Anonymous ID: a859fc Dec. 12, 2022, 10:43 p.m. No.17933776   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3896 >>3933 >>4201 >>4209 >>4241 >>4248



I believe these are the people that have organized into stalking and criminal syndicates to extort people. They have organized into communist groups and seem to know everyone involved with wicked Mickey and the puppet master. They call it fight club I believe… yet they say they are not bad but look at what they talk about…


“Hiding customers cars” joyriding or grand theft…


Talking about kids and sexual acts…


Other things like that are all over in there language… someone should really check into this…. These people seem above the law and like they can do anything they want.

Anonymous ID: a859fc Dec. 12, 2022, 10:49 p.m. No.17933798   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3809



All I know is that people seem

To be using this site and Reddit to stalk me though electrics I belong to no group…


They seem to want to try to frame people even try to get them to organize so they can frame them.


It is that simple…

Anonymous ID: a859fc Dec. 12, 2022, 10:53 p.m. No.17933820   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3831 >>3854



Note they try ti act like they are the military or work for the federal government. I see many people with stickers basically trying to act like they are affiliated with a group in order to try and get people to fear them… only thing is are they real or impersonating people.


There seems to be a lot of impersonating…


All I can say is be careful because these people want to use people or anyone they can to do there dirty work for them.


I am just me…