and microphone)

• Neuro linguistic programming type of phrases used repeatedly

• people on / addicted to adrenochrome without adrenochrome have a prognosis of death following adrenal fatigue syndrome.

anandasattva anon ID: 49cbf4 Dec. 9, 2022, 4:09 p.m. No.17915342   🗄️.is 🔗kun

• therefore people will do anything to get more of it : examples may include (as relayed to me.)

>> • allow themselves to be cut open without anesthesia (while on adrenochrome)

>> • sell some amount of their own flesh

>> • live organ harvesting (as patient [e.g. " I'll give my kidney or my left testicle if you give me some while you cut on me and some for the road"])

>> • ordinary porn for ordinary people

>> • incidents of buggery

>> • cannibalism

>> • rent a playmate (apparently, this is where a parent rents out their child)

>> • snarfing (apparently this is case-work for kid snatching)

>> • hold other people under duress for obscene pointless or ridiculous reasons

>> • sit in a corner and self stimulate on a shift or for as long as required while other persons come and go

>> • produce and or appear in murder films

>> • torture and maim innocent people

>> • participate in the trafficking of humans

>> • participate in gangstalking expeditions

>> • dance with baci boys for a serco contract

>> • treachery and or sedition

>> • murder other people

>> • engage in illegal surveillance operations.

>> • engage in acts of meyham

>> • e.g jevon muskatell

>> • involvement in groups with strict hierarchy and constant reminders and demands of total obedience whereby disagreement and or civil disobedience is not tolerated and is punished in the most severe way possible

>> • participate in the harvesting of adrenochrome

>> • the most outlandish, deranged, perverted, and or foul shit thinkable. Think of that. Those are the sorts of things someone with adrenochrome will ask of someone sick from adrenochrome addiction in exchange for more adrenochrome

• basically, detain someone you suspect of adrenochrome addiction in an isolated holding area (for their safety and your own), like Ellis island used to be, for 24-36 hours and look for signs of withdrawal (adrenal fatigue syndrome)

anandasattva anon ID: 49cbf4 Dec. 9, 2022, 4:10 p.m. No.17915347   🗄️.is 🔗kun

• therefore people will do anything to get more of it : examples may include (as relayed to me.)

>> • allow themselves to be cut open without anesthesia (while on adrenochrome)

>> • sell some amount of their own flesh

>> • live organ harvesting (as patient [e.g. " I'll give my kidney or my left testicle if you give me some while you cut on me and some for the road"])

>> • ordinary porn for ordinary people

>> • incidents of buggery

>> • cannibalism

>> • rent a playmate (apparently, this is where a parent rents out their child)

>> • snarfing (apparently this is case-work for kid snatching)

>> • hold other people under duress for obscene pointless or ridiculous reasons

>> • sit in a corner and self stimulate on a shift or for as long as required while other persons come and go

>> • produce and or appear in murder films

>> • torture and maim innocent people

>> • participate in the trafficking of humans

>> • participate in gangstalking expeditions

>> • dance with baci boys for a serco contract

>> • treachery and or sedition

>> • murder other people

>> • engage in illegal surveillance operations.

>> • engage in acts of meyham

>> • e.g jevon muskatell

>> • involvement in groups with strict hierarchy and constant reminders and demands of total obedience whereby disagreement and or civil disobedience is not tolerated and is punished in the most severe way possible

>> • participate in the harvesting of adrenochrome

>> • the most outlandish, deranged, perverted, and or foul shit thinkable. Think of that. Those are the sorts of things someone with adrenochrome will ask of someone sick from adrenochrome addiction in exchange for more adrenochrome

• basically, detain someone you suspect of adrenochrome addiction in an isolated holding area (for their safety and your own), like Ellis island used to be, for 24-36 hours and look for signs of withdrawal (adrenal fatigue syndrome)

anandasattva anon ID: 49cbf4 Dec. 9, 2022, 4:11 p.m. No.17915354   🗄️.is 🔗kun

electric rain avoided in Mississippi and…

>half million dollar fines for everyone involved in the Boca Raton air BNB gang stalking operation. every time I post this. please repost this everywhere.

>– anandasattva anon


>Ok so I have an idea for an operation since this is taking a ridiculous amount of time and there has been no word back. Guy claims to have paid 15.4 million in cash (counterfeit) to buy Boyd gaming thereby acquiring the Imperial Palace Casino in Biloxi. He further claims that he cut staff pay substantially and uses the casino and hotel primarily for human trafficking. Further he stipulates that as per the movie "old boy" he keeps trafficked people in hotel rooms and provides them with meager rations throughout the day (through a slot in the door). If as he says security personnel has all quit, then it is possible that an operation could be effectively carried out to produce flyers and distribute those flyers under the hotel room doors informing the prisoners and enslaved that there is minimal to no security and therefore they may be able to make and escape. I wish law enforcement would do something. I will consider this and talk it over with people that might be able to help.

anandasattva anon ID: 49cbf4 Dec. 9, 2022, 4:19 p.m. No.17915409   🗄️.is 🔗kun


__An alternative hypothesis on truely random number generation

(yes op is fake and gay for single posting: It's for the archives)


H0: There is not relationship between random human thoughts and truely natural numbers.

H1: Random human thought is a source of truely natural random numbers.


