Anonymous ID: 6252df Dec. 12, 2022, 6:40 a.m. No.17928351   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Buzzfeed stock is not at the lowest yet, its one cent above. Maybe if they get to two cents above they’ll write truthful articles.

Anonymous ID: 6252df Dec. 12, 2022, 6:48 a.m. No.17928385   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I can’t even imagine the disgusting stuff he’s afraid to say out loud!

Anonymous ID: 6252df Dec. 12, 2022, 6:52 a.m. No.17928402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8610 >>8745 >>8865 >>8969 >>9072

Sunday Talks, California Democrat Rep Ro Khanna Discusses Twitter-Govt Censorship, Future Hearings and TikTok


December 11, 2022 | Sundance |

When various doctors and professionals in the healthcare industry were kicked off Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and social media platforms for holding a contrary view of the COVID-19 mitigation efforts, their voices found a way to alternate platforms including TikTok. At the heart of the government argument about TikTock as a national security threat, you will find this dynamic.


The claims of data insecurity as a reason for government action against TikTok is a false justification. The reason the U.S. govt is defining TikTok as a national security threat is not because a Chinese firm controls it, the threat is because the U.S. government does not control it. Thus, DHS involvement in Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google, Apple, Microsoft and more takes on a more accurate perspective.TikTok is not under DHS control, therefore TikTok’s ability to transmit information without DHS filter controls is a threat.


Bread and circuses. In this interview with California Congressman Ro Khanna, Maria Bartiromo notes he was one of the only Democrats in congress who wrote a warning to Twitter about the censorship issue. However, even then, a key sentence in the letter from Khanna to Yoel Roth is ignored. He’s no hero. WATCH:


Ro is obviously a free speech absolutely not-ists

Anonymous ID: 6252df Dec. 12, 2022, 6:56 a.m. No.17928424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8428 >>8431 >>8434

Is 'Die Hard' a Christmas Movie? The Debate Has Been Settled!

Matt Margolis

Every year around Christmastime, we embark on the annual tradition of heated debate over whether or not the 1988 action flick Die Hardis a Christmas movie.


There are strong feelings either way on this issue, but count me in the “Yes, it’s a Christmas movie” camp as it seems necessary to see (spoiler alert) Hans Gruber make his climactic plunge off the Nakatomi building.


But you don’t have to take my word for it. Die Hard screenwriter Jeb Stuart has confirmed that the film is indeed a Christmas movie, hopefully ending this decades-long debate once and for all.


“Die Hard is definitely a Christmas movie,” Stuart told UPI. “I’m out in L.A. now and I can remember writing it years and years ago at Christmas and, coming from the East Coast, I felt a little bit of, ‘What am I doing in Los Angeles for Christmas?’ And there is a lot of that wrapped up in that script.”



So, now that it is official, feel free to add Die Hard to your list of Christmas movies to watch this season!

Anonymous ID: 6252df Dec. 12, 2022, 7:09 a.m. No.17928474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8484 >>8610 >>8745 >>8865 >>8969 >>9072

Here's What a Judge Told Philadelphia to Do With Its Columbus Statue

Chris Queen

Finally a fearless judge!


For over two years, the statue of Christopher Columbus in Philadelphia’s Marconi Plaza has sat inside a massive plywood box. As protests over the death of George Floyd and other racially tinged incidents roiled the nation, the city constructed a large box to cover the Columbus statue.


Mayor Jim Kenney, a Democrat (what a shock), wanted to get rid of the statue, ostensibly in the name of public safety, and started the ball rolling to remove the statue, which has been in place since 1876.


The city placed a notice on the statue that read:


Notice by City of Philadelphia: The Christopher Columbus statue has been a source of controversy in Philadelphia and areas across our country. Many are calling for the removal of the statue. The City understands their concerns and will be initiating a process for the Art Commission to review the statue, its location and its appropriateness in a public park. We are committed to listening to all and moving forward in the best way to heal our deep divides. The boxing is to preserve the statue while the Art Commission process is followed. No decision has been made on whether the City will remove the statue.


