Anonymous ID: 23f4c0 Dec. 15, 2022, 12:55 p.m. No.17949390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9804 >>9994 >>0060

Unstoppable Us


Harari includes a Timeline of History at the beginning of Unstoppable Us.




He begins with 6 million years ago with a picture of an upright creature that is a cross between a human and an ape. The caption reads that this was the “last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees.”


He follows with a jump to the 2.5 million years ago mark in which he states that “Humans evolve in Africa.” The Gospel of Harari moves forward another half-million years with the “[e]volution of different kinds of humans.”


By 400,000 years ago, “Neanderthals evolve in Europe and the Middle East” and 300,000 years ago, “Sapiens evolve in Africa.” 70,000 years ago, “the Sapiens leave Africa in large numbers.” 35,000 years ago the Neanderthals are extinct and “Sapiens are the last surviving kind of human.”


“Planet Earth was once ruled by many different animals . . . But now we humans rule everything: the land, the sea, and the sky. . . . The only reason lions, dolphins, and eagles still exist is because we allow them to.”


He concludes this introduction with, “AND it’s a true story.”


Chapter 1 teaches the children that millions of years ago, we were just ordinary animals who ate worms and climbed trees to pick fruit. Until humans learned to make tools, the other animals weren’t afraid of them.


Harari explains that when kids wake up in the night frightened that there are monsters under their beds that this is simply “a memory from millions of years ago . . . [when] monsters . . . sneaked up on children in the night.” His example is of a lion coming to eat the child. This idea is repeated in the closing of his book.


Next, the humans invented fire.


“A single weak human with a fire stick could burn down an entire forest in a matter of hours, destroying thousands of trees and killing thousands of animals.”


Now, the humans could cook their food. As a result, “humans started to change: they had smaller teeth, smaller stomachs . . . and much more free time.”


Harari expands on this by stating that some scientists “suggest it was cooking that made it possible for the human brain to start growing.”


Once they started cooking . . . humans could spend far less energy chewing and digesting and had more energy to feed big brains. Their stomachs shrank, their brains grew, and people got smarter.


In the next chapter, the children learn that “our planet was actually home to many different kinds of humans.”


Harari introduces the Floresians and follows with the “bigger-brained” Neanderthals, and the Denisovans. However, according to him, the Sapiens eventually killed off all of these “ancestors.”


“. . . when the new super-Sapiens reached Europe, they picked all the pears, ate all the berries, and hunted all the deer. This meant that the local Neanderthals had nothing left to eat, so they died of hunger. And if any Neanderthals tried to stop the Sapiens from taking all the food, the Sapiens probably killed them.”


“Then our ancestors went to Siberia and took all the food from the Denisovans. And then they went to Flores, and . . . soon there wasn’t a single small human or small elephant to be found. And when all the other humans were gone, our ancestors still weren’t satisfied. Although they were now incredibly powerful, they wanted even more power and more food, so they sometimes fought one another.”


The next chapter begins with, “You see, we Sapiens are not very nice animals.” Often, he concludes, this is due to different skin colors, languages, or religions.


“But a few years ago, scientists discovered that at least some of our Sapiens ancestors didn’t kill or starve all the other humans they met.”


Harari explains that because of our knowledge of DNA, scientists have determined that some Neanderthals had children with Sapiens. I guess Harari intends for these middle-grade students to conclude that some people today are not 100% evil since they have some Neanderthal DNA . . .


Harari then speculates as to what the world would be like today if “our ancestors had been nicer and had allowed the Neanderthals and the Floresians to go on living and developing.”

Anonymous ID: 23f4c0 Dec. 15, 2022, 12:59 p.m. No.17949414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9425 >>9437 >>9439 >>9442 >>9559 >>9563 >>9688 >>9804 >>9994 >>0060

Fauci Responds To DeSantis' Call For Investigation Into COVID Vaccines


White House COVID-19 adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci on Wednesday responded to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s recent call to investigate COVID-19 vaccines by saying he “doesn’t have a clue” what the investigation would accomplish.


“I don’t have a clue … what he’s asking for,”Fauci told CNN on Wednesday in response to DeSantis before stating he believes the COVID-19 vaccine “is highly effective.”


“So what’s the problem with vaccines? I mean, vaccines are life-saving,” said Fauci,the outgoing head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease.


