Anonymous ID: 3aae78 Dec. 10, 2022, 10 a.m. No.17918998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9214 >>9279

Kari Lake Files 70 Page Lawsuit to Throw Out Fraudulent Arizona Midterm Election Results – Claims HUNDREDS of Thousands of Illegal Ballots, 59% of ED Precinct Machine Failures, Tens of Thousands of Illicit Mail-in Ballots – FILING INCLUDED


The lawsuit begins, “the eyes of the Country are on Arizona. On November 3o, 2022, Rasmussen Reports published a poll of likely U.S. voters asking about the Election Day problems with vote tabulation in Maricopa County. This poll asked whether responding voters agreed or disagreed with Contestant Kari Lake’s statement calling the election ‘botched’ and stating, ‘This isn’t about Republicans or Democrats. This is about our sacred right to vote, a right that many voters were, sadly, deprived of on [Election Day], November 8th.’ The results of that poll are stunning, Severnty-two percent (72%) of Likely Voters said they agree with Lake’s statement, including 45% who Strongly Agree.”


Never in US history has their been so much evidence compiled of a fraudulent election taking place.


In the filing this afternoon the Kari Lake campaign claims HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of illegal votes were counted in the election, 59% of Maricopa County precincts had broken tabulators or printers on election day disenfranchising voters, and tens of thousands of illegal mail-in ballots were counted that did not pass signature verification requirements.


The Gateway Pundit is reviewing the document that was presented in court on Friday afternoon.


According to the filing the number of illegal votes cast in Arizona’s general election on November 8, 2022, far exceeds the 17,117 vote margin between Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake and Democrat gubernatorial candidate Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, certified at the official state canvass on December 5, 2022. Witnesses who were present at the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (“MCTEC”), Runbeck Election Services (“Runbeck”), and a multitude of Maricopa County vote centers, as well as other facts meticulously gathered, show hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots infected the election in Maricopa County.


More from the filing: Maricopa County’s public statements concerning remaining ballots to be counted on November 9, 2022, and November 10, 2022, show an increase of approximately 25,000 votes with no explanation of why the number of remaining ballots could increase.

Anonymous ID: 3aae78 Dec. 10, 2022, 10:02 a.m. No.17919003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9214 >>9279

State Attorney General Takes On Google For Biased Search



Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost obtained a first-of-its-kind court decision when a Delaware County judge refused to throw out the state’s self-preferencing lawsuit against Google Search, suggesting that the search-engine giant may be subject to common carrier laws.


AG Yost’s lawsuit, filed in June 2021, seeks legal declaration that Google Search is a common carrier – in other words, a business subject to government regulation and a duty to deal fairly.


Other courts have found that social media companies are not subject to common carrier regulation. But Google Search, as the world’s undisputed leader in search engines, is different.


“Google cannot use its dominance in search to squeeze out competitors of other services, like travel reservations, shopping and consumer reviews,” Yost said.


Yost is focused on correcting Google’s “self-preferencing,” through which Google intentionally manipulates search results to direct users to Google products even when other products top the results of a Google Search.


Ohio is the first state in the nation to bring such a lawsuit, asking the court to declare Google Search a common carrier, and as a result improve the ways the powerful search engine provides results to Ohioans.

Anonymous ID: 3aae78 Dec. 10, 2022, 10:06 a.m. No.17919012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9214 >>9279

Judge Blocks Depositions Of 3 High-Ranking Biden Admin Officials In Big Tech–Government Collusion Case


A federal judge on Dec. 7 ruled that three high-ranking officials within the Biden administration will not be required to testify under oath at depositions in a lawsuit that alleges federal government collusion with Big Tech companies to censor users.


U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty in October ordered the depositions of Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Director Jen Easterly, and Rob Flaherty, a deputy assistant to President Joe Biden, as part of a lawsuit brought in May by Republican Attorneys General Eric Schmitt of Missouri and Jeff Landry of Louisiana.


