Anonymous ID: 58bdae Dec. 14, 2022, 5:18 p.m. No.17943660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3755


Low neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.2.75.2, BQ.1.1, and XBB.1 by parental mRNA vaccine or a BA.5-bivalent booster



The newly emerged SARS-CoV-2 Omicron sublineages, including the BA.2-derived BA.2.75.2 and the BA.5-derived BQ.1.1 and XBB.1, have accumulated additional spike mutations that may affect vaccine effectiveness. Here we report neutralizing activities of three human serum panels collected from individuals 23–94 days after dose 4 of a parental mRNA vaccine, 14–32 days after a BA.5-bivalent-booster from individuals with 2–4 previous doses of parental mRNA vaccine, or 15–32 days after a BA.5-bivalent-booster from individuals with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection and 2–4 doses of parental mRNA vaccine. The results showed that a BA.5-bivalent-booster elicited a high neutralizing titer against BA.4/5 measured at 14- to 32-day post-boost; however, the BA.5-bivalent-booster did not produce robust neutralization against the newly emerged BA.2.75.2, BQ.1.1, or XBB.1. Previous infection significantly enhanced the magnitude and breadth of BA.5-bivalent-booster-elicited neutralization. Our data support a vaccine update strategy that future boosters should match newly emerged circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants.

Anonymous ID: 58bdae Dec. 14, 2022, 5:21 p.m. No.17943680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3711 >>3792 >>3841 >>3925 >>3937 >>3969 >>4015 >>4157 >>4185 >>4264




This is a long review, because hundreds of different homologous pentapeptide epitopes are presented by spike protein.


The consequences will take years to play out:


Autoimmune disorders: COVID-19, spike protein & homologous epitopes

A literature review

Anonymous ID: 58bdae Dec. 14, 2022, 5:23 p.m. No.17943689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3792 >>3937 >>3969 >>4015 >>4157 >>4185 >>4264

Goldman to Cut Hundreds More Jobs as Consumer Unit Scaled Back


Goldman Sachs Group Inc. aims to cut at least a few hundred more jobs as the Wall Street titan restructures its struggling consumer business and braces for an uncertain economy in the year ahead.


The bank is drafting plans that could eliminate at least 400 positions from its loss-making retail banking operations, according to people familiar with the matter.

Anonymous ID: 58bdae Dec. 14, 2022, 5:25 p.m. No.17943699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3706 >>3937 >>3969 >>4015 >>4157 >>4185 >>4264


Research linking mRNA COVID vaccine with heart inflammation was 'covered up', claims British MP


In a bombshell revelation, Tory MP Andrew Bridgen has demanded the suspension of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, alleging the 'cover-up' of research linking mRNA jabs with heart inflammation by prominent health authorities of the British Heart Foundation (BHF).


In addition, the British MP claims that the problems related to COVID vaccines are being suppressed due to its financial associations with big pharma giants.


MP Andrew Bridgen has said, "It has been brought to my attention by a whistleblower from a very reliable source that one of these institutions is covering up clear data that reveals that the mRNA vaccine increased inflammation of the heart arteries.


"They are covering this up in fear that they may lose funding from the pharmaceutical industry.


"The leader of that cardiology research department has a prominent leadership role with the British Heart Foundation and I am very disappointed to say that he has sent out non-disclosure agreements to his research team to ensure that this important data never sees the light of day.


"This is an absolute disgrace. Systemic failure in an over-medicated population also contributes to huge waste of British taxpayers' money and is an increasing strain on the NHS."


Adding to the claims he says that the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is almost entirely (86%) funded by the pharmaceutical industry while research departments also get most of their money from so-called "Big Pharma" too.


"In effect we have the poacher paying the gamekeeper," he says.


The MP has been vocal about his opinions about the COVID vaccines. In the past, he has warned against the vaccination of young children, saying that the jabs are still in their experimental stages.


