Anonymous ID: e2435c June 18, 2018, 1:46 a.m. No.1795661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5670 >>5733

Couch Pics Related


  1. Barack Hussein obama

  2. Phil Boerner (Dad State department; close friends with BHO 1979-1981+)

  3. Imad Husain (Pakistani, Karachi, parents lived in DUBAI, close friends with BHO 1979-1981+)

  4. Wahid Hamid (Pakistani, Karachi, wealthy, close friends with BHO 1979-1981+)

  5. Hasan Chandoo (Pakistani, parents lived in KARACHI, VERY wealthy, close friends with BHO 1979-1981+)

  6. Siddiqi Sohale AKA Mustache Guy. (Chandoos 1980 roomate confirmed 1 source (david maraniss); BHO meets Siddiqi Sohale 1st time at dec 31st, 1980 NYE party in SF & chandoo attends confirmed 1 source (david maraniss). Lived in NYC confirmed 2 sources (david remnick, david maraniss); Put homeless BHO up for a few nights in NYC in 1981 confirmed 2 sources (david remnick, david maraniss); drug addict confirmed MULTIPLE sources (barack himself confirms); In NYC illegally confirmed 3 sources (david remnick, david maraniss, guardian article); in pakistan in 1981 confirmed ZERO SOURCES (anons please provide if you know / have more info).


Conclusion: Siddiqi Sohale is a fucking nobody.

Meanwhile, what were all the OTHER dudes up to in 1981? and who ELSE was in Pakistan in 1981?

Anonymous ID: e2435c June 18, 2018, 1:49 a.m. No.1795670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5733


remnick=THE BRIDGE: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama

guardian article=

Maraniss=David Mariniss Barack Obama: the making of a man 2012