Anonymous ID: d24292 Dec. 15, 2022, 11:25 a.m. No.17948813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8835 >>8836 >>8855 >>8907 >>8953 >>8966 >>8996 >>9026 >>9032 >>9034 >>9036 >>9040 >>9093 >>9114 >>9235 >>9304

Elon Musk Delivers the Perfect Response to QAnon Accusations

By Bonchie | 11:30 AM on December 15, 2022


The left has found its newest conspiracy theory, and it’s not surprising that it centers on Elon Musk.


Musk has become a sort of “man of the hour” over the last several months after finalizing his deal to purchase Twitter. Since then, it’s been hard to keep up as moral panic after moral panic has developed on the left in relation to the move. The latest on that front involves allegations that he’s secretly telling people to follow QAnon.


As RedState reported, it’s been Musk’s crusade to rid Twitter of child exploitation that has led to the charge. Apparently, not wanting child porn on social media means you are QAnon now.


When asked about the controversy, Musk gave the perfect response.

After all these years of hearing about QAnon, I’m still not sure why anyone cares about it. It has zero effect on mainstream politics, and to the extent that it exists, it does so in the bowels of the internet, as much a troll for many of its “supporters” as anything else.Yet, the press just can’t stop talking about it, largely because they believe they can connect anyone they hate with the conspiracy theory.


The attempts to make Musk a part of it are nothing if not transparent. Who honestly believes that the richest man in the world, a man who voted for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, is secretly an adherent of QAnon?


Further, this idea that anyone who has a legitimate concern about child sex trafficking, an actual real-life problem, is secretly QAnon is ridiculously dumb. It’s also harmful in that it provides cover for a lot of really bad actors in the world.


When asked about it, Musk could have waxed poetic and sung sweet nothings into this journalist’s ear, giving the overwrought condemnation the question was begging for. That he didn’t was the right move. These hacks deserve to be laughed at, not to have their silly fantasies legitimized. Musk is not QAnon and anyone wasting time pushing such nonsense is an imbecile. Apparently, there are a lot of those on the left.

Anonymous ID: d24292 Dec. 15, 2022, 11:33 a.m. No.17948873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8953 >>9114 >>9235 >>9304

The Tillis Amnesty Bill Is Dead as the Senator Looks at His Political Future

(Another RINO bites the fucking dust)

By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell | 8:00 AM on December 15, 2022


Our sister site Townhall issued the post-mortem on this lame-duck session stunt that frankly, was only meant to hamstring the incoming Republican House Majority. The Republican elite is adept at working against itself as long as their preferred people maintain power.

From Spencer Brown at Townhall:


After outcry from conservatives and Republican lawmakers who weren’t willing to betray the GOP’s commitment to the rule of law, legal immigration, and border security,an attempt to grant mass amnesty to DACA beneficiaries is, according to reporting on Wednesday night, dead.


Unsurprisingly, the fatally flawed legislative framework that was supposed to gin up support on both sides of the political aisle in the U.S. Senate did exactly the opposite as Republicans who limped across the midterm election finish line with barely a majority in the House and a loss in the Senate were not ready to hitch their names to a bill that was toxic among Republican voters.


The 60-vote threshold needed to pass this Amnesty bill out of chambers to a floor vote would have been a stretch. Democrat Senators would demand a path to citizenship for the Dreamers and no deal on Title 42, which was supported in the framework. Republicans would demand beefed-up border security and an easier way to get rid of border crossers who did not meet asylum requirements. It was a game of Chinese fire drill in a car that was going nowhere.


The two senators who spearheaded this bill — the now-Independent Kyrsten

Sinema (AZ) and North Carolina’s Thom Tillis — had their reasons to believe that this would be a feather in the cap of their careers. Sinema needs to look like a bipartisan leader who creates solid solutions to huge problems, especially since she is now politically a hot potato whose former party is out to remove her in two years.Tillis is not planning on running for re-election, and rumor has it that he plans to make a run for North Carolina governorwhen his senate term is up in 2026. So, Tillis has been playing “Senator bipartisan” on bills such as The Respect for Marriage Act, which was signed into law by Joe Biden on Tuesday, as well as the ill-conceived Safer Communities Act, the gun control legislation bill signed into law last Summer.


