Anonymous ID: 2a50dc June 18, 2018, 5:41 a.m. No.1796429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6432 >>6599

US vs CHINA Trade war is viewed by the Chinese as a war of self-flegallation.


"Analysts increasingly expect the confrontation to be a war of attrition. While China has shown a willingness to make a deal on shrinking its trade surplus with the U.S., it has made clear it won’t bow to demands to abandon its industrial policy aimed at dominating the technology of the future."


"The Chinese view this as an exercise in self-flagellation, meaning that the country that wins a trade war is the country that can endure most pain," said Andrew Polk, co-founder of research firm Trivium China in Beijing. China "thinks it can outlast the U.S. They don’t have to worry about an election in November, let alone two years from now."


They may not have elections but they do have people. Having been to China multiple times recently. Having spoken with the people on the ground. They love the US. They love POTUS. If they havent figured out a way to purchase favors from their government then they are still afraid of it.


Hands down we win this "trade war" 9 times out of 10.