The attorneys general claim that high-ranking members of the government colluded and coerced social media companies to “suppress disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content” or what they claimed was “misinformation” regarding COVID-19.


In November, Doughty, a Trump appointee, also said that Jen Psaki, a former White House press secretary who now works for MSNBC, must also sit for a deposition as part of the case.


However on Thursday, Doughty ruled that three of the individuals—Murthy, Easterly, and Flaherty—will no longer be required to appear for a deposition after a federal appeals court blocked the move last month, stating that the judge had failed to consider whether alternative and less “intrusive” means could be used to obtain the information being sought.


Biden Officials Won’t Need to Testify


As a result, Doughty said on Thursday that Murthy will no longer be required to appear for a deposition.


The decision came after lawyers for Murthy, who the attorneys general say ran a “public campaign to censor individuals who spread ‘misinformation’ about COVID-19,” had stated there was no need for his deposition.


Instead, lawyers said that written materials provided by Murthy in response to discovery requests would serve as an adequate alternative. Doughty, however, ruled that Murthy’s chief of staff, Eric Waldo, can take the deposition as an alternative.


The depositions were scheduled for early December but Doughty noted on Thursday that this has been extended to Jan. 13, 2023.


Easterly, meanwhile, will also no longer be required to do a deposition after the attorneys general claimed she supervises the “nerve center” of federally directed censorship.


While the court found that Easterly has personal knowledge to be deposed, Doughty said on Thursday that plaintiffs can instead depose their suggested alternative, Brian Scully, an official at CISA.


“Scully is the most suitable alternative for Easterly based on both Federal Defendants’ and Plaintiffs’ arguments,” the judge wrote.


Doughty also said that Flaherty will not need to do a deposition and can instead provide written discovery and “interrogatories.”


Schmitt, who recently won his bid for U.S. Senate, and Landry, who recently announced he’s running for governor in 2023, claim that Flaherty “allegedly holds ongoing meetings about censorship and content modulation with representatives of social media companies.”

Anonymous ID: 3aae78 Dec. 10, 2022, 10:22 a.m. No.17919062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9065 >>9068 >>9090 >>9096

GOP Rep. Gimenez: We Need Same Information from Facebook, Google that Musk Has Disclosed on Twitter


On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) said that it’s a good thing that Elon Musk has pulled back the curtain on Twitter’s inner dealings, but we need to know what role government played in trying to suppress speech and argued that we need to get the same level of transparency into the inner workings of Facebook, Google, and other platforms as we’ve gotten with Twitter.


Gimenez stated, “I think, look, we need to investigate it, what role did government have in trying to suppress freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is one of our fundamental rights, and did government actually have an active role in doing that, in censoring people of one political persuasion or another. So, we need to bring them all in. And also, look, it’s really fortuitous that Elon Musk actually bought Twitter and now is opening it up. And we need to do the same thing with Facebook and Google and those other platforms because they have so much power, they wield so much power over the information that we get as Americans and so many people are influenced by what they see.”

Anonymous ID: 3aae78 Dec. 10, 2022, 10:24 a.m. No.17919071   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Twitter Censors Allowed Liberals To Spread Election Conspiracy Theories During 2020, Docs Show


Authorities at Twitter chose not suppress particular references some liberal figures made to 2020 election conspiracy theories, despite marking some conservatives’ tweets with labels, according to internal communications journalist Matt Taibbi revealed Friday.


An Oct. 27, 2020 tweet by former Attorney General Eric Holder received a generic warning label when he stated that the Postal Service was “deliberately crippled” and called for everyone to vote in person due to Supreme Court rulings, but former Twitter Head of Trust and Safety Yoel Roth successfully requested the label’s removal, arguing that “everything in it is factually accurate,” Taibbi showed in a Twitter thread. The tweet was seemingly in reference to a Supreme Court decision issued that day not allowing Wisconsin election authorities to count absentee ballots received six days after Election Day.


