Anonymous ID: e9f0d5 Dec. 15, 2022, 2:32 a.m. No.17946353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6377 >>6419

Christina Bobb: Maricopa County outsourced signature verification to a company with Democrat ties


Christina Bobb, legal counsel for President Donald Trump, broke down the election anomalies that plagued Arizona’s midterm elections. In an interview this week on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” show, Bobb detailed how Maricopa County botched its elections by unlawfully outsourcing signature verification to a company with ties to the Democrat Party.


“Maricopa County effectively outsourced signature verification, which the Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Wright noted in her letter, is not lawful,” Bobb told Bannon. “The county is not allowed to outsource important aspects of the election.”


This is why they don't want us looking at the ballots….

— Kari Lake War Room (@KariLakeWarRoom) December 13, 2022


According to Bobb, the company that Maricopa County used to outsource signature verification is the same company that prints and distributes the ballots for the county, Runbeck Election Services.


The Gateway Pundit released a shocking report on Runbeck Election Services Tuesday, revealing that the owners of the company have strong ties to the Democrat Party as active donors. The wife of the chairman and owner of the company, Kyle Runbeck, was reportedly a donor to a “STOP REPUBLICANS” PAC.


It is no coincidence that Runbeck Election Services is active in states with rampant voter and election discrepancies: Arizona and Georgia.


They illegally outsourced chain of custody and signature verification to a third party. Those ballots are compromised.


That's why they don't want us to look at them.

— Kari Lake War Room (@KariLakeWarRoom) December 13, 2022


In another clip, Bobb claims that the state’s standard to verify absentee ballots is “close to zero,” as ballots with any signature get counted, with no guarantee on whether the ballots belong to lawful voters.


Without a proper chain of custody, “you can’t account for where these ballots are coming from,” Bobb said, adding that the ballots that were cast but jammed “had to be recast, some were counted multiple times, and some weren’t counted at all.”


“They legitimately do not know which ballots were counted twice and which ones were not counted at all, and the witnesses are saying that it happened to about 25,000 ballots,” she stated.


.@christina_bobb: “They legitimately do not know which ballots were counted twice and which ones were not counted at all, and the witnesses are saying that it happened to about 25,000 ballots.”

— Kari Lake War Room (@KariLakeWarRoom) December 13, 2022


Bobb’s revelations come as gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake submitted a 70-page lawsuit last week to restore “trust in the election process — a trust that Maricopa County election officials and Hobbs have shattered,” per RSBN.

Anonymous ID: e9f0d5 Dec. 15, 2022, 2:35 a.m. No.17946360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6361 >>6366 >>6419

‘RIGGED AND STOLEN’: The evidence is on the table…now what?


There is no question that the elections in America have changed. Whether they’ve always been questionable or we’ve only just recently realized how corrupt the system is, the bottom line is chillingly clear: Americans don’t trust their elections anymore, and how could they?


With embarrassingly long vote-counting processes that have elongated Election Day into “Election Week,” the concept of electoral reliability in our republic has been irreparably caricatured. Widespread reports of printing and tabulation problems in Maricopa County, Arizona, have obliterated the integrity of the state’s midterms almost entirely.


Since 2020, election races have been audited, investigated, and protested. Election integrity organizations like True the Vote have discovered staggering evidence of nationwide vote trafficking cartels.


VoterGA also continues to dig up data in the Peach State that indicates their election processes have likely been far less than above board for a long time.



VoterGA Releases Proof of Herschel Walker's 20,000 Vote Loss#ElectionIntegrity #gapol #VoterGA #Election2022 #auditGAnow

— Garland Favorito (@VoterGa) December 2, 2022


VoterGA has highlighted evidence of Herschel Walker’s 20,000 vote loss in 2022.


President Donald Trump has often called the 2020 presidential election “rigged and stolen” and has strongly called out irregularities and corruption wherever he sees it.


