Anonymous ID: 7a7ca9 Dec. 12, 2022, 5:17 p.m. No.17931814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1826

A call to the good people of MAGA to denounce the left’s anti-Trump slanders


For the past ten days or so, Donald J. Trump, has been falsely vilified as a White supremacist who is comfortable in the company of anti-Semites, and attacked for his “calls” to abolish or “terminate” the Constitution (despite having never said such a thing).


History, I believe, will note that the more preposterous the false accusation against Donald J. Trump, the quicker the stirred-up crowd will toss reason aside and follow the persons spewing anti-Trump slander.


So what else is new? These slurs and more have been hurled at Mr. Trump since he announced his first candidacy for president, some seven-and-a-half years ago.


Sadly, as Machiavelli pointed out in Chapter 6 of Il Principe, the logical supporters of a political reformer will be slow to defend the leader against attack from the establishment. This observation on human nature remains trenchant, after nearly 500 years since Machiavelli put his words to paper, as indicated by the reluctance of the logical allies of Donald J. Trump to stand with him against demagogic assault from the Deep State intent on crushing the MAGA (common good) movement — this apathetic attitude resulted in the Mueller investigation, and two phony impeachments, one straddling his term in office and his leave-taking.


And the reluctance to defend our best president since Reagan continues. Imagine how good the years from 2021 to 2025 would have been had MAGA populists stood shoulder to shoulder with our MAGA president who revived the populist spirit expressed by Madison in the first half of Federalist Paper No. 57.


For one thing — it should be obvious to anyone of ordinary intelligence that our departure from Afghanistan would not have been the horrible disaster it was under the current president — and Ukraine would not have been invaded by Russia had the presidency of 45 been extended for a second term.


A scanning of the day’s political landscape reveals, sadly, the ongoing relevance of an observation from John Stuart Mill at his inaugural address at St. Andrews in 1867:


Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.




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