Anonymous ID: a554c2 Dec. 13, 2022, 12:34 a.m. No.17934090   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Wow. Just saw this this morning. I've done some research on this lately.

Check out Gregg Braden's work on this topic.

The name of God is in all of our DNA. Specifically, the phrase "God Eternal in the body" has been placed there. What are the odds that's random?


Links have had spaces to them to get them past a filter. Remove the spaces, and they should work.


Here's a short link where Gregg Braden talks about that:

https :// www . /video/223JrFFQCQw/


This comes from a longer interview that can be found here:

http : // www . suprememastertv . tv / featured-video / ? wr_id = 662


More recently, Greg Braden did this interview with George Noory: watch?v=V_Y1wCLITu4


Gregg Braden's book on the topic is here:

https :// . com / God-Code-Secret-Promise-Future / dp / 1401902995 /


There was a near death report recently in which Jesus showed the NDEer God within the DNA. watch?v=KlPZ0hIGx90

Relevant segment begins at 19:35.


I've sometimes wondered if one of the purposes of the jabs is to erase that in our DNA and perhaps put Satan's name there instead.

It isn't that Satan wants us. He really doesn't. He just doesn't want God to have us.


We know from studies that:


  • Spike proteins impair DNA damage repair.

https :// doi .org / 10.3390 / v13102056


  • mRNA “vaccines” are converted to DNA in the liver

https :// doi .org / 10.3390 / cimb44030073