U.S. elections are chaotic, messy, fraught with errors, and clunkily drawn out. How did this happen? How did America, the pinnacle of modern civilization and a shining city of liberty on a hill, tumble down the mountain of election integrity and wind up with third-world election processes?


Arguably, the downhill descent started in 2000.


Hanging Chads and the Help America Vote Act


A cursory observation of America’s modern-day election systems has drawn voting machines into the limelight. Whether tabulators are down or ballots are being rejected, it seems as if the machines are always front and center when it comes to election woes.


In 2000, then-presidential candidate George W. Bush and Democrat candidate Al Gore were locked in a heated contest for the White House. Many Americans remember the debacle of the “Hanging Chads,” when it was reported that Florida ballots with punch tabs weren’t “all the way punched,” via Mashable.


This resulted in a delay in the election results. Bush was eventually declared the victor, but the path ahead was clear for election reform. In 2002, former President Bush signed the “Help America Vote Act” into law, which established mandatory standards in the U.S. when it came to election administration.


Via the act, guidelines were laid down for voting system standards, computerized statewide voter registration list requirements, and more. The act supposedly helped to streamline the U.S. election system – and perhaps, in many respects, it did. However, the nationwide adoption of the digital voting system seems to have caused more harm than good in the long run.


In a 2018 Mashable article, author Rachel Kraus wrote:


“Of course, the impulse to digitize voting also came with the deeper integration of technology into everyday life, as well as with the expectations of the media and the public, who wanted instantaneous returns. But the adoption of electric voting also came from the idealized position the tech industry held at the time.”


The introduction of widespread machine-led voting in the U.S. changed the landscape of our elections, for better or for worse. Ultimately, the machines seem to have led us to 2020 and now, 2022.


Post-2020 solutions


Reports of election irregularities are not simply relegated to one single area. Machines alone aren’t the only election-related tools getting a bad rap. Widespread mail-in ballots have been a vehicle of nationwide reports of vote trafficking and fraud. In fact, it’s the mail-in ballots that are being counted for days, like in the recent midterm races in Nevada or Pennsylvania.


Runbeck employee said employees were unlawfully allowed to add “family members’” ballots into batches with ZERO chain of custody


“There is no way to tell the number of ballots illegally injected into 2022 election”

— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) December 10, 2022

Anonymous ID: e9f0d5 Dec. 15, 2022, 2:35 a.m. No.17946361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6419


An example of alleged ballot problems with Runbeck election services/technology in Arizona.


Between a problematic election system in 2020 and the endless media news cycle that refused to report on evidence of dubious activities taking place in precincts across the country, election integrity seems like a lost cause.


Now, in the wake of damning evidence in Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files” that exhumed a breadcrumb trail of Big Tech censorship and collusion with federal agencies to suppress and silence political dissent, it seems as if no institution can be trusted anymore.


Conservative filmmaker and author Dinesh D’Souza tweeted on Monday, “Basically Trump is proven right that an unelected cabal rigged the rules of the game in order to fix the outcome of the 2020 election—and then shut down his ability to speak out about it. The #TwitterFiles alone are sufficient to demonstrate these two chilling points.”


Is it really as hopeless as it seems? What can Americans do to reclaim the integrity of their election processes?


Do your part


The answer is simple: do your part. The swamp can’t be drained from the top down. The best way to implement organic change is to battle it out right where you are. In a recent interview with RSBN, Trump attorney Christina Bobb keenly advised Americans to “get involved in the process…Become a precinct committeeman…volunteer at your state or county GOP. The more eyes we have on the process, the harder it is to cheat.”


“Sunlight is the best disinfectant,” Elon Musk tweeted in May.


For the everyday American, knowledge is power, and continually exposing the truth is the only path forward. Establishing election reform in America will be a long and arduous journey. A return to same-day paper ballots seems like the most reasonable option in light of the rampant issues in troubled counties like Maricopa in Arizona or Clark County in Nevada.


“Ultimately, we want same-day voting,” President Trump told a crowd of supporters in Memphis, Tennessee, in June.


