Anonymous ID: ea011d Dec. 10, 2022, 6:24 p.m. No.17921319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1427

Shower musings Item 1

10,000 ft view: Expose the corruption of individuals. Think Comey, Strozk, Fauci, etc. Leads to/prepares for…

20,000 ft view: Corruption at institutional level. It is quite common now to see reference to the FBI as a corrupt institution, a taint which is beginning to metastasize into the DOJ. Similarly from the NIAID into the larger health bureaucracy. →

30,000 ft view: Corruption at systemic level. This is where the populace sees the system of large centralized bureaucracy as corrupt. We are beginning to see the first hints of this as in for example (picrel):

40,000 ft view: The underlying structure itself is seen as irredeemable. This is where in my opinion the true danger lies. In order for the cabal to succeed they need the American public to conclude that the structure of constitutional federalism is flawed. Hence the work to indoctrinate the youth into socialism. The counter to which in my view is to point out the checks which were/are in place to prevent the failures and how these checks were removed, circumvented, and/or ignored.


This progression is not uniform. One of the earliest incidents in my view was the Louis Lerner fiasco at the IRS, it has always botheer me how that came to light. Given the low opinion held by most citizens of the IRS this was low hanging fruit but it got the ball rolling. The FBI was probably the highest profile instance, and currently the furthest along beginning to move from 2->3. Followed closely by the health system. The exposure of the education system is still essentially at level 1 with the first hints of moving to level 2.


Nor is it limited to the federal level, there has been a recent spike in activity at the county/city non-education level.


Level 3 will be the result of multiple branches reaching level 2 and coalescing.


If my hypothesis is correct this was the plan by the cabal and Q et al hijacked it. They could not stop it as the corruption was already endemic but they are attempting to control the exposure in a way which prevents the cabal from benefiting from it and is instead exposed by it. Again this leads me to the conclusion that the transition from 3->4 must not be allowed and thus presents the point of maximum risk.


Currently the cabal is still attempting to limit the exposure as it damages their power base, the bureaucracy, see push back to twitter disclosures by MSM. At some point though they will attempt to implement their end game and push for level 4.

Anonymous ID: ea011d Dec. 10, 2022, 6:34 p.m. No.17921374   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Shower musings item 2

Q#4966 may be a staged warning.

Assumption: The cabal has some plan which involves DNA.

Hypothesis: Q is warning the cabal that their plan is known and prepared for. If they then abandon it they are forced to regroup or use an alternate path to reach their goal. If they continue to pursue it then Q#4966 becomes a warning to the people not to accept the cabal's plan no matter what rational is given for it.

Anonymous ID: ea011d Dec. 10, 2022, 6:45 p.m. No.17921435   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Shower musings item 3

Hypothesis: Trump was never supposed to win in 2020. The point of electing Trump in 2016 was two fold. First it allowed access to information which could not be obtained otherwise. Second it allowed trusted sleepers to be put in place in the bureaucracy to carry out some task at a future date. It is likely that these sleepers do not know ahead of time what their task will be, nor when they will be activated. It is also likely there is considerable redundancy involved.

The cabal was then allowed to remove Trump in the 2020 election. This serves both to isolate, and hence protect, Trump from the disclosures that followed, and allows him to use the megaphone of his rallies to amplify those disclosures. It also begins the process of exposing their manipulation of the elections.

Under this scenario it is possible that Trump will not return to office. Serving a more valuable role outside the system.

Anonymous ID: ea011d Dec. 10, 2022, 6:59 p.m. No.17921497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1539


Incorrect. The objective is the support of the bulk of the populace, the normies if you will. A few crackpots on an obscure message board will not block the ultimate shift to totalitarian rule and depopulation.

Unless that is they can stir up the herd and convince them not to play along. By accelerating the exposure and calling attention to said obscure message board Q seeks to disrupt and ultimately block the cabal's plan.

Anonymous ID: ea011d Dec. 10, 2022, 7:12 p.m. No.17921573   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>>However I think Branco's intent was that he thought he was being accurate - "big government is the problem"

see >>17921535


I have to fundamentally disagree with your central planning claim.

Central planning has failed far more frequently than it can be shown to have worked, outside of a few limited arenas like the military. And even there one of the strengths of the American military was the delegation of authority downward. "Captain this is your objective, go get it done."