“So, quite frankly … I’m not sure what they’re trying to do down there,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 23f4c0 Dec. 15, 2022, 1 p.m. No.17949424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9563 >>9688 >>9804 >>9994 >>0060

€1.5M Stuffed In Suitcase & Paper Bag: EU Parliament Bars Qataris From Premises As Graft Probe Widens


On Thursday members of the European Parliament voted to suspend the access of Qatari representatives to its grounds and offices over the ongoing graft scandal which rocked the EU body after last week police raided some 16 offices and homes of EU officials and aides suspected to be involved, resulting in the high profile arrest of Greek MEP and European Parliament Vice President Eva Kaili.


The tiny but influential oil-and-gas rich Gulf country is alleged to have attempted to bribe MEPs with "large sums of money" and "substantial gifts" - including their assistants - in what media reports described as an expansive influence-peddling operation.


Kaili and three other officials remain in police custody amid a continuing investigation. Police announced late last week that they initially recovered 600,000 euros in cash in the raids. Politico in follow-up reported that in total, "The investigation has uncovered at least €1.5 million in stacks of euros stashed in a suitcase, a briefcase and even a paper bag." So it seems Qatari representatives were waltzing into offices and handing out literal bags of cash.


"Computer equipment and mobile phones were also seized. These elements will be analysed as part of the investigations," the Belgium-based EU prosecutor's office stated after it was "suspected a Gulf country (of influencing) the economic and political decisions of the European parliament."


EU lawmakers also moved Thursday to halt any and all pending legislation involving Qatar, given that now suspicions over the parliament's transparency and lobbying procedures have deepened. The parliament's human rights committee has also come under scrutiny given the involvement of officials suspected of links to the scandal.


Qatar is among Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, with Saudi Arabia foremost among them, that have long been accused of serious human rights violations and crackdowns, yet which often employ hundreds of millions of dollars across the globe for media whitewash campaigns.


Even before the scandal came to light, CNN was weeks ago previewing the World Cup opening hosted in Doha with the following:


Football’s 2022 World Cup kicks off in Qatar on Sunday, but the championship – the first to be held in an Arab country – is clouded by controversy even before it begins. First, allegations of corruption around the awarding of the World Cup to Qatar by FIFA, football’s governing body, with an FBI probe of leaders implicated in a bribery scandal. Then, reports of exploitation of Qatar’s migrant workers. And other human rights abuses – particularly against Qatar’s LGBTQ population. Homosexuality is illegal in the country.


With one hand, #Socialists in the European Parliament put on a #OneLove armband.


With the other hand, they lined their pockets with bribes from #Qatar.


Not personal financial interests, but the interests of 450 million citizens should be central to #EU policymaking!

Anonymous ID: 23f4c0 Dec. 15, 2022, 1:15 p.m. No.17949536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9542 >>9549 >>9994 >>0060

White House covid response coordinator Dr. Jha:


"We know we can prevent nearly every death from covid if people get their updated vaccines."

Anonymous ID: 23f4c0 Dec. 15, 2022, 1:26 p.m. No.17949592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9604 >>9688 >>9804 >>9994 >>0060

Critically-understaffed Canadian hospital network may hire unvaccinated health care workers after thousands were fired during pandemic


Thousands of health care workers were fired in Canada for their refusal to comply with government vaccine mandates. While most provinces have since dropped their vaccine requirements, many hospitals continue to require continued compliance.


One struggling Ontario hospital network is, however, contemplating prioritizing patient care over vaccine requirements in hopes of attracting more talent.

What are the details?


In March, the province of Ontario, home to the city of Toronto and the nation's capital of Ottawa, lifted the requirement for health care settings and hospitals to enforce COVID-19 vaccination policies.


CTV News reported that notwithstanding this change in tack, Ontario hospitals continue to enforce their own mandates, along with hospitals in British Columbia and Nova Scotia. Accordingly, health care workers still need to be vaccinated.


For the South Bruce Grey Health Centre health network, which serves nearly 44,000 people, this may prove untenable.


SBGHC has been struggling with staffing issues for a long time.


In October, the health network announced that one of its rural hospital's emergency rooms would be closing down, adding that health staffing in the province would likely "remain a challenge for the foreseeable future."


At the time, SBGHC stated the "pool of available nurses is very limited."


