Anonymous ID: 0c47b8 Dec. 11, 2022, 11:25 p.m. No.17927287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7289 >>7291 >>7298 >>7321 >>7340 >>7367

Am I the only anon here that has a family member addicted to drugs that is breaking their heart? It is crushing seeing what has happened to her. Lost her home, kids, multiple rehabs and jail, and now a felony record… The list goes on of the terrible things she has done and continues to do.

Anonymous ID: 0c47b8 Dec. 12, 2022, 12:57 a.m. No.17927417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7447 >>7463


>>17919079 /pb


Let's get started!


~~ A friend and I started this distributing DVDs with censored information. These free discs were well received, but some noted that they only had USB ports. So model II is to put sharable stuff on a USB drive and give those away. If you have an interesting vehicle, use that to attract attention. Otherwise make sandwich board signs, hang them on your neck, put on a MAGA hat and go where people are – grocery store, mall, ball park. Give the USB drives away, maybe with a printed page that list the contents. Have a bucket or a small dish on the boards to accept donations. I’ll be happy to send you a sample USB & printed page for a small donation to help cover expenses and put you on distribution for stuff I’ve gathered to share. Remember, we are the modern town criers, sharing the NEWS, not the “LSM Narrative.”


What follows are some things to think about regarding what you give away on a DVD or USB

No Copyrighted stuff