The concept of single-day vote counting and result tabulation is the goal of many proponents of basic election integrity and security. Without free and fair elections, Americans have no freedom. The onus of responsibility ultimately rests with we the people, who have been tasked to safeguard constitutional liberties and protect the sanctity of the ballot box.


Thomas Paine, one of our most famous Founding Fathers and the author of “Common Sense,” stated two centuries ago that, “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it.”


The question is: are we, like men, willing to undergo the fatigues of supporting our freedom?


The choice is yours.

Anonymous ID: e9f0d5 Dec. 15, 2022, 2:37 a.m. No.17946362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6363 >>6419

The BIGGEST victories of 2022 belong to Trump and America First


The victories of 2022 inarguably belong to President Donald Trump’s historic America First movement. As the year winds to a close, it’s easy to reflect on everything that went wrong in 2022, but thanks to the America First moment, perhaps we should instead focus on everything that went right. The election season has left many people fatigued, but as the path to 2024 has opened wide, the fight for freedom and liberty has only just begun.


Throughout the year, Trump held a range of rallies throughout the nation, bolstering support for candidates who would challenge the GOP status quo and give the U.S. a fighting chance to regain its footing amid the train wreck of the Biden administration.


While most in the media are quick to label 2022 as disappointing, when the evidence is laid bare, it is clear that the past year has been historic for several reasons.


A return to free speech


In February 2022, President Donald Trump launched his long-awaited social media platform, Truth Social. Poised to hit back against the rampant censorship policies of Big Tech platforms like Facebook, the app soared to number one in the Apple App Store upon its release. Throughout 2022, the app expanded its reach by providing access on Samsung and Android devices, including the Google Play store.


Truth Social was also #1 in the Google Play store when it launched.


Truth Social has grown exponentially since its launch in February, providing competition in the social media realm and boasting exclusive access to “Truths” by President Trump as he gears up for what is sure to be an intense 2024 presidential campaign.


The demise of Roe v. Wade


In June, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the 1973 ruling of Roe v. Wade, returning the issue of abortion to the sovereign states. In the biggest win for life in decades, proponents of the unborn across the nation rejoiced.


The historic Supreme Court decision is something that Americans can directly thank President Trump for. While in office, he nominated three Supreme Court justices, paving the way for the overturning of the 1973 decision.


The president reacted to the decision in June, writing, “Today’s decision, which is the biggest WIN for LIFE in a generation, along with other decisions that have been announced recently, were only made possible because I delivered everything as promised, including nominating and getting three highly respected and strong Constitutionalists confirmed to the United States Supreme Court.”


There is no doubt that without President Trump, Roe v. Wade would have never been overturned this year. Americans and people of faith owe a debt of gratitude to him for facilitating its demolishment.

Anonymous ID: e9f0d5 Dec. 15, 2022, 2:37 a.m. No.17946363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6419


Midterm victories


The midterm elections were heated, and President Trump threw his endorsement behind countless candidates to boost the America First agenda in the U.S. The races were overall very successful for MAGA candidates and voters, despite the narrative espoused in the legacy media.


In December, Trump touted his smashing endorsement success rate of 232 wins out of 252 midterm races. “232 out of 252 Midterm Races WON who had my Endorsement, and the Fake News is working overtime to try and create the most negative narrative possible,” he said on Truth Social.


Despite a tidal wide of evidence of election-related fraud and vote-counting delays, the 2022 midterms delivered a slate of America First victories, sending new conservative fighters like GOP Senator-elect J.D. Vance (Ohio) to Washington.


Trump’s endorsement also gave a helping hand to conservative heroes like Kari Lake in Arizona. Lake has handily become a household name on the battlefield of election integrity, garnering widespread support in the Grand Canyon State.


Lake has also fearlessly committed to fighting election fraud in a whopping lawsuit against Maricopa County election officials and her Democrat opponent, Katie Hobbs, ringing in a new era of conservatism where Republicans don’t back down.


