Anonymous ID: 074aa9 June 18, 2018, 12:07 a.m. No.1795022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5041 >>5055 >>5069 >>5277



Old order ~ Intact families

New order ~ What's a family?


Old order ~ Men were providers, women reared children, children were raised by moms and dads.

New order ~ Men are women, women are men, and children are raised by the daycare, and education industries.


Old order ~ One income from a job at a grocery store provided for a family.

New order ~ It realistically takes 4 adults working full time to buy an average house


Old order ~ Young adults payed for college with part time summer jobs

New order ~ Young adults are buried in debt


Old order ~ More diverse, unique, less concentrated economy

New order ~ Walmart, Amazon, McDonalds, etc


Old order ~ The Constitution of the United States of America

New order ~ UN Agenda 21 (Now The UN 2030 agenda for sustainable developement)


On and on it goes. You get the picture. Convincing us the "Old order" is the heavy invisible hand of government that every one of us feels everyday of our lives. His silvery tongue is smooth. We don't need our Constitution, right? That's old order, oppressive, outdated. Black is white, up is down, and now you're a slave or corpse before you know what the hell happened. Continue to ove us farther and farther away from God and humanity.


Thing is, this was the President of the United States saying this. Q asked what was missing on the exit? I didn't see an American flag.

Anonymous ID: 074aa9 June 18, 2018, 12:08 a.m. No.1795037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5084 >>5102 >>5107



Perspective from my nearly 1/2 century on this planet, as an American, on the significance of Obama Speech (full and edited)


I have watched my freedom erode over the course of my entire life.


Silver tongue Hussien is convincing us the "old order" is where those in charge believe people are too "small minded to govern their own affairs", cajoling us to accept a new "International order" of "hope and change".


Old order ~ had less government interference (This is true by the sheer lack of technology for governments to further impose themselves)

New orer ~ Your smartphone is listening to you and your smart TV is watching you


Old order ~ Intact families

New order ~ What's a family?


Old order ~ Men were providers, women reared children, children were raised by moms and dads.

New order ~ Men are women, women are men, and children are raised by the daycare, and education industries.


Old order ~ One income from a job at a grocery store provided for a family.

New order ~ It realistically takes 4 adults working full time to buy an average house


Old order ~ Young adults payed for college with part time summer jobs

New order ~ Young adults are buried in debt


Old order ~ More diverse, unique, less concentrated economy

New order ~ Walmart, Amazon, McDonalds, etc


Old order ~ The Constitution of the United States of America

New order ~ UN Agenda 21 (Now The UN 2030 agenda for sustainable developement)


On and on it goes. You get the picture. Convincing us the "Old order" is the heavy invisible hand of government that every one of us feels everyday of our lives. His silvery tongue is smooth. We don't need our Constitution, right? That's old order, oppressive, outdated. Black is white, up is down, and now you're a slave or corpse before you know what the hell happened. Continue to ove us farther and farther away from God and humanity.


Thing is, this was the President of the United States saying this. Q asked what was missing on the exit? I didn't see one of these…


Sorry, posted 2x, missed some on the cut..



Anonymous ID: 074aa9 June 18, 2018, 12:14 a.m. No.1795095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5126 >>5272



Perspective from my nearly 1/2 century on this planet, as an American, on the significance of Obama Speech (full and edited)


I have watched my freedom erode over the course of my entire life.


Silver tongue Hussien is convincing us the "old order" is where those in charge believe people are too "small minded to govern their own affairs", cajoling us to accept a new "International order" of "hope and change".


Old order ~ had less government interference (This is true by the sheer lack of technology for governments to further impose themselves)

New orer ~ Your smartphone is listening to you and your smart TV is watching you


Old order ~ Intact families

New order ~ What's a family?


Old order ~ Men were providers, women reared children, children were raised by moms and dads.

New order ~ Men are women, women are men, and children are raised by the daycare, and education industries.


Old order ~ One income from a job at a grocery store provided for a family.

New order ~ It realistically takes 4 adults working full time to buy an average house


Old order ~ Young adults payed for college with part time summer jobs

New order ~ Young adults are buried in debt


Old order ~ More diverse, unique, less concentrated economy

New order ~ Walmart, Amazon, McDonalds, etc


Old order ~ The Constitution of the United States of America

New order ~ UN Agenda 21 (Now The UN 2030 agenda for sustainable developement)


On and on it goes. You get the picture. Convincing us the "Old order" is the heavy invisible hand of government that every one of us feels everyday of our lives. His silvery tongue is smooth. We don't need our Constitution, right? That's old order, oppressive, outdated. Black is white, up is down, and now you're a slave or corpse before you know what the hell happened. Continue to ove us farther and farther away from God and humanity.


Thing is, this was the President of the United States saying this. Q asked what was missing on the exit? I didn't see an American flag. If the USA falls, the world fall.


God bless you Q, Potus, Anons, and The United States of America



Anonymous ID: 074aa9 June 18, 2018, 12:29 a.m. No.1795232   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Indeed. Black is white, up is down, women are men, men are women. Hussein will lead us to the New International promise land.


Promise land is hell on Earth.