Last year, a judge struck down the mayor’s efforts to remove the statue completely, ruling that the city failed to make the case that the statue was a threat to the safety of the city and its residents. Yet the box continued to encase the statue.


Earlier this year, the city painted the unsightly box in the colors of the Italian flag at the request of Councilmember Mark Squilla, who represents the district.


But on Friday, a judge ordered the city to unbox the statue. Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt ruled that the city must remove the box, and if it wants to make comment on the statue, it should erect a plaque explaining its disapproval.


“More to the point, the City accepted the donation of the Columbus statue in 1876. It has a fiduciary duty to preserve that statue, which it designated an historic object in 2017. The Columbus statue is not City property as is, for example, a City snowblower,” Leavitt wrote.


As a result of the riots and rhetoric — “mostly peaceful,” of course — that tore the country apart in 2020, any historical figure that didn’t meet the approval of the woke mob became a target for cancellation or removal.


Columbus, in particular, has been a lightning rod of controversy, as though he personally oversaw the spread of smallpox and slavery in the New World.


Now that Judge Leavitt has issued a ruling, the city’s lily-white mayor is expressing his disappointment via his lily-white spokesman.


Kenney’s spokesman, Kevin Lessard, said that the city would unbox the statue when doing so is “practically and logistically feasible.” Cue the city’s efforts to drag its feet, along with loads of politically correct boilerplate rhretoric.


“We will also continue to explore our options for a way forward that allows Philadelphians to celebrate their heritage and culture while respecting the histories and circumstances of everyone´s different backgrounds,” Lessard told the Daily Mail in an email.


WTF what an asshole, they’ve got their own churches, history and traditions, why can’t we? The irony is their fight is in Philadelphia, same place of Bidan’s Red Scare speech. They do this purposely.

Anonymous ID: 6252df Dec. 12, 2022, 7:20 a.m. No.17928522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8610 >>8745 >>8865 >>8969 >>9072

White Supremacist Plots to Blow Up Texas High School! No, Wait…

Robert Spencer

The U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs said it again in a report it published in November, “The Rising Threat of Domestic Terrorism”: “National security agencies now identify domestic terrorism as the most persistent and lethal terrorist threat to the homeland. This increase in domestic terror attacks has been predominantly perpetrated by white supremacist and anti-government extremist individuals and groups.” Conspicuously lacking from this oft-repeated claim are actual white supremacist terrorists, but a recent case in Texas may help: a man who is most certainly not black or Hispanic plotted to blow up a high school in Amarillo. There’s just one catch: in a bracing little reminder of the actual terror threats that the Left’s propaganda and fantasies have obscured, he’s a Muslim, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Iran.

Amarillo’s KVII reported Thursday that Erfan Salmanzadeh, 33, pleaded guilty on Monday to “use and attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction.” The “use” part of that stems from a July 2021 incident that brought Salmanzadeh to the attention of police. KVII noted Tuesday that Salmanzadeh “recorded multiple videos in which he referenced the high school.” In one of these videos, which Salmanzadeh recorded on July 22, 2021, he was “standing in his backyard speaking in a mixture of English and Farsi, said he was going to blow up Tascosa High School,” a public high school in Amarillo.

“We are going to blast the school,” Salmanzadeh, a Tascosa High School graduate, declared. What did he mean by “we”? The police have not said anything about that, and there is no hint in the available reports as to who his accomplices were, or if he even really had any. “We are going to hit Tascosa,” Salmanzadeh continued. “Look at these.” He then “pointed the camera at a nail bomb filled with shrapnel, a suicide vest filled with pipes labeled as explosives, a suitcase filled with containers labeled as explosives, and a backpack filled with bottles labeled as explosives.”

Four days after that, “a neighbor reported hearing a loud explosion at 3613 Lenwood Drive. The caller said they [sic; I don’t care what your gender studies prof told you, kids. People aren’t plural. The caller was a he or a she] heard a similar noise a few weeks earlier but did not report it.” When police responded to the call, they found a “large crater” in Salmanzadeh’s backyard that “appeared to have been created by an explosion.”