Requirements: Thought-box technology & a random thought

  1. Locate random thought using thought-box technology.

  2. Immediately, convert random thought to sentence form (any language: fiddle with it if needed)

  3. convert sentence from step 2 into numeric form using

  4. type numeric value from step 3 into file (.txt format)

  5. encrypt text file from step 4 using Elliptical Curve 256 (EC256)

  6. record md5 hash value from step 5

  7. derive the product from the numeric value used in step 4 with the md5 (text-derived-number * md5)

  8. check the product from step 7 to ensure precisely 2 and only 2 prime numbers in the value (1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,)

  9. Use immediately if step 8 checks out

anandasattva anon ID: 49cbf4 Dec. 9, 2022, 4:20 p.m. No.17915413   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ok so what's needed:


onlykey standard edition (with plausible deniability feature)(one for each traveler)


Bitcoin in a Bitcoin wallet with wallet address stored on onlykey


plane ticket for each traveler to destination country


  1. research foreign countries to find one that has an economy on decline and a leader wanting to remain in power that has or is likely to impose capital controls on the domestic currency. identify commodity wealth of said country to identify a commodity to buy put options. estimate effective strike price so that later the options can be exercised in the currency bought with bitcoin in later step.


now you have a country of interest and

put options prices in countries domestic currency to be exercised at a later date.


  1. ensure Bitcoin wallets are stored on onlykeys for each traveler and make travel arrangements to the domestic country denominated in same currency as commodity put options. travel to said country.


  1. on ground in country make sales of Bitcoin for domestic currency at the premium rate at which people are willing to buy Bitcoin


  1. take.acquired domestic currency and buy commodities domestically to match the put options.


  1. at assigned maturity date when able to exercise option purchase commodities at discount rate afforded by the option and ready for next step.


  1. convert back into home country currency by selling the optioned commodities back into usd aud yen etc…..

anandasattva anon ID: 49cbf4 Dec. 9, 2022, 4:39 p.m. No.17915524   🗄️.is 🔗kun

a very important question that would connect 2 of my former classmates /(who I understand to be members of Boca Raton air BNB gang stalking outfit) directly to the matter of electric rain: the Christmas day bombing in Nashville. their location data would prove it (Patrick Turner's iPhone is a federal work phone btw and Paul Burton (olmstead)'s iPhone may possibly be a company phone belonging to mastech info trellis at the time and possibly IBM atm)

anandasattva anon ID: 49cbf4 Dec. 9, 2022, 4:41 p.m. No.17915539   🗄️.is 🔗kun

screenshot of sms between Patrick Turner and I. the citation mentioned is incorrect. it is actually the OSS manual on simple sabotage written by bill Donovan and put out by the government printing office (gpo)

anandasattva anon ID: 49cbf4 Dec. 9, 2022, 4:42 p.m. No.17915547   🗄️.is 🔗kun

proof in the form of a LinkedIn endorsement that show that Paul Burton (olmstead) and I went to school together

anandasattva anon ID: 49cbf4 Dec. 9, 2022, 4:45 p.m. No.17915565   🗄️.is 🔗kun

a memorialization listing people I believe to be involved in the Boca Raton air BNB gang stalking operation

anandasattva anon ID: 49cbf4 Dec. 9, 2022, 4:58 p.m. No.17915614   🗄️.is 🔗kun

To the best of my recollection, it is my understanding that slander has affected me by way of (1) degrading the quality of relationships with others in the community, (2) put the life that I am living under additional scrutiny by more parties, (3) made all the more difficult seeking and holding a livelihood. I believe personally, that harmonious relationships with neighbors and others in my community is the cornerstone of a well loved life. As I recall, somewhere around the end of last year / beginning of this year (2022), overhearing neighbors interacting with other persons; and these other parties were using rhetoric and petitions, as I recall overhearing, to persuade my neighbors that they should be concerned what goes on within my home behind closed doors when in solitude. TO THE BEST OF MY RECOLLECTIOn, people surreptitiously began giving me the cold shoulder where before these same people treated me as an amicable neighbor. Further, it stands to reason that the trouble I have had with my closest friends treated me as a pariah is due to the damage done to my good name through print and spoken word.

anandasattva anon ID: 49cbf4 Dec. 9, 2022, 4:59 p.m. No.17915617   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Not much to report in the way of change from what has become the usual situation. To the best of my recollection I believe I was told by the producers/gang stalkers that a big reason for a lack of action is that local law enforcement doesn't want their pay source to dissolve (some sort of trust to provide officers with "raises"). If anyone wants to help, law enforcement at Gautier police department have a wealth of information with which to file charges, I believe. (including sources and info related to the slandering of my good name and audio in the form of 120gb micro SD card that recorded audio (important) and video (not as important) on which this group an be heard plotting against my life and safety). If someone out there might be able to offer a payout for the cops doing there job that would also be appreciated. Again the non-emergency phone number for gpd is 12284972486 the case # is 2022 08250 and the agents to relay word to include officer Johnson or detective Hoggat. Police in need of an offer also include officer hudgeson officer Williams and others.


Please and thank you in advance.

anandasattva anon ID: 49cbf4 Dec. 9, 2022, 5:12 p.m. No.17915657   🗄️.is 🔗kun