>I thnk you're a jerk for posting that, but I fully support your right to larp as a race baiting shit head.
I prefer the term BIGOT, but thank you for your support.
Picunrel. Sort of.
>I thnk you're a jerk for posting that, but I fully support your right to larp as a race baiting shit head.
I prefer the term BIGOT, but thank you for your support.
Picunrel. Sort of.
I have been seeing a lot of maskfags recently.
They are sheep. It is not their fault.
The (((MSM))) and their BOOMER MINION COCK-SUCKERS brought them to this place.
Boomers never allowed their kids to do anything "dangerous," which turned their kids into pussies who need safe spaces.
They don't care about masks, for the most part.
I blame those who are responsible.
Get a brian, moran!
Not sure what you point is. Please clarify.
>Did fauci tell them to?
No. Sheep follow rules that don't even exist. Hell, they will make them up.
Says the faggot boomer.
Ask me if I give a fuck.
Assume for the moment that you are correct, and that they are boomers.
Explain the rest of the boomer generations sell out of their children and America.
Does the "Boomer Brunson Brothers" actions absolve the generation of boomers who sold everything out?
Is that your argument?
Boomer sins are absolved by the actions of a few good boomers?
So were mine.
However, I came along late in the game.
I, too, am a gen Xer fucked by the boomers.
Boomers also waited to have kids until that late 30's and 40's. So, basically they were having gen x, y, and z.
Which is why so many people are so fucked up.