Anonymous ID: b3ab61 Dec. 10, 2022, 9:35 a.m. No.17918919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8971 >>9035

So, has Kate Buckley come out and publicly put answers to some of these questions about the IDF house sharing while working for Playboy, or posting a tweet with just the word Devolution in 2012?


I went looking and found IET's substack asking for the same.


I had no idea what We The Media was or the drama going on until the expose' video dropped:


This got me wondering and digging on my own and frankly I had to stop bc I was getting disgusted. I'm not a social media type, just an everyday QR anon from Pizzagate to this.


Digging on the address owned by the IDF/Black Box/MK watchdog guy lists a lot of renters including Megan Brenner (Kate Buckley). Some of the renters come back to high ranking US military officers, and others come back to LA area certified hypnotherapists. Hills CA/TOPANGA CANYON PL/4796


I found the hypnotherapy nexus very interesting since Kate is a certified hypnotherapist.


At some point, this all very concerning.


A dig on Jordan Buckley (her husband) a founding member and songwriter for Every Time I Die a satanic metal band takes this into even darker and darker places.


Has anyone seen any answers to these troubling questions? Because it just keeps looking worse and worse to those of us who've been doing this for a long time.


Sorry for the long post, but this just keeps nagging at me and I take that as the universe wanting it exposed or resolved.


I thought Patel Patriot (Jon Herold) was legit, but if he and Kate are partnering up after trying to buy out IET. It makes me wonder. Also, anyone that just magically appears on the scene and has all the answers sounds too much like the DARPA backstories of every other magical thing. Lone genius / small team find the key and overtake all others in the space. F that, come up the hard way. He says he hasn't even read the Q posts, so ?


So, yeah has any of this gotten splained?

Anonymous ID: b3ab61 Dec. 10, 2022, 10:05 a.m. No.17919009   🗄️.is 🔗kun


All I remember about Devo was they used to wear flower pots on their heads and I had a good friend that liked their music. I thought it was techno gimmicky crap.


If it was an intel op, it wouldn't surprise me one bit.


This other WTM Badlands Media Kate/Jon thing is looking sketch AF to this old digger. I asked just some superficial questions, but I now have many, many more that would peer deep into the operation.


I've been a professional investigator in the past and now do it for free. I knew that if I went much deeper in this, that it would trip certain wires and the connections to those wires were very dangerous. Better to have many eyes looking into it, than one or two easily and covertly silenced ones.


I said I stopped bc it was disturbing. It was, but using investigative power tools to build dossiers on foreign national security threats (IDF/MOS/Playboy/Epstein/MK/Blackmail Ops) is fools errand to do alone.

Anonymous ID: b3ab61 Dec. 10, 2022, 10:29 a.m. No.17919082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9166 >>9188


>I'm new to what you're talking about but is there a mossad link by any chance?


That's a link found by inference, like your example with SNL. The expose' video makes the connection with three IDF special forces veterans with top secret Israeli clearances working with high profile media celebrities and Playboy's long suspected CIA/MOS honeypotting.


So, imho if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, smells like a duck, quacks like a duck…then it's probably a duck.

Anonymous ID: b3ab61 Dec. 10, 2022, 10:55 a.m. No.17919166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9210



I'll add this to further round-out the IDF SF with Israeli TS clearances: No one is getting or keeping an ISR TS clearance without extensive vetting and adjudication by the Shin Bet (ISR KGB). Period.


Shin Bet require an absolute commitment to Zionism. Zionism is total world domination by the J-state and all others are subhuman slaves to that authority.


So, abusing, blackmailing, exploiting the subhumans is nothing worse to them than us exploiting domesticated livestock. Sadly, this is an undeniable truth.


Sacrificial blood offerings (killings and mass killings) are not human sacrifices to the Zionists. It is slaughtering livestock. So twisted is the Talmudic doctrines. Doctrines of twisted men replacing the wisdom of God.


Ask oneself Why did Hefner get Linda Lovelace so drugged up and force her to have sex with a Gernan Shepherd? Was it for blackmail? Would they do this to other girls?


Why are the hypnotherapists seeking customers who want help with drug addiction?


Do the young women entering the Playboy machine have high hopes, but weak morals? Would evil exploit these?


If young women were plied with alcohol and drugs and placed into extremely embarrassing circumstances, would that make them leverageable to do other things to keep that from being released?


Have this tactic been employed before? For decades?

Anonymous ID: b3ab61 Dec. 10, 2022, 11:17 a.m. No.17919261   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I pray they choose the first. Delay looks like the other two.


Better to suffer our sins in this world, where things are pale and finite, than in the one beyond, where everything is much more powerful and enduring. This all a great lesson and we're in the final exams.


Pray for the lost. Hope remains.