Why should anyone care what Sinema does? She didn't stand up for the constitutional FRAUD against any of the elections! She's a criminal.
Exactly and I do pray she gets swept up in the drain.
>Can you explain why you think that?
First of all, God does speak through prophets; Q speaks through intelligence.
Neither can reveal a source for their information, but both can be verfied through 'future proves past'.
One only need look and see to verify.
I thank God every minute of every day for what I have survived and am witnessing now; I thank God for the future that was promised to me and to every one of us. I thank God for Q for delivering to us the intelligence that we needed to decipher what was happening, what is happening and what is to come.
meh…The way I hear it, the mere fact of this challenge has put the literal FEAR OF GOD into these demons…watch and see.