Anonymous ID: ac5ac5 Dec. 12, 2022, 5:59 p.m. No.17932110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2114 >>2123 >>2291

My fren cured stage 4 stomach cancer thru just by having absolute faith n she experienced spontaneous healing, after chemo was not working n doctors said she'd croak soon. 10 yrs later she's cancer free from just her thoughts alone, BUT THIS Doctor says any cancer can be cured in two weeks.


(Dr. Bruce Lipton has worked with stem cells since 50 years ago and he said he got s stem cell and let it multiply in a petri dish til he had many of the exact same cell. He put some in a petri dish with good environment for them to thrive and they did. He put another group in a petri dish with a bad environment and the cells got sick. At that point big pharma says to add medicine and the cells get better. Dr. Lipton says no, you take them out of the bad environment and put them with the good environment and the cells heal themselves. The human petri dish is our blood. We have stem cells all over our body already now. They can grab a single cell from our toe and create an entire new clone with brand new, healthy organs. We have that ability to heal already within us.)

Anonymous ID: ac5ac5 Dec. 12, 2022, 6:26 p.m. No.17932307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2724


Good show, but I can't fucking stand him. U don't just do a 180 overnight and act like one of us all of a sudden when every whistle blower that knows him says he is not a good guy. I don't trust him worth a fuck. If he capitulated they better fry his ass anyway. Fuck him.