Some Democrats spread unproven conspiracy theories that the Trump administration tampered with Postal Service collection boxes to suppress votes, after then-President Donald Trump had appeared to suggest on Aug. 13, 2020 that he would veto a bill providing U.S. Postal Service funding to stop it from supporting mail-in ballot use, before contradicting that idea hours later and continuing to voice skepticism toward universal mail-in voting.


Similarly, Roth stated in a message that he was “Not seeing the violation here?” when media personality Rick Rosner tweeted on Oct. 27, 2020 that then-President Donald Trump and new Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett would “try to #StealOurVotes,” Taibbi revealed from internal documents. Another Twitter executive, Patrick Conlon argued against labelling the tweet, saying he believed it referenced a “Supreme Court decision on processing mail-in ballots that arrive after Election Day.”


The Supreme Court on Oct. 19, 2020 declined to stop Pennsylvania from counting Election Day-postmarked mail-in ballots that would arrive at their destinations during the subsequent three days, with the votes split at 4-4. The Senate had not yet confirmed Barrett when that vote took place, and Barrett immediately faced a motion to recuse herself from voting on a challenge in the post-Election Day ballot delivery case.


However, Twitter staff were quick to attach labels to tweets by conservatives and Republican officials, Taibbi reported.

Anonymous ID: 3aae78 Dec. 10, 2022, 10:25 a.m. No.17919074   🗄️.is 🔗kun



‘Major War’ Between Russia and West Could Break Out over Ukraine, Warns NATO Chief


A full-blown “major war” between Russia and the West could possibly break out over Ukraine, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned on Friday.


Commenting on the state of play ten months since Russia mounted a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said that it is a “fateful time for Europe” and that things could “go horribly wrong” and spill over from a proxy into a direct conflict between Russia and the NATO alliance.


Speaking with Norwegian public broadcaster NRK, Stoltenberg said: “I fear that the war in Ukraine will get out of control, and spread into a major war between NATO and Russia.”


The former Norwegian prime minister said that he is “confident” that such an eventuality could be avoided, noting the build-up of NATO forces in Central Europe.


While Ukraine is not a member of the alliance and therefore not guaranteed protection, Stoltenberg continued: “[Vladimir Putin] knows it’s one for all, and all for one. NATO’s most important task is to prevent full-scale war in Europe, and that is something we work on every single day.”


On possible negotiations for peace, Stoltenberg said: “At some point, conversations are useless. Putin had decided to use force and power. What helps is supporting Ukraine militarily. It is only a strong Ukraine that leads to peace.”


To date, the conflict has remained at a proxy war level between the West and Russia. with the European Union, United Kingdom, and the United States providing billions to Ukraine in the form of weapons, military equipment, vehicles, and money.


The Americans and British have also both undertaken the training of Ukrainian soldiers to educate them on how to use the advanced weaponry being supplied to Kyiv (Kiev).


Washington has also recently admitted that it has deployed military personnel into Ukraine itself, raising the possibility of American and Russian forces coming into contact with each other.

Anonymous ID: 3aae78 Dec. 10, 2022, 10:33 a.m. No.17919099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9214 >>9279

John Kerry Blames Recent COVID Bout For Failed Climate Change Talks With China


President Joe Biden’s climate czar John Kerry is having a tough time wrangling his Chinese counterparts to come to the table on climate change hysteria.


On Thursday, Kerry — a known jet setter and Biden’s “dear friend” — blamed his recent inability to have any concrete conversation with the communist country on a recent bout of COVID.


Kerry told The Washington Post’s Sally Buzbee that it would be “great” if U.S. taxpayers could help foot the bill as a major “contributor” to climate change reparations for Third World countries. He also said that we need to “demand” nations such as China start negotiations.


When Buzbee asked whether or not China would oblige, Kerry tossed that dream up on a wing and a prayer.


