Anonymous ID: 6997cc Dec. 12, 2022, 6:21 p.m. No.17932276   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>17931944 pb

>Males will pretty much fuck anything with 2 tits, a heartbeat and a pussy.

speak for yourself, faggot. on multiple occasions, a "hot" black chick made it known to anon that the pussy was available for the taking. could not bring myself to kiss a face with the sheboon lips and nose.

>If the DNA allows mating and the offspring are capable of mating and reproducing, they are humans.

NOTHING in nature is black and white. it only takes ONE mixed offspring to be fertile, even if it's only one in a million. does NOT disprove OP's assertions that subsaharan africans are a sub-species of humans.

a great dane and a chihuahua are ostensibly the same species. does NOT make them in any way "equal."