Anonymous ID: 4cb59d Dec. 16, 2022, 11:15 p.m. No.17959862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0157






This is all coming from the person who screamed at me to get off my ass and do housework when I was glued to the computer screen, day after day, night after night when Q was posting!


At some point2 years ago or so she started using Q-isms on her Facebook and twatter, not really knowing they were what I call Q-isms (future proves past, NCSWIC, it’s happening, etc).


This is an example of what is going on in my small part of the world. This is an example of, when I think back on Anons probing Q at the time, of what “our job” is to do to help get this ball rolling and see some accountability and/or justice.


Things move slow for sure!




I do believe there is no turning back now. We will beat the DS and more importantly EVIL and see it’s demise!