Along with his latest allegations, he highlighted research that showed a 25 percent increase in heart attack and cardiac arrest incidences in 16-39 year olds in Israel associated with the first and second doses of vaccine and not linked to SARs-CoV-2 infection.


He also notes that since the vaccination rollout, there had been 14,000 additional cardiac arrests in 2021 since 2020.



Anonymous ID: 58bdae Dec. 14, 2022, 5:26 p.m. No.17943706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3710 >>3937 >>3969 >>4015 >>4157 >>4185 >>4264


Reacting to Bridgen's claims, Health Minister Maria Caulfield said he was "entitled to his view".


However, she disagreed with him, "not only in the content of his speech but the way in which he derided doctors, scientists, nurses, many of us who worked through the pandemic and saw first hand the devastation that covid caused.


"There is no doubt in my mind that despite the PPE, the vetting and the social disatancing the thing that made the biggest difference in combating Covid was the introduction of the vaccine.


"Vaccines have underpinned our strategy of living with Covid.


"They have saved thousands of lives and allowed the economies to reopen not just in this country but in countries around the globe."


She added: "It is important to put on the record that the Covid vaccine is safe and we have some of the highest safety standards in the world."


The BHF has denied all the claims.


A spokeswoman for the British Heart Foundation said: “The British Heart Foundation has no knowledge of these allegations. As a leading medical research charity we uphold the highest scientific standards in all the research that we fund.”


Many vaccines place an inactivated or weakened germ into the body to build an immune response. However, as opposed to this popular approach, the mRNA vaccine teaches our cells the way to make a protein that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. The immune response in turn produces antibodies that help prevent the body from getting infected with the viruses and germs. This pertains to the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines too.


Most vaccines cause side effects. However, studies have reported a link between mRNA COVID vaccines and events of myocarditis and pericarditis.


While myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle, pericarditis is inflammation of the outer lining of the heart.


According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), myocarditis and pericarditis have rarely been reported. However, when reported, the cases have especially been in adolescents and young adult males within several days after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), the health body says.


A recent study found a higher rate of myocarditis or pericarditis in patients following COVID-19 vaccination. This was found to be greater following the second dose compared with the first dose. However, the study suggested that the health risks seen in patients with COVID-19 outweighed the risk for heart problems associated with COVID vaccines, highlighting the need for a risk-benefit analysis in certain patients.



Anonymous ID: 58bdae Dec. 14, 2022, 5:27 p.m. No.17943710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3723


As per a recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, myocarditis and pericarditis are rare after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. But the research claims that rates of the inflammatory heart conditions were twofold to threefold higher after the administration of the second dose of the Moderna vaccine than after the receipt of Pfizer/BioNTech, suggesting a head-to-head comparison in Canadian adults.


Researchers from the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control in Vancouver conducted the study within 21 days after participants received the second mRNA COVID-19 vaccine dose from Jan 1 to Sep 9, 2021.


It was found that the rates of myocarditis (31 cases; 35.6 per million second doses) and pericarditis (20; 22.9 per million) were higher after the Moderna vaccine than after Pfizer (28; 12.6 per million and 21; 9.4 per million, respectively).


According to the CDC, both myocarditis and pericarditis have the following symptoms:


  • Chest pain


  • Shortness of breath


  • Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart


Other symptoms of myocarditis include: fatigue, swelling of the legs, ankles and feet, lightheadedness and flu-like symptoms such as headache, body aches and joint pain.


According to Mayo Clinic, some of the tests to diagnose myocarditis are:


Blood tests


Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)


Chest X-ray


Heart MRI (Cardiac MRI)




Cardiac catheterization and heart muscle biopsy


In case of any symptoms assciated with the heart condition, visit your doctors and get your heart examined immediately.