A clear indicator that he has his eye on a higher prize is a recent puff piece in the Charlotte Observer where Tillis teased his “legislative philosophy.” (NC Anons get the word out, never elect Tillis for Governor!)


Tillis says in everything in Congress he looks to the long game, with implementation of a bill in mind. “I’m driven to look at future opportunities based on the body of work that I’ve done at this point,” Tillis said, “and there’s nothing that I’ve been involved in that I’ve regretted, and actually, I don’t think there’s anything I’ve been involved in that’s ever been repealed or substantially modified, so that means it has staying power.” (EGO MUCH?)


Apparently, Tillis has broken his streak, as this bipartisan atrocity quickly died. We will see whether he spends the next few years of his term trying to resurrect a dead corpse or trying to remove his fingerprints from its neck.

Anonymous ID: d24292 Dec. 15, 2022, 11:41 a.m. No.17948928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9114 >>9235 >>9304

Rep. Cori Bush Smears Republicans as White Supremacists at LGBTQ Hearing

Anons this is a classic example of Stochastic Terrorism, once you see it you can’t unsee it!

By Bob Hoge | 6:30 PM on December 14, 2022


Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) slandered Republicans on the House Oversight and

Reform Committee during a Wednesday hearing on LGBTQ hate crime, starting her inflammatory remarks by saying, “Thank you for staying, andsorry you have to listen to the white supremacy raise its ugly head, you know, throughout this hearing.”


The House by design is less august than the Senate, but this kind of language on the floor of Congress is still reprehensible. Watch:


After dropping the supremacy bombshell, she continued her character assault: “…we’re here to fight it [white supremacy], but I just want to let you know that. The rise of hate and violence—


At this point, she was cut off by ranking member Rep. James Comer (R-KY), who was clearly offended. “That — that, madam chair. I mean, my God,” he sputtered.


Bush wasn’t interested in hearing Comer and did not stop speaking, talking right over him: “…follows a surge of anti-LGBTQ legislation driven by Republican state lawmakers including in my home state of Missouri.”

After her diatribe was finished, Comer did get a chance to respond, and he was not pleased. He declined to opine on Bush’s rhetoric, instead choosing to highlight crime and Bush’s vocal anti-police stance:


You know, I’m not even gonna comment on what Ms. Bush said, but I’ll say this: Crime is going to be a top priority for Republicans in this committee in the next Congress, and perhaps Ms. Bush could come give us some pointers on how she’s reduced crime in St. Louis since she’s been in Congress and what her ideas are to further reduce crime in St. Louiswait a minute, St. Louis has one of the highest crime rates in America.

Kek and Touche


Bush has been a loud proponent of the defund the police movement but has been roundly criticized for hypocrisy when it was revealed that she has paid over $500,000 in private security from campaign funds over the last couple of years.


Cori Bush is one of the most controversial and frankly obnoxious representatives currently roaming the halls of Congress these days. She makes even fellow Squad members AOC (D-NY) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) look palatable by comparison. Well, almost anyway. How you morph legitimate concerns regarding LGBTQ legislation into an accusation of racial hate, I don’t even know. It reveals the ongoing strategy by Democrats, however, which is to brand everything they don’t like as caused by white supremacy. The term is losing its meaning as they throw it against any person, cause, or policy that doesn’t fit their fancy. They lose all credibility when they do so.


The Los Angeles Times sunk to the lowest of lows with this kind of attack, ludicrously accusing black then-gubernatorial candidate and radio host Larry Elder of being “The black face of white supremacy.”


That's one angry looking creature!

Anonymous ID: d24292 Dec. 15, 2022, 12:08 p.m. No.17949084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9098 >>9235 >>9304

Zhang Li Arrested in London for Bribery; Will be Extradited for Ties to Disgraced San Francisco Public Works Chief

By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell | 12:45 PM on December 14, 20221 of 2

(Important info in this article)


The law has finally caught up with Zhang Li, the billionaire co-founder of the largest Chinese property development company.R&F Properties Co. Ltd. through its U.S. partner organization Z&L Properties, bought up swaths of land and real estate in the United States, much of it in California.