Salmanzadeh, however, attempted to explain the hole and the explosion away. He told the cops that he had been “popping small firecrackers” in his backyard, as well as “hitting them with a hammer.” And the hole? “He also said he was digging holes in the backyard with a shovel.”

Well, that would certainly explain it. But “when police walked through the house with Salmanzadeh’s father, Salmanzadeh admitted to police that he blew up his Xbox in his backyard using triacetone triperoxide (TATP). He said he placed a PVC pipe filled with TATP inside the Xbox to see how much damage it would cause. According to an APD bomb technician, TATP is a homemade explosive that is ‘extremely unstable and reacts violently to friction and shock.’ He admitted flushing a ‘gallon sized jar of TATP down the toilet’ after police arrived that morning.”

Salmanzadeh also admitted that he had “placed a suicide vest, nail bomb and the Xbox in a dumpster in the alley behind his home.” It was true: “Police found the suicide vest, nail bomb and Xbox in dumpsters in the alley.” The vest was suitably stylish: it was “brown with blue suspender straps and had several sewn pockets filled with red cylindrical-shaped tubes. The word ‘Dynamite’ appeared to be handwritten in black ink on some of’ the tubes. The nail bomb was a ‘cylindrical-shaped device with several red cylinders inside of it. Several rows of nails and BBs were taped around the nail bomb as shrapnel.’”

Police then searched thisNobel laureate’shome and found two PVC pipes; one had “what appeared to be a Christmas light glued to the side of it and with the end of the wires stripped bare”; the other featured “a piece of duct tape, with the word ‘Explosive’ written on it.” Both of these pipes “appeared to have an explosive filler.” They also found other material that is “often used in the creation of improvised explosive devices, such as equipment and precursor chemicals.” Videos showed Salmanzadeh “testing an explosive powder in his backyard.” He also had “journals that contained notes and formulas related to the production of explosives.”

Anonymous ID: 6252df Dec. 12, 2022, 7:22 a.m. No.17928542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8610 >>8745 >>8865 >>8969 >>9072

But as the anonymous source, “Deepthroat,” told Bob Woodward during Watergate, “Forget the myths the media’s created about the White House. The truth is, these are not very bright guys…” And that statement is proven every day and just about every time a Biden aide opens his or her mouth.


You might have heard that there’s something of an oil crisis in America. While the president has disgraced himself by groveling beneath the feet of the mighty Saudi king begging for more oil, the rest of his administration has been jawboning American oil companies to drill, drill, drill, baby!


Here’s where the lack of cognitive skills comes to the fore. In the first six months of the Biden administration, the president was running around the world gleefully telling anyone who would listen that he was going to end fossil fuel use. And yet, Amos Hochstein, President Biden’s international energy envoy and chief energy advisor, is railing against Wall Street and shale oil companies for not ignoring the president’s promise to destroy them and going ahead to drill, drill, drill, anyway.


“I think that the idea that financiers would tell companies in the United States not to increase production and to buy back shares and increase dividends when the profits are at all-time highs is outrageous,” said Hochstein. “It is not only un-American, it is so unfair to the American public.”


Hochstein wasn’t done. “You want to pay dividends, pay dividends. You want to pay shareholders, pay shareholders. You want to get bonuses, do that, too. You could do all of that and still invest more. We are asking you to increase production and seize the moment.”


Said the number one cheerleader for destroying the oil and gas industry in America.


Financial Times:


The Biden adviser’s comments will spark a reaction in the US shale sector, which has complained about mixed signals from a White House that has called for more fossil fuel output while also talking of cutting demand and speeding up a shift away from oil and gas.


But Hochstein denied any contradiction, saying the US could “do two things at the very same time, ensuring we have enough [oil] supply for a strong global economy while accelerating the energy transition.”


This guy can’t even walk and chew gum at the same time, and he’s telling us that the government can both destroy the fossil fuel industry and require it to do its bidding on increasing supply?


