You know fuck all about the supply chain since you aren't in a manufacturing business that relies on it. You're just a crying noise maker. My "piddly $5K is worth in the neighborhood of $12M a few years later …but keep banging your keyboard crymunky.
Yep, not my problem. I'm a US company with US suppliers, and I don't live in commie controlled territory. You still don't know shit about shit except what the scary media tells you to believe. Maybe you should buy a goat and some chickens, maybe plant a garden
…you'll get through it
-try to refrain from having sex with the goat.
Oh thank God!
I'd love to get through the morning without you ranting at me about the Smith Mundt Act…
>I love the Universe and I hope it loves me too.
The universe just called. Says you're a noisy, media-fueled panic bot full of Smith-Mundt and shitty opinions.
>>ooooh I filtered them ooooh reeeeee!
Is there anything to suggest that media has the capability to interfere with twitter?
I would think that media would be sort of parallel to twitter in the intelligence foodchain, being a front organization manned by intelligence operatives.
The front operation "media company" would interact with twitter by tweeting their formulated content, but I would think activities rising to the level of interference would be handled via intelligence backchannels and go directly to the agents directing twitter
…just my thoughts on that since it is early and the compulsive readers are gonna want some fodder…
I guess a "reporting function" would count as interference, and safe to assume they had it. If so -then I would say it's a safe bet that Elon's file dumps will get around to showing it.
>Israeli-Based 3D-Printed Lab-Grown Meat Company is Building World's Largest Facility in North Carolina
I'd estimate that explains why God has been sending Billy Ray and Cletus over to shoot up their electricity supply then…
"While Mary had John and Tony, her obituary said “adopted” 25 children when she moved to D.C."
I wonder what the hell this was about, and why it is mentioned so casually in her obit with no further information.
Looks like a dissertation on controlled opposition.
…he was also on the FBI's radar…
Good luck finding out anything regarding these 25 adoptions.
Settle down, Yoel…
Seems to be nothing available on this with a quick look.
>Tanya Tucker
There's better ways to get rekt.
"How fast was Sonny Bono going when he hit the tree?
between 20 and 30 miles per hour"
I think Elon just outlined his mission for us:
"Easy to fool people, but it is almost impossible to convince people that they have been fooled"
>We have work to do.
I realized someone would take it that way after I hit the button. I believe he is telling us what he is doing.
If I ever go blind or lose the use of my limbs I'll think about how I really feel about it.
Meantime, I can see what I'm doing. Kek.
You know how this place is though
…and probably nobody has had enough coffee to play nice yet…
Aint it…
I hope we get some kind of closure on the "Ascension" information soon
…it's like a Batman light for fake Jesuses (Jesi?) and space saviors from the Pleiadeans…
I had a few extra minutes…
Heh. What do you know.
This could explain the falling off of that whole "I don't know why you Yanks seem to think you need to own guns" chatter that used to be so prevalent on these internets.
I'm confident things will eventually turn around for them, but I believe they are going to earn it.
I don't really see the Brunson case being instrumental in the defense op
…although I like the idea of a military intelligence officer watching Johnny Carson in 1985 and thinking:
"These. THESE are the guys that we are going to use to blow this whole thing wide open."
An engine of industry …just needed some focus.
Big if true. It's the new car that comes with a full tank that lasts the life of the car. It's the house without a meter. It's …freedom -in the right hands.
I don't mean to be discouraging, but I've paid enough lawyers on this ride to know a little about the court house, and getting worked up about the Brunson thing sets you up for bad feels because the odds are very much against any result at all.
I see it is staged as a "damned if they do, damned if they don't" scenario
-but this is the mother-lovin' supreme court of the United-by gawd-States of America
…and they very much have the "WTF is this? option of putting it right in the trash.
So just -yanno -watch …but don't invest your heart.
Looks like he found the keystone…
"can't get any more disgusted"
I feel ya -I'm livin' it too. I just watch, launch the mortars, watch some more. I'm just sending out the message to reduce disappointment for those who may not know …morale is important in war.