ThanQ for ur service.
Control freak faggits.
All you need is faith without any doubt woven into it. My friend healed stage 4 stomach cancer that way and she experienced spontaneous healing. The doctors told her all the damage had been reversed and there was no evidence in her body that she ever even had it. They lied to us about everything and humans try to limit God because they don't know HOW God will answer and so they lack faith. God answers the prayers, not man.
Sorry, it's just that I'm so fkn sick of these pos lyin ass mother fuckers. Gawd I hate fkn liars. I'm so sick of them. Look at this fkn loser:
If u have virgin coconut oil u can oil pull for 20 minutes n spit it out in trash (not down sink.) Keep doing it throughout the day. Just fill mouth with virgin coconut oil and swish for 20 but no longer than 20 bc body begins to reabsorb what the oil just pulled out.
These people need off this planet stat.
How do we stop this shit?
He's such a pathetic capitulating attention whore.
They raise some of them to please the adult men.
The coconut oil pulling is the bomb. I do pot too tho. Look up cocnut oil pulling for toothache. I never tried indica poultice but oil pulling with coconut oil is how I found out how powerful cocnut oil is and why they say I have 99 prolems and cocnut oil took care of most of them.
You prolly had enough to drink for tonight.
AI-designed protein can awaken silenced genes one-by-one
No. I wasn't waiting for anyone to say anything, really. I was talking to myself kinda. My bad. But yes, that is what I was thinking too, fubar. Whew. It's going to take some type of revival or something, I never imagined it would get this fuct up.
See >>17922505
That does sound not comfy. Well, if u have a desire in your heart for that pain to go away and you stand in faith that if God put it in your heart to want it, it means God can answer that prayer for you, otherwise He would put a different desire that He can answer but NOTHING is impossible to God. So if u really want it, and you believe God will answer it, the "how" doesn't even have to make sense. My friend's doctors told her she didn't have long to live and was too weak for operation and would die on the table. She experienced spontaneous healing of stage 4 stomach cancer and 10 years later is cancer free and fine. God reversed all the damage it created. She took a quantum leap of faith and had absolutely zero doubt it would happen and so it did. And while your tooth could heal also, even if all the doctors in the world said it can't but your heart wants it, if u maintain the faith even while you don't see anything happening and you are in pain, the the HOW will show itself to you. You will either learn of some type of treatment that you are able to afford or it will just go away or someone will lead you to something and it will be a solution. You can't doubt it, tho, no matter how impossible it seems and when God answers, it will be so simple.