Anonymous ID: 53661f Dec. 10, 2022, 2:37 p.m. No.17920137   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>17919746 (pb)

>>17919742 (pb)

>Who’s going to arrest the FBI, not the DOJ its a real coup


Exactly, so Bannon, Gen Flynn, et al, can just SHUT IT with 'muh need to get involved at the LOCAL level'….run for the school board or town animal control officer, etc., and 'make sure to vote'….and 'muh study the Kari Laki complaint' jive….




The U.S. Military STILL controls the essential functions of our Government under the CIG contingency of DEVOLUTION which occurred before January 20, 2021, made necessary by the concerted Treason of all Three Branches of Government in the coup d'etat to remove President Trump from power.


Regardless of whether 95% of the American People finally awaken to this reality, our Country will STILL be run by the most ruthless Administrative and Police State in history.


This Police State has and will continue to reach, compromise and force any and all politicians, judges, CEOs, etc., to DO ITS WILL by the very real threat of extreme abuse, violence and death to all family members.


In the event that there is no family or loved ones to leverage, the Police State will just remotely hack the target's vehicle, or that of an on-coming third-party vehicle and easily bring about a fiery death, all care of the assets set out in Wikileaks Vault 7 drop.


The gruesome deaths and untimely deaths of journalist Michael Hastings (about to expose the treason of John Brennan), Representative Jackie Walorski (about to expose U.S. government child trafficking), actress Anne Heche (about to release her movie about sexual kidnapping and trafficking, and actor Isaac Kappy (about to expose the Hollywood pedophilia cult),


were all public executions


by the Police State carried out as an example to OTHER would be whistleblowers and/or public officials who dare to disobey.


In view of all the above and so much more, anons and every other thinking person in our Republic know that the only way is the Military. No John Durham, no election fraud lawsuit in Arizona and certainly NO ELECTION IN 2024 is going able to dislodge this greatest threat our Republic has ever faced.


With every passing day, moar and moar innocents suffer and die. Including our Children. Q and the White Hats promised us that we and our Republic would be protected. We are seeing just the opposite.

Anonymous ID: 53661f Dec. 10, 2022, 2:45 p.m. No.17920181   🗄️.is 🔗kun


…"queer youth culture"?


There was no such thing until the Dems lost their collective minds and started acting out like caged chimps throwing feces at each other and everyone else…. after SHE LOST.


They never thought she would lose.