>Two voices will call out in a silence all will hear.
Trey and Devin?
>A rock will stand on seven hills.
Capitol Hill? So, like POTUS/cabinet.
>The ravens will starve.
I guess we'll stop seeing the mockingbird media all get the same heads-up on the news cycles.
>The bear will leave its cave forever.
I like to think this is the silent majority more than I think it was Russia. I can't say I wouldn't want it to be Russia though.
>The rod and the ring will strike.
I'm feeling like this describes their last effort.
I think we're right around the rock standing in the midst of these spouts about the IG report and these texts.
My guess is we're about to see something awkward with the news media where a lot of them suddenly have nothing to talk about.
Well, hopefully I'm not just annoying you guys with this, but I think we were sort of warned about some of these things and that what was said really played in to a lot of what was outlined in the plan.