Anonymous ID: 5c482e Dec. 9, 2022, 6:51 p.m. No.17916212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6220 >>6230 >>6256 >>6348 >>6389

Studios Panic as Streaming Fails to Offset Cord Cutting – Yeah, Cuz Your Content Sucks


99% of the content is racist sexist cringe 'woke' garbage with actors who can't act worth shit who are only hired because muh diversity, aka racist ideology of excluding as many white people as possible, the story lines are depressing, demonic, and full anti-hero worship drivel, and worst of all, it's overt PREACHING to push radical leftist narratives.


Good fucking riddance to these evil bastards putting their own narcissistic egos above their own consumers.


This Anon hopes the entire industry collapses. It's a waste of resources, time and energy. There is no benefit to humanity at all from this cesspool.

Anonymous ID: 5c482e Dec. 9, 2022, 7:03 p.m. No.17916280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6348 >>6389

The American Left Sows the Seeds and Waters the Roots of Anti-Semitism


The American Left not only 'sews the seeds' and waters the roots' of anti-Semitism, they SOURCE OVERT anti-Semitism in their cringe disgusting tactics of pretending to BE their political opponents in an attempt to smesr them as the anti-semites.


See this group in the right pic? These assholes showed up at a Turning Point USA event for student aged conservatives. Within minutes the chickenhead liars at The View then smeared the event with the same 1943 commie playbook. Turns out these assholes weren't invited, weren't conservatives (the dumb fucks even said 'fuck conservatives!' to the passerby), these were leftist infiltrators.


The world's BIGGEST SOURCE of anti-Semitism today is the radical left invoking their own negations, a DIALECTIC of opposites sourced from the same source, PRO-anti-Semitism is invoked to put the information into the narrative, portrayed as if it were sources by the other 'side' of their own dialectic.