Anonymous ID: d71107 Dec. 12, 2022, 2:43 a.m. No.17927628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7632 >>7988 >>8040 >>8160 >>8288


The media’s silence on the ‘Twitter

Files’ is shameful


New York Post, by Miranda Devine


Original Article


Posted By: GustoGrabber, 12/12/2022 4:51:53 AM


Whatever happened to “All the news that’s fit to print,” and “Democracy dies in darkness,” the respective mottos of the two most influential newspapers in the country, The New York Times and The Washington Post? Every morning, these august organs set the narrative for newsrooms across the country, and yet, time and again, we see them ignore stories that don’t suit their own agenda as propaganda purveyors for the Democratic Party and the security state

Anonymous ID: d71107 Dec. 12, 2022, 2:44 a.m. No.17927633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7648 >>7988 >>8040 >>8160 >>8288


We don't have a free press, by Don Surber


Original Article


Posted By: earlybird, 12/11/2022 11:25:18 PM


We don't have a free press. If we had a free press, 30 reporters would never pose with Nancy Pelosi as if they were her ladies-in-waiting. If we did, Hillary's 30,000 emails sent to a trucking company in Red China would have stopped her presidential bid.If we had a free press, Seth Rich's murder would have been bigger than George Floyd's overdose death. If we had a free press, journalists would not seek the approval of John Podesta (Hillary's henchman) as we learned in the DNC emails leaked by Seth Rich. (snip) If we had a free press, the FBI spying on Donald Trump would have landed Barack Obama in prison as well.

Anonymous ID: d71107 Dec. 12, 2022, 2:46 a.m. No.17927636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7988 >>8040 >>8160 >>8288


Viktor Bout Mocks U.S. on Russian TV and

Shows How Bad the Griner Swap Truly Was


Red State, by Nick Arama


Original Article


Posted By: Imright, 12/11/2022 9:50:57 PM


The reactions to the lopsided Brittney Griner/Viktor Bout swap are still coming in. Here’s Derek Maltz, former DEA Special Operations Director, talking with Fox News, describing the effort they made to put Bout in jail, what a danger he was to the world, and that he was convicted on serious terrorism charges. He notes that even the Obama administration got how serious this was and Joe Biden was the Vice President at the time, so he had to know what a danger Bout was to the world. (Video) “Putin has just established a new tool,” Maltz said, and others will “take advantage of the weakness” that Joe Biden just displayed