“I would hope,” the typically dour-faced failed presidential candidate responded. “I would hope.”


Buzbee simply responded, “Okay.”


Perhaps Kerry realized that hope isn’t a strategy and instead offered up an excuse.


“I mean that’s — we will, you know, we’re — we picked up the conversation with China in Sharm,” Kerry said about a recent diplomatic mission to the COP27 meeting in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, in November.


Yet those communications were foiled by the Chinese Virus — as it is known outside the Beltway.


“Unfortunately, you know, I got COVID in the last few days, and we had to — we couldn’t quite finish those conversations,” he explained.


“Right,” Buzbee said.


“But we will continue,” he claimed.

Anonymous ID: 3aae78 Dec. 10, 2022, 10:34 a.m. No.17919103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9214 >>9279

Here Are The News Outlets That Spread Twitter Execs’ Lies About Not Shadow-Banning Conservatives


Legacy media outlets have been insisting for years that Twitter has not been covertly suppressing conservative accounts. After the release of the second iteration of the Twitter Files, the world learned that those outlets had been thoroughly duped, even as they sneered at conservatives for bemoaning the evident censorship.


Journalist Bari Weiss shared on Thursday evening that the social media company built blacklists, prevented disfavored tweets from trending on the platform, and actively limited the visibility of entire accounts and even trending topics without telling users. Former company bosses such as founder Jack Dorsey, chief executive Parag Agrawal, and head of legal Vijaya Gadde collaborated to censor multiple popular conservative accounts. The latter two executives were dismissed after Elon Musk took over the company several weeks ago.


For years, however, Twitter executives had insisted that no such censorship had taken place. “People are asking us if we shadow ban. We do not,” a blog post from 2018 co-authored by Gadde herself claimed. Dorsey answered with a simple “No” when asked by commentator Dave Rubin in 2020 whether the company shadow bans “based on political beliefs.”


The only entities which spread the outright lie more fervently than Twitter itself were legacy media outlets.


The New York Times claimed in a 2018 article that the controversy over shadow banning was based on semantics, insisting that the practice only refers to algorithmically shutting down traffic due to the content on a given page. “Is Twitter shadow banning Republicans? No, it is not,” correspondent Liam Stack declared in reaction to an article from Vice News which found that the platform limited search results when users looked for prominent conservatives on the platform. The Gray Lady then amplified a statement from Twitter provided to Vice — “As we have said before, we do not ‘shadowban’” — and mocked Republicans such as RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) for feeling “vindicated” by the report.


The agent of the suppression was not an impersonal algorithm, but zealously censorious executives. Weiss found that some accounts, such as the one belonging to talk show host Dan Bongino, were slapped with a “search blacklist.” Twitter likewise placed a “do not amplify” directive on the account of conservative activist and Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk. Weiss determined that Twitter executives had also been playing semantic games, preferring the term “visibility filtering” to the more widespread term “shadow ban.”


Meanwhile, a similar article from ABC News said that “President Donald Trump seized upon the claim and contended that such a move constitutes illegal discrimination, even as the company and digital experts defended the platform and pointed to faults and misunderstandings in the story.” A third piece from Intelligencer — simply entitled “Twitter Is Not ‘Shadow Banning’ Republicans” — argued that the notion of the shadow ban “has persisted among the conspiracy-minded, as a great weapon of censorship, generally thought to be perpetrated by liberal Silicon Valley operatives at the expense of conservatives.”


Another article from The Verge contributing editor Casey Newton explicitly advised Twitter to “ignore the phony outrage” over shadow banning. “A consequence of covering the intersection of social media and democracy is that sometimes you wind up having to discuss things that are very dumb,” he wrote. “And yet how Twitter reacts to the attendant criticism could determine whether the company ever gets a handle on the abuse its platform is so well known for.”


