jpg does text better than png
learn how to adult
1) use adblocker
Know how we know you're a shill? you refuse to use FREE adblocker
2) ignore it
know how we know you're a shill? you refuse to ignore it
you could solve the problem for yourself by yourself, but you refuse to, so that you can continue to bitch about it.
This newfags, is how you spot them.
that guy is so deep in kiddie diddling
>thinking about things in a formal language might be what is holding us back
this is why memes are so effective and why the cia has a memetics division. memes are INSTANTLY understood
drill sergeanting 101
yes yes they do
newfags, watch the dissection of an SJW shill. Practice this on other websites.
>So ya saying your FREEDOM TO VIEW SMUT is greater than my FREEDOM TO NOT VIEW SMUT?
Putting words in your mouth. The two are not mutually exclusive. Makes a foundation of the argument that you exercising your rights, somehow infringes on her 'rights' which is not a right. There is no 'freedom not to view porn' in the Bill of Rights or in the International Human Rights Treaty.
>Why? Is this a PORN SITE? (Cuz if it IS, I WOULDN'T BE HERE)
hyperbole and projection, over dramatization
>Seems to me, MY EXPECTATION TO BE FREE FROM PORN when on this site, makes more sense then YOUR FREEDOM TO VIEW/POST IT – since both cannot be right.
Answering for you and interpreting you negatively according to her own definitions. Making a false correlation between the guaranteed freedom of speech and her imagined 'right' to not hear/or see certain types of speech. Only one is in the Bill of Rights
>And the filtering argument doesn't CUT IT SINCE I'D HAVE TO VIEW IT FIRST TO FILTER IT….which kind of VIOLATES MY RIGHT NOT TO VIEW IT….
Excuses why she 'cant' be responsible for her own viewing. Making You responsible for what she looks at. pretends there is a right not to see certain things.
Caps, drama, rage, offense culture, victim culture, lack of self-responsibility. wanting YOu to change to accommodate HER