The U.S. is in the very best of hands.

Anonymous ID: 6252df Dec. 12, 2022, 7:29 a.m. No.17928579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8680 >>8745 >>8865 >>8969 >>9072

Weekend Parting Shot: Enviros Faceplant Again in Germany

Lincoln Brown

Why are these people fat, ugly and stupid?

What happened to you, lefties? You used to be cool and cutting-edge. Now, you’re just boring. You’re yesterday’s news. No matter what you cut off, what you sew on, no matter if you identify as a man, woman, or gender-fluid blowfish, you just aren’t “it” anymore. You’re passé. As they said in the original televised version of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, you’re so unhip it’s a wonder your bums don’t fall off.

Stop gluing yourselves to things. It’s almost 2023. Gluing yourself to various objects, furnishings, buildings, paintings, and objets d’art is so last year. I can practically hear them in the Hamptons and the Vineyard now: “Buffy, did you hear? The Wellingtons glued themselves to the Statue of Liberty to protest climate change. We simply must glue ourselves to something before the start of the social season.”


Get a new schtick, already. You parasites burn through trends so fast, you’re already out of style before the news breaks. And we’ve already figured out how to mitigate your tantrums, so it isn’t even fun, anymore.


Recently a pair of brave (and clueless) eco-activists decided to crash the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, Germany. According to the Post Millennial, the two saviors of the earth rushed to the conductor’s platform and glued their hands to part of the podium. They then began hectoring the audience about climate change.


Boos and catcalls ensued as concertgoers vented their frustration that their night out was being hijacked by a pair of smug, self-righteous, Gen-Z professional whiners.


And then security showed up.


You see,the eco-warriors did not glue themselves to the podium, but to the detachable bar behind the podium. The bar was easily picked up by security and transported, along with the amateur Loraxes, to another room, to the cheers of everyone assembled.

Anonymous ID: 6252df Dec. 12, 2022, 7:43 a.m. No.17928639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8745 >>8865 >>8969 >>9072


It was from POTUS

President Trump Signs Bill to Boost Advanced Nuclear in America

SEPTEMBER 28, 2018


President Donald Trump signed into a law new legislation that will speed up the development of advanced reactors in the United States.


The Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act (NEICA) eliminates some of the financial and technological barriers standing in the way of nuclear innovation.


It also represents a strong commitment by the government to support the commercial nuclear sector, ensuring that the U.S. maintains its leadership around the globe.


The provisions in NEICA build upon the successful private-public partnerships facilitated through the Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN), which helps accelerate the development and deployment of advanced reactor technologies.


“There are some truly transformative advanced nuclear technologies being developed in Americaright now and this bill just reinforces this Administration’s continued efforts to revitalize the nuclear industry,” said Ed McGinnis, principal deputy assistant secretary for the Office of Nuclear Energy.


Cutting regulatory costs

NEICA fosters teamwork between the public and private sector and will help offset some of the upfront costs of licensing new reactors.


The bill calls for a cost-share grant program to cover a portion of the licensing fees charged by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission during its review process for new reactor technologies.


Fast neutron source testing facility

The legislation also directs DOE to move forward with plans to develop a fast neutron source (i.e., a fast test reactor) to accelerate the development of advanced reactor fuels and materials.


This capability doesn’t exist in the United States and is needed to test new reactor materials and fuels for use in advanced reactors.


Advanced reactor demonstrations

The bill directs the Department to facilitate the siting of advanced reactor research demonstration facilities through partnerships between DOE and private industry.


All about the data

Finally, the bill requires DOE to expand its high-performance computing expertise by focusing on the modelling and simulation of advanced nuclear reactors to further accelerate their development.


The national labs, universities and private sector will help develop new software and tools for developers to use to speed up their research on fission and fusion reactors, in addition to space applications.


What’s next?

Secretary of Energy Rick Perry will have 180 days to provide Congress with a report assessing the capabilities of DOE to host and operate experimental advanced nuclear reactors at the national labs or other DOE sites.