Its U.S. affiliate, Z&L Properties,went on a buying spree in 2014 and 2015. It acquired land in San Francisco, Fremont, Santa Clara, San Jose and Los Angeles, where it planned to build a total of 3,400 housing units.

On November 30, Li was arrested in London and placed under house arrest pending extradition proceedings back to the United States.


The South China Morning Post states: The billionaire co-founder of Chinese property developer Guangzhou R&F Properties Co. Ltd., Zhang Li, is wanted in the US over allegations he provided kickbacks to secure contracts in California.


Zhang, a former government official who rose to lead one of China’s largest real estate firms, was arrested on November 30 by London police and is facing extradition proceedings. He is contesting his transfer to the US. Judge John Zani granted bail of £15 million (US$18.4 million) on Monday at Westminster Magistrates’ Court, the joint highest sum ever recorded for the UK courts.


He will be confined 24 hours a day in an apartment on the 43rd floor of a London tower, monitored by security and CCTV. The 69-year old Zhang is alleged to have “provided kickbacks and funds to co-conspirators in order to obtain the appropriate permits for a construction project”, according to a court listing.


R&F did business in the US through a domestic affiliate. Among other projects, the company was responsible for a large, multi million-dollar mixed-use residential and commercial development project in San Francisco, the listing says. The point person who allegedly helped smooth the path to these permits? None other than former San Francisco Public Works Chief Mohammed Nuru. Ironically, Nuru’s Twitter handle is @MrCleanSF, but Nuru himself is anything but. Back in 2020, our Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar covered Nuru’s indictment.


The man responsible for keeping the streets of San Francisco clean (who’s obviously a miserable failure) was arrested by the FBI Monday afternoon on charges relating to bribery/kickback schemes. Mohammed Nuru, a Willie Brown protege, is the city’s Public Works Director. He first became an executive in the department in 2000 and was appointed Director by Mayor Ed Lee in 2011.


In an indictment unsealed Tuesday afternoon, federal prosecutors allege that Nuru and Lefty O’Doul’s owner Nick Bovis engaged in a scheme to bribe a San Francisco International Airport commissioner to help Bovis obtain an airport restaurant license. That scheme failed when the commissioner said she didn’t need the money, but the scheme doesn’t have to be complete for the men to be found guilty of the crime they’re charged with, honest services wire fraud.


Nuru also allegedly rigged bids to push contracts for homeless porta-potties and “container shelters” to Bovis, and helped a “billionaire Chinese developer” working on a mixed-use project get the project completed in exchange for a vacation trip to China and a $2,070 bottle of wine.


I bet China has quick trial for any public servant arrested for corruption, we should implement this is America

Anonymous ID: d24292 Dec. 15, 2022, 12:10 p.m. No.17949098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9235 >>9304


Zhang Li Arrested in London for Bribery;

2 of 2


Here is where Zhang Li first came on the radar, through the FBI investigation into Nuru.


Nuru was convicted in August of 2022 to seven years in prison, a $35,000 fine, and was forced to forfeit his 20-acre ranch and custom home in Stonybrook, California. In the midst of the trial, Nuru’s connections to Zhang Li and R&F Properties Co. Ltd were uncovered, as the Mission Local reported:


In the latest salvo stemming from the FBI’s arrest of ex-Public Works boss Mohammed Nuru, City Attorney Dennis Herrera today disseminated 14 subpoenas. They target entities tied to the stalled 555 Fulton mixed-use project — which Nuru allegedly attempted to aid behind the scenes, in exchange for gifts lavished on him by the building’s Chinese billionaire developer.


The subpoenas targeted six companies associated with that developer, Zhang Li.


Walter Wong, the deeply connected San Francisco permit expediter who handled permitting issues for 555 Fulton, was subpoenaed individually; four businesses housed in a building he owns at 205 13th St. were also subpoenaed today.


Nuru already had a long history of corruption as he climbed the ladder of San Francisco’s government.Nuru was also in a 20-year relationship with current San Francisco Mayor London Breed. The San Francisco Cabal apparently continues, unchecked.


R&F Properties provided bail for Li and said it planned to fight extradition:


Hong Kong-listed R&F Properties, which is providing £10 million of the bail, said on its official WeChat account that it planned to fight what it called “false allegations” that Zhang was charged with bribery “for hosting a dinner in China for a former public affairs executive in San Francisco and providing him with hotel accommodation”.