This staffing problem has only worsened.


The health network's ICUs are flooded with flu cases and vaccinated COVID-19 patients. All four of its rural hospitals have suffered ER closures. COVID-positive health care workers have had to stay on the job.


Ivy Bourgeault, an associate professor at the University of Ottawa, told CTV's "Your Morning Tuesday" that "many people are grasping at straws in order to keep their hospitals open."


Mandy Dobson, interim director of clinical services at SBGHC, indicated in a memo obtained by CTV News that the health network is now reviewing its COVID-19 vaccination policy.


A survey was attached to Dobson's memo asking staff what they thought about the possibility of allowing unvaccinated workers to help restore order and lighten the load.


Anne Laxton, a mother of three and registered nurse with over 12 years' experience, applied to work for SBGHC but was rejected on account of her vaccination status.


At a townhall meeting in October, Laxton noted that owing to a dearth of information about the vaccines at the time of their initial roll-out, she was unable to give informed consent.


Despite having worked through the worst of the pandemic, she was barred from returning to work in January on account of her refusal to comply with the vaccine requirement.


Laxton went instead to work in a nearby pub.


"I know there are some people who are worried about people like me, but I have worked in the pub without a mask. I have served my [former] coworkers in the pub without a mask and they kept sitting there, eating and drinking … but I cannot go to work with them," said Laxton.


After explaining to a room full of people suffering on account of the health care worker shortage why there was at least one fewer nurse to help them, some began to shout, "Hire her, hire her!"


SBGHC is reportedly the only hospital network in the province considering hiring unvaccinated workers.

Anonymous ID: 23f4c0 Dec. 15, 2022, 1:58 p.m. No.17949761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9770 >>9829 >>9868 >>9871 >>9994 >>0060

Who Is Gary Wang, the Mysterious Co-Founder of FTX and Alameda?


Not much is known about Bankman-Fried’s close confidant – the co-founder of both FTX and Alameda Research.


The co-founder of Alameda Research and FTX

A mysterious ex-Googler who also served as chief technology officer for both firms

Reportedly Bankman-Fried’s childhood friend


Gray Wang is not like his co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried, who loves fame and putting himself at the center of public attention (even when people are begging him to stop tweeting). In fact, there’s little public information about Wang, who has been described as a shady but critical player in the rise and fall of FTX.


Wang met Bankman-Fried at a math camp in high school. Later, they became college roommates at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where Wang got degrees in mathematics and computer science and Bankman-Fried received a bachelor's in physics.


See also: Who's Who in the FTX Inner Circle


Before co-founding Alameda Research (and later FTX), Wang worked at Google. He claims to have built a system to aggregate prices across public flight data, according to an introduction on the Future Fund's website. When Bankman-Fried left the Jane Street Hedge Fund to start Alameda in 2017, Wang left the tech giant.


The startup has its beginnings in a three-bedroom Berkeley apartment – the downstairs served as its office. The firm shifted to Hong Kong, in part to take advantage of arbitrage opportunities in Asian bitcoin markets – including the price discrepancy between BTC in Japan and BTC everywhere else.


It’s there that Wang and Bankman-Fried funneled funds from Alameda to build its bespoke derivatives exchange. Bankman-Fried told Insider that he is not a good coder: "I don't code. I'm trash. I have not written any of FTX's code base. That's all a lot of other really impressive people at FTX. That's not me at all."


Nishad Singh, the head of engineering at FTX, said Wang was a "really good mentor" who offered suggestions and advice to push things out on short timescales.


In the aftermath of FTX’s collapse, and the subsequent $400 million hack, questions are circulating around who could possibly have abused client funds. Wang is a prominent suspect, as one of the few people with "root access" to the exchange’s code base, according to The Block.


Wang is also one of the board members of FTX Future Fund – the charity guided by “effective altruism” that aims to "use reason and evidence to do the most good possible for the most people."


Wang, one of the 10 roommates in Bankman-Fried’ luxury penthouse in the Bahamas, is reportedly among the four people cited by Caroline Ellison who knew about the decision to send customer funds to Alameda, according to people who spoke to the Wall Street Journal.


A few Wang photos are circulating on the internet, though little else is known about the mysterious co-founder who preferred to stay in the shadows as SBF chased the limelight. In a now infamous picture on FTX’s website, CTO Wang is seen with his back facing the camera as he focuses on the monitors in front of him.