The secretary will also submit two 10-year budget plans for nuclear R&D.


Read the full White House press release

Anonymous ID: 6252df Dec. 12, 2022, 7:56 a.m. No.17928700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8736 >>8744 >>8745 >>8746 >>8757 >>8865 >>8896 >>8915 >>8962 >>8969 >>9072 >>9103

Kekkity, he really is funny!


Darren J. Beattie 🌐@DarrenJBeattie


I spent ten years of my life completely dedicated to mastering the history of philosophy.


Racking my brain, chain smoking three packs of cigarettes in one eveningpacing back and forth to fully digest an important five pages of Rousseau


and this guy writes his PhD on buttsex and goes on to run censorship for the most important speech platform in the world…


virgin Beattie, chad Yoel Roth?

Anonymous ID: 6252df Dec. 12, 2022, 8:14 a.m. No.17928787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8789 >>8865 >>8969 >>9072


Hunter Biden's Strategy To Go On The Offensive Indicts The Feds

Margot Cleveland.1 of 3

Two months after the FBI subpoenaed the laptop Hunter Biden had abandoned at a Delaware computer repair store, the Drug Enforcement Administration searched the office of Hunter’s one-time psychiatrist Keith Ablow and seized a second laptop Hunter had left with him. The timing of the DEA raid and the fact that criminal charges were never filed against Ablow, coupled with whistleblowers’ claims that the FBI buried evidence against Hunter Biden, raises the question of whether the search was a pretext to recover Hunter’s laptop and protect the Biden family.


While the DEA’s recovery of the second Hunter Biden laptop escaped scrutiny over the last nearly three years, a Washington Post article from Saturday brings that laptop into focus — and with it questions about the DEA’s seizure of the laptop and agents’ decision to return it to Hunter.


Back in the News


In a weekend article titled “Some Hunter Biden Allies Making Plans to go After His Accusers,” The Washington Post reported that Hunter and his closest advisers are plotting an offensive for when Republicans assume control of the House of Representatives in January. The strategy sessions to counter what Biden associates frame as “an expected onslaught of investigations by House Republicans” began last September, according to the Post, with a meeting at the California home of Hunter Biden’s friend and lawyer Kevin Morris.


Morris, already famous in the entertainment industry as an attorney for the co-creators of “South Park,” gained notoriety when the New York Post reported that Morris “footed Hunter Biden’s overdue taxes totaling over $2 million.” In addition to Morris, David Brock, a liberal activist, reportedly joined in the September 2022 strategy session. “At one point, Hunter Biden himself happened to call into the meeting, connecting briefly by video to add his own thoughts,” according to the Post.


While not detailing Hunter’s purported thoughts, The Washington Post reported that Morris suggested “it was crucial” “for Hunter Biden’s camp to be more aggressive.” According to Saturday’s article, Morris then described during the September meeting at his California home the “defamation lawsuits the team could pursue against the presidential son’s critics, including Fox News, Eric Trump and Rudy Giuliani.” Morris also reportedly “outlined extensive research on two potential witnesses against Hunter Biden — a spurned business partner named Tony Bobulinski and a computer repairman named John Paul Mac Isaac.”


Brock provided more insight, telling the Post: “They feel that there is a whole counternarrative missing because of the whole Hunter-hater narrative out there.” “What we really got into was more the meat of it, the meat of what a response would look like,” Brock said of the September meeting. To aid the efforts, Brock planned to start a new group — since launched — named Facts First USA, which Brock described as a “SWAT team” designed to “ensure that the media and public do not accept the false narratives that flows from congressional investigations.”


More recently, according to the Post, “Brock’s group, Facts First, is engaging with Hunter Biden and those in his immediate circle.” Brock is reportedly “reviewing research that Morris has conducted on Biden’s adversaries, including Bobulinski and Mac Isaac.”