Without Trump leading the way, the midterm triumphs of 2022 would have been either slim or non-existent.


A Trump 2024 ticket


This year also delivered an early Christmas present to many Americans who are longing to return to the days of prosperity under the leadership of President Trump. In November, he announced his candidacy for president in a serious and executive event at his home, Mar-a-Lago, in Florida.


BREAKING: President Donald J. Trump announces 2024 candidacy for the White House

— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) November 16, 2022


“America’s golden age is just ahead, and together, we will make America powerful again,” he promised.


For millions of Americans, his willingness to run again in 2024 is a welcome relief, and although the path to 2024 may be fraught with hardship, Trump is willing to make a third presidential bid for the sake of saving the U.S. from tyranny.


“We need everyone involved – we need everyone’s help,” Trump added in his announcement speech. “…We need EVERY patriot on board because this is not just a campaign, this is a quest to SAVE our country.”


It is a quest that requires the effort and engagement of every patriotic, hardworking American who recognizes that the freedoms of the sweet land of liberty are on the line. This year, we can be thankful for the biggest victories that 2022 had to offer and give credit where it is due.


Without Trump, the America First movement wouldn’t exist. Without Trump, U.S. citizens would still be in the dark about the dirty underbelly of election problems. Without Trump, we wouldn’t see the stark contrast between America First policies and Joe Biden’s failing leadership. Without Trump, we would not have a path forward, and we must acknowledge that while 2022 had its hard moments, the best and brightest victories belong to America First.

Anonymous ID: e9f0d5 Dec. 15, 2022, 2:39 a.m. No.17946365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6368 >>6419

Trump promised to bring back ‘Merry Christmas’ in 2015, and he kept that promise


In 2015, then-presidential candidate Donald Trump told Americans at a Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., that if he were elected president, the phrase “Merry Christmas” would make a comeback.


According to a 2015 article from BPR, Trump told the crowd, “Remember the expression ‘Merry Christmas?’ You don’t see it anymore. You’re going to see it if I get elected, I can tell you right now.”


Today, Americans can retroactively look at the policies and political moves of the Trump administration and clearly see that the 45th president of the U.S. kept his promise to voters.


In a 2017 piece written for Fox News, Todd Starnes thanked President Trump for “bringing ‘Merry Christmas’ back to the White House,” citing the stark contrast between the Trumps and the Obamas. Per his article, he stated that during the first year of the Obama administration, the First Family reportedly considered getting rid of the White House nativity “for the sake of inclusivity,” he wrote.


Merry Christmas from President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump.@POTUS & @FLOTUS are seen Tuesday, December 5, in their official 2017 Christmas portrait, in the Cross Hall of the White House in Washington, D.C.

(Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)

— Melania Trump 45 Archived (@FLOTUS45) December 14, 2017


Trump, on the other hand, went so far as to send out presidential Christmas cards with the simple but endearing words “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year” emblazoned boldly for all to see.


An article from the Daily Caller during the early days of Trump’s campaign noted that Trump told Yellowhammer Radio with Cliff Sims that he saw society’s affront toward using the word “Merry Christmas” as “an assault on anything having to do with Christianity.” He added, “They don’t want us to use the word Christmas anymore at department stores…I go out of my way to use the word ‘Christmas.’”


Many Americans are likely attuned to the fact that Christmas has been seriously detuned in the U.S. What was once a hallowed Christian holiday has become increasingly marketed, materialized, and secularized.


According to a 2017 article from Snopes, former President Obama’s Christmas cards never included the words “Merry Christmas,” although he was not the only president to omit the term. Snopes pointed out that presidents like Herbert Hoover and even Ronald Reagan sent out cards using more secular phrases like “season’s greetings.”

Trump’s 2015 comments about Christmas were made in this speech.


Trump, however, drew a line in the sand when it came to heralding the Christian-Judeo values of America’s heritage.