An analysis from CNN Business published in 2019 whined that Twitter had even increased the reach of “extreme political rhetoric” from conservative accounts, including Kirk, one of the influencers who was manually targeted by the platform’s executives, as revealed by Weiss.


“There is some irony to the amplification of these right-wing voices,” CNN senior media reporter Oliver Darcy wrote. “Trump and other prominent Republicans have long accused Twitter of ‘shadow banning’ users with conservative viewpoints, an accusation Twitter has strongly denied. In reality, not only is Twitter not ‘shadow banning’ these right-wing personalities for their political viewpoints, the platform’s algorithm is actually amplifying some of their tweets to audiences who do not even follow their accounts.”

Anonymous ID: 3aae78 Dec. 10, 2022, 10:35 a.m. No.17919105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9110 >>9214 >>9279

Soros Donated $50 Million To Democratic Super PAC After 2022 Midterms


Billionaire George Soros, who has funded supportive campaigns for leftist candidates for years, including leftist DAs across the United States, donated $50 million this fall to an American leftist PAC shortly after the 2022 elections.


Soros donated the funds to Democracy PAC, whose president is his son Alexander, a source who examined the PAC’s new Federal Elections Commission filing reported to POLITICO. That was in addition to the $125 million he gave the group last January.


Using his affiliated super PACs or simply giving a direct donation, in 2022, Soros donated $14 million to Senate Majority PAC, which works to elect Senate Democrats; $5 million to House Majority PAC, the chief House Democratic super PAC, $4 million to Georgia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, $1.5 million to the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, and $1 million each to Planned Parenthood, the Working Families Party, and J Street.


Soros has invested tens of millions of dollars into getting progressive district attorneys elected in 75 cities across the United States, analysts with the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund (LELDF) reported.


Soros, a progressive billionaire and founder of the Open Society Foundations, has invested about $40 million over the past decade to elect dozens of progressive prosecutors, including many in the most populated U.S. cities. Soros-backed prosecutors represent one-fifth of all Americans, and they hold office in half of the top 50 most populated U.S. cities and counties.


“Soros is using that campaign money and the hundreds of millions more for supporting organizations to quietly transform the criminal justice system for the worse, promoting dangerous policies and anti-police narratives to advance his radical agenda,” LELDF President Jason Johnson told The Washington Examiner, the first to publish the analysis.


“Over the past decade, George Soros has spent $40 million to elect 75 of his chosen prosecutors. In campaigns from Houston and Los Angeles to Philadelphia and Orlando, Soros was the campaign’s biggest spender by far — as much as 90% of the dollars spent in some races. Soros isn’t done yet — he’s already spent another million so far this year on his hand-picked district attorneys,” Johnson said.

Anonymous ID: 3aae78 Dec. 10, 2022, 10:37 a.m. No.17919113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9116 >>9127 >>9154 >>9214 >>9279

Elton John Quits Twitter, Cites ‘Misinformation.’ Elon Musk Asks Him One Question.


Pop star Elton John announced that he was leaving Twitter, claiming that “misinformation” was going to “flourish unchecked” on the site thanks to new company policies.


“All my life I’ve tried to use music to bring people together,” John tweeted on Friday. “Yet it saddens me to see how misinformation is now being used to divide our world. I’ve decided to no longer use Twitter, given their recent change in policy which will allow misinformation to flourish unchecked.”


When a Twitter user pointed out that it was possible someone else with a leftist perspective actually wrote the verbiage in John’s tweet, Musk noted that celebrities often don’t write the posts under their name.


“It’s true that most celebrities don’t write their own posts. More should. Way better to hear directly from them,” he replied.

Anonymous ID: 3aae78 Dec. 10, 2022, 10:41 a.m. No.17919126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9133 >>9145 >>9214 >>9279

Ari Emanuel: Blacks Must Reject The Politics of Division and Unite With Jews Against Whites


Hollywood bigwig Ari Emanuel, who together with the Anti-Defamation League led the charge to cancel Kanye "Ye" West, wrote a column on Friday calling on Blacks to reject "the virus of antisemitism and hate and division" and instead unite with Jews against Whites.