According to The Washington Post, Morris and others are also focused on whether the data claimed to be recovered from the laptop Hunter Biden abandoned at the Delaware computer repair store, “was improperly obtained and distributed,” with Hunter and his allies suggesting that the materials released by Giuliani and others may not have originated from the laptop Hunter abandoned at the repair shop. Instead, the help-Hunter crew posits that the information may have been improperly taken from a laptop Hunter left with Ablow, whom the Post frames as “close to Republican activist Roger Stone.” The Post then reported that “Morris has been overseeing a forensic analysis of that laptop to determine if it was the basis of the hard drives that were later distributed by Trump allies.” ..

Anonymous ID: 6252df Dec. 12, 2022, 8:15 a.m. No.17928789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8794 >>8865 >>8969 >>9072


Hunter Biden's Strategy…

2 of 3


Morris began floating a similar tangled conspiracy theory in May 2022, with CBS News reporting, “Morris and his team have been circulating provocative slides that tease a coming counter-narrative to political attacks against the president’s son.” The slides describe a “contextualized theory” positing that “there was no laptop dropped off with Mac Isaac, just a laptop which Hunter abandoned on Feb. 1, 2019, at the office of his psychiatrist, Dr. Keith Ablow.”


The New York Post’s Miranda Devine also lighted the conspiracy theory Morris floated in May, writing: “Morris alleges in his scrawled mind map, and in conversations with confidants, that Trump ally Roger Stone and his lawyer, Tyler Nixon, masterminded a plot with Ablow and Mac Isaac to create ‘clones’ of the laptop left in Newburyport to damage Joe before the 2020 election.” Morris pushed the theory based on Stone writing a foreword for Ablow’s 2020 book, “Trump Your Life,” and Ablow’s appearances on Fox News.


But as Devine detailed in her article, the material contained on the MacBook abandoned at Mac Isaac’s business included material created after Hunter had left the laptop with Ablow: “The biggest problem with Morris’ conspiracy theory of the ‘Ablow clones’ is that there are authentic videos and other material unique to the Mac Isaac laptop that were created after Hunter left his second laptop at Ablow’s office.”


Ablow has also dismissed the counternarrative as “a work of fiction,” stating: “I never looked at any laptop belonging to Hunter Biden, much less shared any laptop belonging to Mr. Biden with anyone, ever.” “I wouldn’t know how to access a password-protected laptop if my life depended on it,” Ablow added. Stone reportedly said the theory is “insane conjecture bordering on defamation.” Mac Isaac described it at the time as a “loose effort to muddy the waters.”


In response to Morris’s most recent push, as captured in Saturday’s Washington Post article, Mac Isaac’s attorney, Brian Della Rocca, told The Federalist, “As we have always said, Hunter Biden knows it is his laptop. That is why neither he nor his father have ever actually denied that it is his.” “The night before the story broke,” Della Rocca added, “Hunter’s attorney reached out to John Paul to ask about whether he still had Hunter’s laptop.” What Morris is doing now, Mac Isaac’s attorney claims, is “nothing more than trying to create more of a stir so the story will be worth more in Hollywood.”


Beneath the Surface


Whether crafting a Hollywood story or an offensive strategy to protect Hunter Biden, what Morris and Hunter’s other confidants fail to realize, however, is that by pushing the theory that the material recovered from the Delaware laptop originated from the laptop left with Ablow, they are resurrecting a story that received little scrutiny at the time: the DEA’s raid of Ablow’s office. And since Morris first pushed this conspiracy theory in May 2022, “highly credible whistleblowers” have come forward and accused the Department of Justice and FBI “of burying ‘verified and verifiable’ dirt on President Biden’s troubled son Hunter by incorrectly dismissing the intelligence as “disinformation.”


So, the question arises: Was the DEA’s raid of Ablow’s office a pretext to recover Hunter’s second laptop? And relatedly: Did the DEA return the laptop to Hunter without securing the evidence first for the criminal investigation against the now-president’s son?