Via the New York Post, in a 2021 Newsmax interview with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Trump stated, “When I started campaigning, I said, ‘You’re going to say “Merry Christmas” again.’ And now people are saying it…That was a big part of what I was doing, I would say it all the time during that period … I tell you, we brought it back very quickly.” 


Trump deserves credit for emphasizing the importance of the word “Christmas.” Evangelical Christians of America and people of faith, in general, should be able to recognize that Trump provided an overwhelmingly receptive course of leadership when it came to the values and ideas of Christianity.


While society and political culture has moved slowly toward a sanitized idea of the holiday system, Trump brought the reason for the season to the forefront of the nation’s focus.


The president added in his 2021 interview with Newsmax that “America loves Christmas,” and that it didn’t matter what faith denomination you belonged to – “Merry Christmas” was something that everybody used to say until culture shifted.


In 2022, although the Biden administration’s destructive policies have cast a dark shadow across the landscape of American hopes of dreams, citizens of the U.S. can take heart and recall better, happier days under Trump’s leadership.


What’s more, Americans can look forward to another 2024 presidential bid from Trump, and they can be sure that he will bring the holiday focus back to Christmas where it belongs if he reclaims the White House.

Anonymous ID: e9f0d5 Dec. 15, 2022, 2:41 a.m. No.17946369   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Bill of Rights


December 15, 1791, marks the ratification of our Bill of Rights, the first 10 Amendments to our Constitution, and the Rule of Law it enshrines.


The Bill of Rights was inspired by three remarkable documents: John Locke’s 1689 thesis, “Two Treatises of Government,” regarding the protection of “property” (in the Latin context, proprius, or one’s own “life, liberty and estate”); in part from the Virginia Declaration of Rights authored by George Mason in 1776 as part of that state’s Constitution; and, of course, in part from our Declaration of Independence authored by Thomas Jefferson.


Though the Bill of Rights is commonly referred to as “the first 10 amendments” to our Constitution, it is important to distinguish these 10 articles from amendments. The former are an integral part of our Constitution, while the latter, over the course of our nation’s history, have modified it.


Because of that distinction, the addition of the Bill of Rights was hotly debated among our Founders, many of whom argued that the mere reiteration of these innate and unalienable Rights of Man within the Constitution might imply that they are somehow subject to amendment, as if granted by the state.


Alexander Hamilton argued in Federalist No. 84, “Bills of rights, in the sense and in the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed constitution, but would even be dangerous. They would contain various exceptions to powers which are not granted; and on this very account, would afford a colorable pretext to claim more than were granted. For why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do?”


On the other hand, George Mason was among 16 of the 55 Constitutional Convention delegates who refused to sign because the document did not adequately address limitations on what the central government had “no power to do.” Indeed, he worked with Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams against its ratification for that very reason.


As a result of Mason’s insistence, the first session of Congress incorporated those 10 additional limitations upon the federal government for the reasons outlined by the Preamble to the Bill of Rights: “The Conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best insure the beneficent ends of its institution.”


Read in context, the Bill of Rights as a whole is both an affirmation of innate “unalienable rights” of man and a clear proscription upon any central government infringement of those rights. As oft trampled and abused as the Bill of Rights is by those who’ve sworn an oath “to support and defend” our Constitution, most notably “judicial supremacists,” or the “despotic branch” as Jefferson called the judiciary, Patriots must remain ever vigilant in order to sustain our rights.


Note: For an excellent resource on nation’s founding, read Mark Alexander’s essay on American Liberty. You can also purchase our highly acclaimed pocket size Patriot Primers on American Liberty either individually or in bulk for distribution to students, grassroots organizations, civic clubs, political gatherings, military and public service personnel, professional associations, and others.


Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis

Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776

Anonymous ID: e9f0d5 Dec. 15, 2022, 2:43 a.m. No.17946373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6385

McConnell Poised to Ram Home One Last Spend-o-Rama


With a GOP House majority on the horizon, why is Mitch McConnell trying to pass a massive Pelosi-Schumer spending bill?


