Anonymous ID: f7489e Dec. 11, 2022, 2:54 p.m. No.17925227   🗄️.is 🔗kun

My "main" twitter account is still suspended, so over the last week I've been checking in on "twitter files" using an old sapper alt-account where I follow mostly blue-wavers, trump-haters, and pro-leftist useful idiots. This week I have been absolutely floored at HOW ILL PREPARED some of these "large account" (50k ) are for ANY pushback AT ALL on their political posts. I think 2 years of echo-chamber has softened their minds even more than before the banning, they're "shields are down". The left on twitter is certainly on the rope, dazed, and confused. W/o the ban-hammer to shut-up dissenting views, their narrative frauds are really exposed. Feelz good man. Feelz like I can connect with individuals again, plant seeds of truth and hope.