While most Americans now know of the infamous laptop Hunter reportedly abandoned at a Delaware computer repair store, shortly after the New York Post broke the news that material recovered from the laptop implicated Joe Biden in Hunter’s shady business dealings, CBS News reported on Oct. 30, 2020: “[A]ccording to two people familiar with the matter, a different Hunter Biden laptop landed in the custody of the DEA in February when they executed a search warrant on the Massachusetts office of a psychiatrist accused of professional misconduct,” the psychiatrist being Ablow.

Anonymous ID: 6252df Dec. 12, 2022, 8:16 a.m. No.17928794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8810 >>8865 >>8969 >>9072


Hunter Biden's Strategy…

3 of 3


The February 2020 raid on the office of Hunter’s one-time Massachusetts-based psychiatrist Ablow received only passing mention at the time, with local outlets reporting that the DEA claimed the execution of the search warrant was part of an “ongoing investigation.” Coverage at the time also highlighted the revocation of Ablow’s medical license for alleged “inappropriate sexual activity with patients and illegally giving prescriptions to employees.”


There was no mention of the recovery of a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden at the time, or at any time until two unnamed sources told CBS News of that detail on Oct. 30, 2020. Since then, Ablow confirmed that Hunter left his laptop at a bungalow attached to Ablow’s office in 2019, where the Biden son was reportedly staying for intravenous ketamine treatments for his addiction in December 2018 and January 2019.


Ablow reportedly “made repeated efforts to persuade Hunter Biden to retrieve his computer,” with Ablow even contacting Hunter’s attorney to arrange for its return.” However, the second laptop reportedlyremained in a safe in Ablow’s basement for a year, and the DEA raided the psychiatrist on Feb. 13, 2020, then returned the computer to Hunter’s lawyer George Mesires.


Red Flags


The timing of the raid and the return of the computer to Hunter’s lawyer raises several red flags, especially since federal charges were never brought against Ablow. First, the Feb. 13, 2020, DEA raid occurred some nine months after the Massachusetts Board of Medicine suspended Ablow’s medical license on May 15, 2019, for purportedly diverting “controlled substances from patients,” among other things. One would think the DEA would act more promptly to execute a search warrant to prevent the destruction of evidence.


Second, the DEA only executed the search warrant after the FBI issued a grand jury subpoena in mid-December of 2019 to seize the first Hunter Biden laptop from the Delaware store owner, raising the question of whether the real goal was to ensure there were no more Biden laptops floating about before the 2020 presidential election.


Third, even if there was nothing pretextual or nefarious about the raid on Ablow’s office, that the DEA returned the laptop to Hunter’s lawyer raises other concerns because at the time, and still to this day, Hunter Biden was under investigation. In fact, it was that investigation that served as the basis for the FBI to subpoena the laptop from the Delaware repair store. Given the ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden, why would the DEA return the laptop to his attorney?


Given the FBI whistleblowers’ claims that government agents buried incriminating evidence against Hunter Biden, the House oversight committees should pose these questions to the DEA to ensure that federal agency was not also acting as a protect-Biden front. And we can thank Morris and The Washington Post for reminding us of the DEA’s seizure of that second Hunter laptop — something that at the time seemed straightforward but, given the developments over the last six months, now smells suspect.


Always the longest articles but the best from Professor Cleveland

Anonymous ID: 6252df Dec. 12, 2022, 8:40 a.m. No.17928926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8938

The abstract sets the tone for the entire work—it is totally impenetrable.Writing is perhaps the only context in which the word “impenetrable” applies to the esteemed Dr. Roth:"

Anonymous ID: 6252df Dec. 12, 2022, 8:42 a.m. No.17928938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8954


I had to look this up, kek





The use of unnecessarily wordy language, especially in being vague or evasive.


A roundabout or evasive expression.

A roundabout way of speaking; an indirect mode of statement;


particularly, a studied indirectness or evasiveness of language in speaking or writing.

Anonymous ID: 6252df Dec. 12, 2022, 8:58 a.m. No.17929023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9055

Fauci adoration out there is off the charts. Something seriously wrong with their brains or they are part of the NWO plans, or both