Anonymous ID: c650a1 Dec. 12, 2022, 4:42 p.m. No.17931558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1578


when you study something, there are always tentative postulates / theories

That's how it works.

everything is clear in hindsight.

No one said it was true, it was a belief.

as more data comes in, the picture gets revised.

If you are used to being told things by authorities, then you might often fail to appreciate the distinctions.


If it was so obvious why'd it take you so long to point it out?

There's more to learn about that area of Chinatown and tht sushi place; no doubt.


The projection effect works like a mirror.

Very strange. "Fun House" strange

Anonymous ID: c650a1 Dec. 12, 2022, 5:08 p.m. No.17931750   🗄️.is 🔗kun


magnesium, melatonin

lots of liquids, herbal teas,

nighty night tea.

spike protein is contagious

do remedies before you have to

SLEEP is most important remedy


could be excitement from the elon twitter expose? That kept me up one night.

awoke after five hours last night

sat up

had two sips of 'Nighty Night' - became sleepy and slept well another 3 hours.

Anonymous ID: c650a1 Dec. 12, 2022, 5:41 p.m. No.17931986   🗄️.is 🔗kun


maybe. i doubt that, though.


can't get this to screen shot

CBTS #218: RABBITS BIRDS EDITION Anonymous (ID: Xf6m3RFM) 11/10/17(Fri)19:38:52 No.148899705 Archived▶>>148900188 >>148900530 >>148900862 >>148900962 >>148901329 >>148901912 >>148902568 >>148902634 >>148903197 >>148904632 >>148905006


  1. The purpose is to log events as they happen over the coming days. All of the shit going down in the last week is connected, the sealed indictments, the KSA purge and Lebanon tension, Trump donning a bomber jacket in the Pacific. There's tonnes more, we are here to record and analyze because no one else will be able to do a better job than /us/.

  2. Yes, of course all of us and your grandmas dog know that there are desperate attempts to derail and DEMORALIZE us. Focus. Believe, and make a choice right now: >Do you Trust Trump?

  3. Stick to your choice.

  4. No one tells you what to do, so just do the voodoo you do so well /pol/

  5. How would you succinctly break all this news to your blue-pilled friend? Does the initial message need to answer every detail? Bring them along for the ride and celebrations lads.

  6. Do just that.

  7. Get Comfy, Believe in your bones that we're riding the greatest timeline in existence.


Latest QMAP >>148892856 → (The only thing (You) really need)


Q confirmed >>148855825 →

Q trip !ITPb.qbhqo (ctrl f)

LATEST Q: >>148871375 → and >>148872500 →

"POTUS NAT SEC E briefing 3:02am.

Please stand by.



'We've already won. There are roughly 400 sealed indictments waiting to pop after the markets close today. The sins of our Fathers Fathers are being reconciled and we shall know Peace.

The original drops by Q are all that we needed, and that exact format of questions in an answer chain provoke the very feeling we need to share to others. MOCKINGBIRD fucked with the normies, we're here to unfuck it.


Remember. You made a choice. Eyes Wide the fuck Open lads, and pray for the protection of those in harms way.

Godspeed to us all, you glorious bastards and autists.'


white rabbit has to do with sa ?

what happened there.

this time it's a california rabbit.

maybe it 's hollywierd?

from 11 10 17