He will be housed in a five-bedroom apartment, complete with former military operatives on guard in 12-hour shifts.


According to the security manager, the security and tight setup is meant to closely replicate the standards used for a prisoner on remand. This is a costly endeavor, so, it seems the U.S. may have more on Li than his connection to Nuru.

Read this article for information on CA property of Zhang, in first paragraph


Read this for “buying spree in 2014-2015” second paragraph

Anonymous ID: d24292 Dec. 15, 2022, 12:19 p.m. No.17949156   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It really was perfect and he stated the whole goal of the media of bringing up the "invisible Qanon'.


The freakin funny thing is Elon stated the media created or made up Qanon, a conspiracy theory as a way to attack supposed conspiracy theorists.


Brilliant, so now we can call anyone in the MEDIA that mentions Qanon, that they are just conspiracy theorists and we know you made that up.

Anonymous ID: d24292 Dec. 15, 2022, 12:25 p.m. No.17949198   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Bongie should, because he also wrote an article on Red State mocking Trump thinking the Trump cards was his big announcement. There were a lot of people online that did too! It confused a lot of people. Bongie's arrogance oozes off the page on this one.


Donald Trump Drops His 'Major Announcement,' and I Can't Stop Laughing

By Bonchie | 12:30 PM on December 15, 2022

Anonymous ID: d24292 Dec. 15, 2022, 12:31 p.m. No.17949237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9269 >>9273 >>9304

Why the Left Will Fail to Find a Twitter Alternative After Elon Musk's Takeover

By Brandon Morse | 5:30 PM on December 14, 2022


The left is going through it after Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter. They want to leave for greener pastures but it would appear that nothing is proving itself to be worth it.


Probably the most famous of these is Mastodon, a leftist platform that many former blue checks ran to in order to escape the big bad billionaire,only to find that the very censoriousness they cheered on at Twitter is now being used against them. People will report others strictly for saying something they disagree with resulting in a ban or suspension from the platform.


According to The Hill, others have popped up to try to be the left’s go-to social media network but it’s just not working out at these places either. A network called “Hive Social” became overwhelmed by demand on its servers and was taxed by security glitches. It shut down its servers and never turned them back on, which they hilariously posted about on Twitter.


Another is “Post,” which looks to move in on the news/social media blend that Facebook and Twitter naturally became and dominate.


What they all have in common are the obvious issues. An established digital town hall is going to be a near-impossible task to overtake in order to become the standard. People have spent years on Twitter cultivating a following and abandoning that is going to be tough. You’re effectively asking people to start over again and on platforms that have far fewer users.


However, what will primarily stop these platforms from becoming anything worth looking at is the kind of clientele they’re getting. These are people who fled Twitter because they didn’t want to deal with people being able to speak their minds without filters silencing them as much as possible. They wanted shadow bans, suspensions, and bans for anyone and everyone they disagreed with.


When you build a platform that caters to this kind of emotion, you get the issue happening atMastodon right now. People begin reporting and censoring each other merely off a disagreement. It becomes an echo chamber where the echoes become quieter and quieter as more and more people are pushed off the platform and wind up exactly where they started; back on Twitter.


People who want to silence others so they can live quietly in their own head space and hear nothing but what pleases them will eventually stagnate any space they inhabit as they force out everyone else. This is why Twitter will continue to thrive and every other platform will stay in the shadows.


Mastodon sounds like a little boys toy, doesn't it?

Anonymous ID: d24292 Dec. 15, 2022, 12:37 p.m. No.17949271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9304


Here's theHouse Select Committee's report released yesterday, COVID originsand Natalie covers Bidan Intelligence Officials held back a lot of info, manipulated social media info.

Anonymous ID: d24292 Dec. 15, 2022, 12:41 p.m. No.17949296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9302


House Select just fired a warning shot to the Intel Community


First Page of the Report:

This unclassified report attempts to add to the

discourse of COVID-19 origins with the understanding that information held by theUnited States Intelligence Community (IC) that has yet to be shared with this Committeecould be useful in making a final determination of the question of whether the origin of this pandemic was natural or lab-related.