Anonymous ID: 78d7c3 June 18, 2018, 1:25 a.m. No.1795565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5655 >>5716 >>5792

From one of the previous breads:




















This is a valid thread and subject.


Ignore ayor.


Believe you have not been lied to or stolen from.


Things have been done on account of principles that have been hidden from us.


No Coincidences.


Read, Listen, Study… consider all arguments.


Then make up your own mind, constantly re-evaluating based on new info.


Having committed to this thought structure, I cannot conclude that circumcision is performed in the interest of a free and natural human.


Such similar things are reserved to domesticated beasts.


The true purpose?


Freeing young men from the responsibility to manage their own body does not stand to scrutiny. Evasion is evil.


The information explaining the reasoning is not available to me at this time.


What has been done… what has led to the conditions of today… is the product of several factors. No one thing done would lead us here.


This is OBVIOUSLY a factor.


Check out this:

http:// c/how_hormones_can_be_manipulated.html

Anonymous ID: 78d7c3 June 18, 2018, 1:45 a.m. No.1795655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5716 >>5792 >>5797




Let's take a look at circumcision. Firstly, its purpose isn't based on anything scientific and there are all sorts of reasons given for its practice eg, hygiene, religion, aesthetics, custom, tradition, ritual. There doesn't seem to be a practical reason for a beneficial effect. The reasons for upholding the practice are lost in obscurity and only maintained because of custom, ritual religion etc.



Some points that Jean-Paul makes about circumcision:


Circumcision by reflex action, caused imbalance in the endocrinal system,


Imbalance of the endocrinal system is directly responsible for changes in temperament,


The hormonal changes directly affect genetics,


The effects on the hormonal system accumulate from generation to generation


There is a different effect according to at what age the circumcision takes place, as different glands are developing at different times.



… and this is what circumcision does, with immediate consequences on the genetic system.

It should be understood that the endocrinal system is the silent architect, conditioning both our appearance and all moral/intellectual possibility. The nervous system is subject of the endocrinal system and you do not learn through the brain, but thanks to the Hypophsis, Thyroid & Interstitial. The brain is only the seat of automatic innate or acquired reflex. "



Jean-Paul's comments,



"The Jew does not exist ! It is made up generation after generation through the endocrinal mutilation of the Interstitial ( or Genital Intern ) on the 1st day of the 1st puberty. In clear carrying on the 8th day after birth !



The Khazars



The idea of circumcision on the 8th day, helps explain why the Khazars end up with the same temperament. The Khazars are a race of people who originated from the steppes of Asia, and took on the Jewish religion in the 9th century, yet despite no genetic link, they display the same mental and moral characteristics.



"Genetically modified humans with a man-made atrophy of one gland and the hypertrophy of some other resulting :


Suprarenals ( violence, conquest ) ,


Hypophyses ( analytic / narrow-minded / iterative logic ),


Pineal ( atrophy of the higher centre of spirituality & power of synthetic logic ),


Thyroid ( gland of memory whose hypertrophy produces popping eyes


syndrome & Down syndrome in the descent ) last but not least


Genital extern ( insatiable mating propensity, pornography, women slavery etc ). "


Pharoahs sons


"Now since we are at it, why not say a word about the children mutilations carried out by two of the JIC sects !!! Originally this was performed on the five days to the Pharaons' sons only and the aim was to make them impervious to Human suffering so as to be able to throw thousand of soldiers to certain death without a wink ! In this children mutilation is indeed an abomination and performed on the 8 days the results are still worse … since this is the first day of the first puberty!!! "

Anonymous ID: 78d7c3 June 18, 2018, 2:27 a.m. No.1795792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5801



>>1784283 Thread On Circumcision


Continued under


>>1795565 How hormones can be manipulated through circumcision and meat eating

Sauce: http:// how_hormones_can_be_manipulated.html


>>1795655 Excerpt from http:// how_hormones_can_be_manipulated.html: Hormonal effects of circumcision


Sorry for multiple attempts, newfag trying fagluck…