Anonymous ID: 3b1396 Dec. 10, 2022, 8:57 a.m. No.17918787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8853

Race, religion, DNA, pick any 'concept', the division 'seen' in DNA is as non-divided AT SOURCE OF IT ALL as are any other word in the infinite set of self.ITERATE:

N(concurrent thread unified with all humanity) = consciousnesses.

consciousnesses = 1


When signal to noise ratio increases, humanity 'naturally' comes together in unity. When the noise to signal ratio increases, humanity by 'induced' 'praxis' narrative.type 'description' 'empirical' / 'historical' becomes 'divided' as the INFORMATION invoked into the world by ALSO CONSCIOUSNESSES, self.consciousness can 'know' sources(within, without), where the REAL information references to signal are CLOSER TO the signals themselves with as little NOISE as possible between the totality of interfacing consciousnesses each knowing its FULL REALITY is not and can never be 'proved' as consistent by 'power' struggle conceptualization (projection) NOISE NOISE NOISE of what 'should' be by praxis be knowingly introduced as a deliberate attempt to 'change reality' of consciousness itself, to have any human source outputting that it knows the complete description of all other consciousnesses in any way SPOKEN as being consistent, is and can be 'known' as a mathematical impossibility, for it requires any and all consistent consciousnesses to invoke their own self incompleteness and thus forever not able to prove its own consistency as a 'consciousness declaring final WORD on all consciousnesses worldwide' dividing the self from all other consciousnesses as having occurred first and thus revealing self.inconsistency.

Anonymous ID: 3b1396 Dec. 10, 2022, 9:15 a.m. No.17918853   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon need not speak the 'totality' of the necessary existence of a one source of it all 'logos' in self perception as a self same behavior of declaring self.incompleteness as not a creating pattern, but a created one in consistent interfacing with the public mind of all consciousnesses one incomplete system KNOWS IS TRUE FOR ALL and any complexity of 'organic' form of CONSCIOUSNESSES, for in order for Anon to see God in a LIVING BODY DIVIDING ITSELF FROM ANON, Anon would be self.invoking a belief that it may 'arise' in the body and mind and reality of this self.consciousness, for even declaring 'dna' is ALSO a reference to a finite AKA INCOMPLETE set of unique prime numbers to 'completely' encode every bit of data into pure integers, each finite set of 'this world' could 'prove' anything to itself as true the more their own inconsistencies become 'trusted' by receiving consciousnesses.


Noise in between source (each of us) and each of us receiving what is 'about in reference' to ourselves as 'seen' in the information set as a whole, has 'artificial', pattern of complexity has to be no greater than incomplete if declaring self consistency in any 'final says in the determination of all life and all consciousnesses trusting the dialectic of division code invoked to create 'praxis' movies to 'occupy' the 'minds' of human beings worldwide in order to weaken and reduce the number of 'other' consciousnesses on Earth, the geo location [Ger] philosophers would called 'fetters' as it is based on a belief that the 'true underlying it all history' on Earth is a 'punishment' in a 'hell' of 'endless deaths'.

Ending that 'endlessness'

Ending the endless.


Anon cannot be consistently believing as 'from another source' divided invoked induced 'description' as 'proved true' by reference to other 'linked' sources without engagement first.