It’d be snortworthy were it not so serious.


With Republicans ready to retake the House and thereby strengthen the GOP’s hand in Congress come January 3, Mitch McConnell and a few trusted Senate accomplices are trying to ram through one last piece of runaway spending before the 117th Congress skedaddles: a massive “omnibus” bill ostensibly meant to “avoid a government shutdown.”


Just in time for a pre-Christmas vote, and instead of passing a short-term resolution until the new Congress can take up the matter of this much larger spending bill, congressional negotiators say they’ve agreed on a framework for a 2023 government funding package.


Not surprisingly, The Wall Street Journal reports: “Lawmakers didn’t announce any details about the overall spending levels, a topic that has eluded negotiators for weeks. Republicans and Democrats have generally agreed to $858 billion in military spending — up from $782 billion appropriated for fiscal 2022 — but have been at an impasse over nondefense spending. Democrats are seeking about $26 billion more in nondefense spending than Republicans want.”


Interestingly, though — and infuriatingly — neither of the lawmakers most responsible for this plan is going to be around next year to face the consequences or the voters. That’s because both Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Pat Leahy, a Vermont Democrat, and Appropriations Vice Chairman Richard Shelby, an Alabama Republican, are retiring as soon as they can drag this flea-bitten dog across the finish line.


So much for accountability.


And so much for savvy, an attribute that seems increasingly to have abandoned Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. “We’re very close to getting an omnibus appropriations bill that would be I think broadly appealing,” said the guy who got played this summer by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate gadfly Joe Manchin on another massive spending bill, a $740 billion climate, health, and tax boondoggle.


“We need a bit more time beyond this week to get an omnibus done to avoid a needless shutdown,” said Schumer, obviously licking his chops at the prospect of working McConnell over and sticking the American taxpayers once again.


Has anyone else noticed that the Democrats and their Leftmedia lickspittles have weaponized the prospect of a “government shutdown” to strike fear into Republican lawmakers? Utah Republican Senator and constitutionalist Mike Lee has certainly noticed. “We’re witnessing a conspicuous, reoccurring trend,” he said yesterday, “whereby leaders use the threat of a government shutdown to pressure members into voting for inflated spending provisions without time to read the bill.”


We’re witnessing a conspicuous, reoccurring trend whereby leaders use the threat of a government shutdown to pressure members into voting for inflated spending provisions without time to read the bill.

— Mike Lee (@SenMikeLee) December 13, 2022


Lee, in fact, along with fellow Republican Senator and former business CEO Rick Scott, have penned an op-ed arguing against what they correctly dub “the Pelosi-Schumer spending bill,” and pushing instead for a continuing resolution that “maintains current federal spending levels — and not a penny more — until a new Congress begins.” They continue:


For nearly two years, we’ve seen the devastating impact of total Democrat control in Washington and heard from countless families in our states about the pain it’s causing them at home and in their businesses. That’s why the American people sent an unmistakable message in the November midterm elections, making clear that they want a Republican-led House to serve as a check on the unfettered spending of the current Democrat-controlled Congress.


You’re telling us. Why forfeit a strong hand in order to play a far weaker one?


Lee and Scott also share this little history lesson: “Since 1954, control of the House has changed five times and there has NEVER been an instance of Congress passing an omnibus spending bill before a new House majority takes power. Doing so now would not only defy precedent, it would unfairly tie the hands of the incoming Republican majority.”


“We’d be happy to pass a short-term CR into early next year,” said Mitch McConnell, referring to the December 22 deadline lawmakers have for ramming something through before the holidays.


Well, Mitch, if you’d be “happy” with a modest continuing resolution, what on earth is holding you up?

Anonymous ID: e9f0d5 Dec. 15, 2022, 3:03 a.m. No.17946409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6419


Feeling frisky after reading that!

Numbers aligning

Yo Kash, brilliant shout out.

Thank you!



Kash Patel @Kash



55 ReTruths


Dec 15, 2022, 4:51 AM