>so fucking cringe
not taking issue with anon's verifiable facts
but what about Motty Steinmetz?
surely this superstar can't be a Christian-hating foreskin chomper
hear some Motty Steinmetz, anon
>Jews are going INSANE again.
what about Bob Iger?
now he's a Jew who's had more influence on Gentile children than just about any other, and now he's back at Disney
a Jew to be proud of!
a common interpretation, but not one I agree with
things are woven so intricately through time and space
in ways we can't begin to imagine
He knows the end from the beginning
while we see through a glass darkly
not expecting that He's waiting on any one human to pull the trigger
money in Ukraine might be clawed back depending on how things go with the Fried Bankman