From The Chicago Tribune:


Ari Emanuel: The Kanye West show must not distract us from the corrosive virus taking root


By Ari Emanuel | Dec 09, 2022 at 5:00 am


Kanye West is not the big problem. Of course, praising Hitler is vile. And it’s easy to condemn – and get distracted. And what the cartoonish Kanye clown show distracts us from is what’s going on under the big top — how the virus of antisemitism and hate and division is spreading and attacking the foundations of our culture.


In the last year, we’ve seen how antisemitic conspiracies from the far right about Jewish control of politics, finance and Hollywood have become mainstreamed. Dave Chappelle’s “Saturday Night Live” monologue was funny, but the problem with dancing on the line of antisemitic tropes is that he was doing it for an audience that no longer has a shared understanding of how dangerous they are. No doubt many thought it was funny. No doubt that it gave others permission to repeat their own versions of the tropes going forward. Every time someone like Kanye goes too far, the antisemitic Overton window gets shifted. And bit by bit, the line of what’s acceptable to say moves.


It was not until Kanye praised Hitler that the official Twitter account from the Republican House Judiciary Committee took down the tweet reading, simply: “Kanye. Elon. Trump.” The tweet had been up since Oct. 6. […]


For today. It’s up to all of us to stop regarding silence as an acceptable option — not just for cartoonish praising of Hitler, but for more insidious, wink-wink, dog-whistle forms of hate directed at any group. At his postgame news conference on Nov. 30, LeBron James spoke out about the double-standard on being asked to speak out. He asked reporters why he’d been repeatedly pressed about the controversy over Kyrie Irving (about which, in fact, LeBron did speak out), but hadn’t been asked a single question about the 1957 photo, published last month in The Washington Post, showing Jerry Jones in a group of teens confronting Black students at a high school in Little Rock, Arkansas.


James is absolutely right. We should all speak out — about the hateful racism that’s unfolding in the photo, about Kyrie, about West, about Trump, and about the normalization of white supremacy, antisemitism and racism.


Translation: "Jews and Blacks should get together and get whitey."

Anonymous ID: 3aae78 Dec. 10, 2022, 10:46 a.m. No.17919138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9214 >>9279

Facebook scraps policy that allowed users to seek human smuggling services


Social media company says it is seeking to “disrupt and prevent harm."

Social media company Facebook this week said it was scrapping a controversial policy that allowed users to seek out and request human smuggling services.


The company said in a policy memo that it was “remov[ing] content that facilitates or coordinates the exploitation of humans, including human trafficking,” a decision that comes nearly a year after the company’s permittance of such services first came to light.


The Washington Free Beacon first reported on Facebook’s allowance of human smuggling services in February of this year. The company at the time said it was permitting such requests in order to help individuals "to seek safety or exercise their human rights."


The platform at the time said it would also permit "sharing information related to illegal border crossing."


Facebook in its revised policy said it would still permit “content asking for or sharing information about personal safety and border crossing, seeking asylum or how to leave a country.”

Anonymous ID: 3aae78 Dec. 10, 2022, 10:47 a.m. No.17919143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9156 >>9161 >>9167

Donald Trump says Jewish leaders ‘lack loyalty, should be ashamed’


Trump has now repeatedly lambasted Jewish leaders for being unloyal, stressing his achievements for Israel during his presidency.


Former President Donald Trump said Jewish leaders “lack loyalty” and “should be ashamed of themselves,” his latest broadside against the American Jewish community, this time because of criticism of his dinner with two prominent antisemitic figures.

Trump calling out Jewish leaders


“How quickly Jewish leaders forgot that I was the best, by far, president for Israel,” Trump said Friday on his social media platform Truth Social before making it an official statement under his campaign for the 2024 presidency. “They should be ashamed of themselves. This lack of loyalty to their greatest friends and allies is why large numbers in Congress, and so many others, have stopped giving support to Israel.”


