Anonymous ID: 560a8f Dec. 15, 2022, 11:12 a.m. No.17948731   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5652 >>5748 >>5822 >>5868 >>5874 >>9412


Seriously Q, because my perfectly legal FOIA request through the VHA was denied, so I'm unable to get perfectly legal numbers that don't violate any HIPAA laws legally per the law from my government. So if you are military you can surely check VA records to see how many veterans that have killed themselves have been discussing Qanon with their VA doctors. Can you "Generals" at least get some numbers on how many of "Our" boys you're letting die with your relentless PSYOP that delivers nothing but "Pain" to anyone that gives a fuck about their country.

Anonymous ID: 1ea68d Dec. 16, 2022, 12:12 p.m. No.17955671   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6013 >>6062 >>9109 >>9737

Eric Trump / @EricTrump

06/28/2022 23:27:45

Truth Social: 108558631950927437

Happy to see this ridiculous story crumble. Moreover, for anyone who has been in โ€œThe Beastโ€ they understand the physics of this would be virtually impossible. All the whileBidenโ€™s crooked son, and family, gets away with murder.

Anonymous ID: 9a0dfd Dec. 16, 2022, 12:13 p.m. No.17955880   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9473



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 03/28/2020 15:21:09 ID: fead75

8kun/qresearch: 8601061

The entire world is watching.

Patriots from around the world are praying for AMERICA.

We are all bound by a feeling deep inside, a feeling that cannot be publicly expressed for fear of ridicule, a feeling that challenges the mainstream (narrative), against that which we are told to accept and dare not question, put simply, that people are being abused by those in power and time is running out.

Remember the battles of Lexington and Concord - "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!"

For far too long we have been silent and allowed our bands of strength, that we once formed to defend FREEDOM and LIBERTY, to deteriorate.

We became divided.

We became weak.

We elected TRAITORS to govern us.

We allowed EVIL to prey on us.

Those who claimed to represent us gave us false hope, made false promises.

The evil and corruption only grew.


This is more than party politics.

This is about restoring OLD GLORY.

This is about saving our land and our people from those who wish us harm.

This is about preserving our REPUBLIC.

This is about preserving our SAFETY.

This is about restoring our STRENGTH.


This is about PROTECTING our children.


We are all God's children.

We are, FATHERS.

We are, MOTHERS.


We are, SONS.


We are, SISTERS.

We do not look at race.

We do not look at skin color.


We are, and will always be, PATRIOTS.








Anonymous ID: e3dd41 Dec. 16, 2022, 12:13 p.m. No.17955894   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9347


> Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 5 They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them. 6 We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error.


Thank you. Christ is King.

Anonymous ID: 23bee7 Dec. 16, 2022, 12:14 p.m. No.17955956   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9007 >>9885

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.


it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.


drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated


Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.


sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.


Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think


The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate


West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)


https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state


never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

Anonymous ID: 5a503d Dec. 16, 2022, 12:14 p.m. No.17955972   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9037 >>9436

Illinois is a lost cause.

There is no point in a Conservative bothering to vote in Illinois.

Election Fraud has been happening in Chicago/Illinois for the last 100 years.

And any Republican that gets elected is a RINO.

ie Kinzinger

Anonymous ID: 465bfe Dec. 16, 2022, 11:10 p.m. No.17959228   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9737 >>9885 >>0282



Q has given us many drops in advance of huge truths which have (and will) come to pass after the dust settles on this most epic Plan To Save The World.



One of the greatest of these truths involves the Quantum science breakthrough (already proven but Cabal suppressed) of the Power of Thought or, moar specifically, the Power of a Focused and Sustained Intent. Does any anon think that Q's repeated call for "prayer" and references to "spiritual warfare" are all just religious trappings or just mumbo jumbo hopium? Why do anons think that EVERY Cabal message to the masses are ONLY fear or ego-based, low vibrational aspects of conditioning? Violence and gore porn, revenge porn, porn porn, etc. in the 4 AM talking points and EVERYTHING produced in Pedowood and Mainstram Media has been engineered to prevent the masses from learning or remembering the awesome, inherent power within each and everyone of us which, if harnessed and aggregated, to even a fraction, will bring [their] entire temple down.

Anonymous ID: d2267d Dec. 16, 2022, 11:11 p.m. No.17959312   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

The J6 Show Trial Is Lying About Election โ€˜Fraudโ€™


The purpose of the January 6 committee is to further the lie that there was nothing seriously wrong with the 2020 election and to criminalize any questioning of the election. The January 6 riot gives the committee a nice hook, but thatโ€™s not what they really care about.


They want to prevent you from admitting the election was irregular, faulty, or anything less than the most perfect election in the history of mankind, and from supporting people who fought against those irregularities. In service of this goal, the January 6 committee repeatedly lied about the actual claims Donald Trump supporters have made about the flaws in the election.


The January 6 Committee is conducting a show trial, not a criminal one. Show trials, common in authoritarian regimes, are held for propaganda purposes, to punish political opponents, and to cover up the truth of what the regime has done.


Democratsโ€™ show trial is completely one-sided. The members on the committee were appointed exclusively by Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. There are zero Republican-appointed members. In fact, Pelosi refused to allow the top Republicans Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy picked for the committee โ€” an unprecedented violation of House rules and norms.