At the age of 28, Wang topped Forbes' 2022 list of the world's billionaires under 30 with a net worth of $5.9 billion in April. SBF sent his congratulations to Wang in public, tweeting that "I couldn't be prouder" when the list came out.


‘Where is Gary Wang?’: FTX’s other ex-billionaires lie low after SBF arrest


Fucking GARY

Anonymous ID: 23f4c0 Dec. 15, 2022, 1:59 p.m. No.17949774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9792 >>9804 >>9994 >>0060

Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Massive Drop in Muscle Strength


Vitamin D is essential for building and protecting the bones and muscles in your body. While you don’t have to chug a gallon of milk every day, researchers say getting the nutrient into your diet is vital. A recent study by Brazilian scientists found that a vitamin D deficiency can lead to a massive 78 percent drop in muscle strength.


While vitamin D is commonly known for making strong bones and muscles, it has widespread health benefits. It regulates the amount of calcium and phosphorus that the body absorbs and keeps your brain and immune system in optimal shape.


Along with food, vitamin D comes from sunlight, but only when a good portion of your skin is exposed to it.


“It’s necessary to explain to people that they risk losing muscle strength if they don’t get enough vitamin D. They need to expose themselves to the sun, eat food rich in vitamin D or take a supplement, and do resistance training exercises to maintain muscle strength,” says Tiago da Silva Alexandre, a professor of gerontology at University College London, in a media release.

Muscles and bones rely on each other


In the current study, the researchers suggest vitamin D supplements could be especially helpful for older adults with an increased risk of dynapenia. This age-related condition is a loss of muscle strength that increases the risk for physical disability later in life. People with dynapenia are more likely to fall, need hospitalization, and die prematurely.


To study vitamin D’s effects on muscle strength, the team recruited 2,205 non-dynapenic individuals 50 years and older for four years. The cohort was enrolled in 2002 and then underwent 15 years of follow-up.

Anonymous ID: 23f4c0 Dec. 15, 2022, 2:02 p.m. No.17949789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9795 >>9801 >>9804 >>9994 >>0060

Indictment: GOP’s FTX Conduit Blows Lid Off SBF Political Contributions


The Southern District of New York (SDNY) indictment against Sam Bankman-Fried, or “SBF,” accuses the disgraced FTX founder of violating federal election law. The 14-page indictment also alleges that Bankman-Fried conspired with others to violate federal election laws by making political donations to candidates and fundraising committees between 2020 and November 2022, in excess of federal legal limits and in the names of other people, CNN reported.


A top-ranking FTX executive last month flipped on Sam Bankman-Fried and his allies by tipping off Bahamian regulators about alleged malfeasance, the New York Post reported. That executive was Ryan Salame, who served as co-CEO of FTX Digital Markets prior to its collapse.


Salame told regulators that only three FTX executives had the authority required to approve the cash transfers — Bankman-Fried, FTX co-founder Gary Wang and former director of engineering Nishad Singh.


Bankman-Fried through FTX was one of this past cycle’s top donors and funneled tens-of-millions of dollars to both parties. FTX funds wired to the GOP were almost exclusively given to moderate/anti-Trump candidates and PACs, including sizable donations to both Kevin McCarthy’s Congressional Leadership Fund and Mitch McConnell’s Senate Leadership Fund.


In addition to those donations, FTX through Sam Bankman-Fried wired millions to dark money PACs that were used to attack pro-Trump/America First candidates. According to a Washington Post article from this past October, Kevin McCarthy operated a “secretive” anti-MAGA campaign within the GOP that in part used FTX funds to “systematically weed out GOP candidates who could either cause McCarthy trouble if he becomes House speaker or jeopardizes GOP [establishment] victories.”


“Most” of the money (millions of dollars), reported The Post, “came from none other than Ryan Salame.

Anonymous ID: 23f4c0 Dec. 15, 2022, 2:22 p.m. No.17949898   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Shaitan the Serpent. A portion of his teeth and claws are the members of the Anti-Defamation League,

which is an un-Constitutional gestapo organized in the United States in 1913 by Jewry's exclusive

Grand Orient Freemasonic Lodge of B'nai B'rith so as to force out of circulation any truth remotelyconnecting

the word "Jew" with the world conspiracy against God and man