Although this is not the first time Trump has accused American Jews of being disloyal, he has said they were not loyal enough to Israel, not other “greatest friends.” Calling out “Jewish leaders” instead of Jewish Democratic voters also is a new point of rhetoric.


In 2019, Trump said that any Jew who votes for a Democrat shows “a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.”

The Trump-Ye-Fuentes dinner


The statement comes less than three weeks after a dinner Trump held with Nick Fuentes, who questions the Holocaust and is labeled a white supremacist by the Anti-Defamation League, and Kanye West, the rapper who now goes by Ye and who has for months peddled a persistent stream of antisemitic invective.


Mainstream Jewish groups have lambasted Trump, but so have Republicans, including a number of Jewish ones who were close to him and have defended him in the past.


Trump’s post was attached to an op-ed by Wayne Allyn Root, an Evangelical Christian who was born Jewish and who defended Trump in 2019, the first time the former president said Jews were disloyal.


In the op-ed, which appeared on various right-wing platforms, Root emphasizes his Jewish roots, as he has in the past: “Let me start with a disclaimer: I’m a Jew.” Root repeats arguments Trump has advanced in his defense of the West-Fuentes meeting: that the former president is more supportive of Israel than Democrats are, that West is an old friend who was in trouble and that he did not know who Fuentes was.

Anonymous ID: 3aae78 Dec. 10, 2022, 10:50 a.m. No.17919149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9214 >>9279

A win in supreme court for B.C. father who was jailed after speaking out against his child's medical transition without his consent


On December 7th, the B.C. father who was sentenced to 6 months in prison for breaching publication bans in order to inform the public about his child’s medical transitioning without his consent had a win in court.


The father, whom we are legally obligated to refer to only as C.D. and who has suffered tremendously during his fight for parental rights and free speech, surrendered himself to Vancouver Supreme courthouse sheriffs bright and early Wednesday morning. As explained in a recent report, C.D. who was originally granted bail after serving 2 months of his 6-month sentence, was granted 2 bail extensions while awaiting his appeal to his conviction.


Due to no fault of C.D.’s his original hearing date for his appeal was delayed from the summer of 2022 to early February 2023, which meant his bail would lapse before his appeal. While it would seem obvious that the fairest use of the court's time would then be to simply extend C.D.’s bail until his new appeal date, the Crown had something else in mind.


Waiting until 24 hours before C.D.’s first bail term would lapse lawyers. The Crown lawyer slapped a then self-represented C.D. and the courts with a 64-page document seeking stricter bail conditions and more jail time if C.D. could not abide. Despite C.D. taking significant persuasions to not breach his terms while on bail which includes not publicly releasing certain information about his child or himself, the Crown used an interview C.D. had done with an American outlet which had published his full name in the story a year ago and has yet to take it down as an example of why the Crown believes C.D. is still a risk to his child A.B.’s privacy.


A first bail extension was then granted to allow C.D. enough time to be appointed Ms. Samira Hiscock as his new counsel at no cost to him so she could defend him on this matter. A second extension which lapsed on the 7th was given to allow Hiscock to have enough time to familiarize herself with the case which is smothered in publication bans before arguing why he should remain on bail without the stricter conditions being sought by the Crown, which included a $10,000 bail post C.D. says he wouldn’t be able to afford to pay.


While C.D. waited to hear his fate while being detained in the courthouse, the justice ruled that C.D. not return to jail for now and granted him bail until his appeal. Although, all wasn’t completely won. The Justice did side with the Crown on the need for stricter bail conditions while on bail and ordered C.D. to check in with a probation officer monthly which he previously did not have to do. The Justice also ordered a $10,000 promise to pay a bond, which means C.D. would not have to use any of what’s left of his funding page donations towards the bail unless he is found to be in breach of his conditions before his February appeal.