3 of 3

Anonymous ID: 58bdae Dec. 14, 2022, 5:30 p.m. No.17943727   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dr Aseem Malhotra


The most important parliamentary speech you will see & it may save your life. MP calls for suspension of mRNA vaccine because of unprecedented harms & little benefit. ‘Something is rotten in British medicine & has been for a long time’




Anonymous ID: 58bdae Dec. 14, 2022, 5:33 p.m. No.17943751   🗄️.is 🔗kun


James Melville


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Anonymous ID: 58bdae Dec. 14, 2022, 5:35 p.m. No.17943768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3937 >>3969 >>4015 >>4157 >>4185 >>4264


Home/News/WHO Member States agree to develop zero draft of legally binding pandemic accord in early 2023


Countries meet for three days to agree next steps toward historic legal instrument, rooted in the WHO Constitution, designed to protect world from future pandemics.

During discussions, Member States call for global agreement that takes into account equity, promotes preparedness, ensures solidarity and respects sovereignty.

Zero draft of the pandemic accord to be ready for negotiations by Member States starting February 2023.

Member States of the World Health Organization today agreed to develop the first draft of a legally binding agreement designed to protect the world from future pandemics. This “zero draft” of the pandemic accord, rooted in the WHO Constitution, will be discussed by Member States in February 2023.


Today’s agreement by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), comprised of WHO’s 194 Member States, was a milestone in the global process to learn from the COVID-19 pandemic and prevent a repeat of the devastating impacts it has had on individuals and communities worldwide. The INB gathered at WHO headquarters in Geneva from 5-7 December for its third meeting since its establishment in December 2021, following a special session of the World Health Assembly.


The Body today agreed that the INB’s Bureau will develop the zero draft of the pandemic accord in order to start negotiations at the fourth INB meeting, scheduled to start on 27 February 2023. This draft will be based on the conceptual zero draft and the discussions during this week’s INB meeting. The INB Bureau is comprised of six delegates, one from each of the six WHO regions, including the Co-Chairs Mr Roland Driece of the Netherlands and Ms Precious Matsoso of South Africa.


“Countries have delivered a clear message that the world must be better prepared, coordinated and supported to protect all people, everywhere, from a repeat of COVID-19,” said Mr Driece, Co-Chair of the INB Bureau. “The decision to task us with the duty to develop a zero draft of a pandemic accord represents a major milestone in the path towards making the world safer.”


Fellow INB Bureau Co-Chair, Ms Matsoso, said government representatives stressed that any future pandemic accord would need to take into account equity, strengthen preparedness, ensure solidarity, promote a whole-of-society and whole- of-government approach, and respect the sovereignty of countries.


“The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on human lives, economies and societies at large must never be forgotten,” said Ms Matsoso. “The best chance we have, today, as a global community, to prevent a repeat of the past is to come together, in the spirit of solidarity, in a commitment to equity, and in the pursuit of health for all, and develop a global accord that safeguards societies from future pandemic threats.”


The WHO pandemic accord is being considered with a view to its adoption under Article 19 of the WHO Constitution, without prejudice to also considering, as work progresses, the suitability of Article 21.

Anonymous ID: 58bdae Dec. 14, 2022, 5:46 p.m. No.17943841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3945 >>3966 >>3969 >>4015 >>4157 >>4185 >>4264



>Hundreds of different homologous pentapeptide epitopes are presented by spike protein




It would appear from the balance of evidence presented, - results of the assembled literature and clinical reports, that an extreme risk to public health due to autoimmune diseases is not just a potential risk but one that is indeed being realised.


The full effects may not be apparent for many years, by which time options for effective treatment may well be limited, diagnosis a challenge and many tissues permanently damaged by then with a shortening of lifespan and extra demands placed on medical services the consequence.


I would strongly advise that the current generation of adenovirus vector and mRNA transfection agents have their authorisations reviewed immediately, not least pending lack of long term investigations into autoimmunity, pregnancy, child pathologies and extremely high rates of adverse events but also due to the availability of safe, proven antivirals such as those used in the FLCCC & Zelenko protocols.


Agrescit medendo, the cure is worse than the disease.