4 Chins is working fine.
>I said Plebs, not 4chan.
OP said 4 Chan plebs.
Thought it was 4chins. I dunno what a 4 chan plebs is.
>Shows you how little you know about that site.
▲ ▲
>Any discussion of Qatar and World Cup and MERS over here?
But over here they can be distracted by a balloon on a stick.
What do?
>It's changed so much since the early days.
True dat.
I come for the shitpoasting and making memes.
It can keep me engaged enough.
Early days were intense 14 hour sessions here. Daily.
My nerves are definitely less shredded than 5 years ago.
>Still not so patient with normies.
Standard operating procedure.
>Did he tell DJT about what was coming?
I have no idea who told who what, nor who did what to whom, nor why anyone acted how they did. Maybe confusion was the objective?
Still; I'm here. The watcher on the wall.
>Le sigh