Click to watch the full report on what was said about C.D. from the Crown and an interview with the Canadian Voters Association’s Kari Smith who weighs in on the day's court events. Simpson attended the court hearing due to her organization's vested interest in parental rights. Simpson was also present in the courtroom in 2019 when the court compelled the concerned father to refer to his child by the child’s preferred pronouns. The order which aimed to prevent C.D. from misgendering his child was eventually tossed in early 2020 after a judge ruled that misgendering someone is not a form of violence.


Despite what C.D. has been through being underrepresented and of great public interest, not a single legacy media outlet has kept the public informed about this father's ongoing plight. If you appreciate that Rebel News has done so, please consider making a donation here to support our independent journalism.

Anonymous ID: 3aae78 Dec. 10, 2022, 10:54 a.m. No.17919163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9214 >>9279

Canadian quarantine cops fined close to 5,000 children for violating Trudeau's COVID rules


Some 58,760 minors were issued warnings under the Quarantine Act.


The fine amounts ranged from $100 for a child breaching a quarantine order to $275 for those who gave false or misleading information. A $500 fine was handed to those for "failure to comply with a reasonable measure."


Those who breached a quarantine order were fined $750, and those who entered the county illegally were fined $1,000.


Some Canadian provinces such as Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec, and those in Atlantic Canada refused to enforce the Contraventions Act, meaning there were no fines given in those provinces. As a result, those who were fined lived only in British Columbia, Manitoba, and Ontario.

Anonymous ID: 3aae78 Dec. 10, 2022, 10:56 a.m. No.17919171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9214 >>9260 >>9271 >>9279

Toxicology expert warns mRNA COVID jabs could ‘sterilize an entire generation’


In a Wednesday roundtable discussion hosted by US Sen. Ron Johnson, Dr. Janci Lindsay said ‘there is no way that we can say at this point that [the shots] are safe nor effective.’


A toxicology expert with over 30 years of scientific experience issued a stark warning Wednesday about the potential reproductive harm she believes could be caused by the mRNA COVID jabs. She said more research is needed to determine the shots’ effects on reproduction.


In a Wednesday roundtable discussion hosted by U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Dr. Janci Lindsay warned that the COVID-19 jabs could “potentially sterilize an entire generation” or else “be passed on to next generations as inadvertent gene transfer.”


Accordingly, Lindsay argued that it is “absolutely irresponsible to continue any of these shots” for children and people of child-bearing age “without investigating this,” explaining “there is no way that we can say at this point that they are safe nor effective.”


She ended her short address by calling for an investigation into the jabs’ potential danger to human reproduction.


Dr. Janci Lindsay holds a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, and serves as the Director of Toxicology and Molecular Biology for consulting firm Toxicology Support Services, LLC. in Sealy, Texas.


According to her company’s website, Lindsay boasts “extensive experience in analyzing the molecular profile of pharmacologic responses as they pertain to the dose/response relationship.” The medical professional has also conducted risk assessments and evaluated “the toxicological profile of a variety of consumer and industrial products,” according to her profile.


At the Wednesday discussion, where she was joined by the likes of Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone, Lindsay said that the Pfizer and Moderna COVID shots don’t just stay in the arm at the injection site, but rather spread throughout the body.


“We were told initially that it would just stay in the arm, but it does not. It ends up being distributed throughout the entire body for both Moderna and Pfizer,” she said, adding the “caveat” that Moderna’s jab contents haven’t been found in the kidneys.


“Now, what are those tissues? The brain, the spleen, the endocrine glands, the bone marrow, the blood preferentially, the ovaries and the testes,” she continued. “Now, what happens when gene therapies get to the ovaries and the testes? Well, we just don’t know because unfortunately it hasn’t been adequately studied.”


According to Lindsay, the jabs have the “potential to cause immense reproductive harm and potentially sterilize an entire generation.”