No one represents the accused or advocates for their rights. No cross-examination or presentation of a defense has been allowed from the targets of the trial. The committee does not follow House rules on evidence or witness depositions. The so-called investigation has declared off-limits any good-faith inquiry into issues that contradict their persecution, whether a look at what led to the lack of security by Capitol police forces or a look at the legitimate concerns about the unique and novel way the 2020 election was conducted.


The show trial is deeply and profoundly un-American. This weekโ€™s โ€œsurpriseโ€ hearing has already imploded under the weight of the inaccurate testimony given by young staff assistant Cassandra Hutchinson. But last Thursdayโ€™s episode also deserves scrutiny for the lies it contained.


That hearing was focused on Jeffrey Clark, a Department of Justice (DOJ) official during the Trump administration who had proposed more aggressive investigative and legal efforts in the controversial aftermath of the 2020 election than many of his peers. Incidentally, among the growing concerns about a ream of false statements given is a report that Hutchinson also lied about Clark.


The Misdirection On โ€˜Fraudโ€™

The โ€œstorylineโ€ for the committeeโ€™s June 23 televised spectacle revolved around a letter that Clark drafted and wanted other DOJ officials to sign and send to the leadership of the Georgia state legislature. Hereโ€™s a portion of Rep. Liz Cheneyโ€™s loaded remarks about this. Before reading them, it should be noted that it has already been shown that Cheney repeatedly lied about DOJ lawyer Ken Klukowski throughout the hearing:


Neither Mr. Clark nor Mr. Klukowski had any evidence of widespread election fraud, but they were quite aware of what Mr. Trump wanted the department to do. Jeff Clark met privately with President Trump and others in the White House and agreed to assist the president without telling the senior leadership of the department who oversaw him.


As you will see, this letter claims that the US Department of Justiceโ€™s investigations have โ€˜Identified significant concerns that may have impacted the outcome of the election in multiple states, including the state of Georgia.โ€™ In fact, Donald Trump knew this was a lie. The Department of Justice had already informed the president of the United States repeatedly that its investigations had found no fraud sufficient to overturn the results of the 2020 election.


The words fraud or fraudulent were used some 50 times in Thursdayโ€™s hearing, typically in the way theyโ€™re used in the excerpt above. The Democrat-appointed members would claim that Clark was alleging election fraud and, further, that everything about the election had been fully investigated and there was no evidence of problems with the election.

Anonymous ID: b4439b Dec. 16, 2022, 11:12 p.m. No.17959412   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



The Constitution is just an agreement. It doesn't mean Democrats have to abide by it - especially when they control the White House and the Judiciary.


Who exactly is going to prosecute the government if they "infringe on" our rights to bear arms?

Anonymous ID: 6fc411 Dec. 16, 2022, 11:12 p.m. No.17959436   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>Fake News is now saying that the Ukraine war will last years


They want it to but Russia seems to be on another path:


"Russian Navy hit the headquarters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Dnipropetrovsk region


The shelling was carried out by Caliber cruise missiles from the Black Sea.


The command post with 50 generals and officers was reportedly completely destroyed."


TOS1 Thermobaric system disposes of Ukrainian military hideout

Anonymous ID: 821485 Dec. 16, 2022, 11:12 p.m. No.17959536   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9983




1 yr 1 day delta

366 days



23-Jun-2020 2:01:06 PM PDTQ !!Hs1Jq13jV68kun/qresearch9721632

Archived links:




More coming? [senior]


Remember your oath.






24-Jun-2022 8:04:01 PM PDTQ !!Hs1Jq13jV68kun/qresearch16506930


Are you ready to serve your country again?


Remember your oath.



Anonymous ID: 67ee37 Dec. 16, 2022, 11:13 p.m. No.17959688   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun





Countries are controlled, absolutely. Countries (though their controllers) have made decision to outsource which are now coming back to haunt them. The decisions to outsource were made by the controllers in order to wreck the world economy and make us dependent on them and their outsourced network.


Now can you understand what I was saying anon?

Anonymous ID: 1a7c11 Dec. 16, 2022, 11:17 p.m. No.17960234   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


the main problem is the descriptions, for example

>mgt bill on abortion, attacks on pregency 21 cases and timeline - raheem kassam

baker should just keep the title of the article

I have no idea what it's about from the


almost all the other notes are like this

if you dont know how to write a description, just keep the one in the article



paul pelosi

kamala no one cares

buenos aires fire

victorian efags

no courage in corporations pride month celebrations

Anonymous ID: e94357 Dec. 16, 2022, 11:18 p.m. No.17960375   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun




In the United States, as WND reported, former Wall Street executive Edward Dowd and an insurance-industry analyst with whom he has teamed have compiled CDC data indicating the Millennial generation suffered a "Vietnam War event," with more than 61,000 excess deaths from March 2021 to February 2022.


WND reported in January the CEO of a Midwest life insurance company disclosed the industry was seeing the highest death rates in its history, up 40% over pre-pandemic levels. The executive noted a "three-sigma, or 200-year catastrophe, would be a 10% increase over pre-pandemic levels."