Anonymous ID: 3514b6 June 18, 2018, 5:51 a.m. No.1796475   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I hear you 100%

These boards are meant for research. Who knows if the shills will go away or children will grow up or generally offensive language will go away with that. So in the meantime create your own fact boards.

The facts are what’s important. The research that’s been done here. Not Q per se. Not the BS chatter here.

What We all collectively need are boards that just state the facts as they’ve been researched & discovered per subject.

No BS attached.

Maybe created here & then on another separate site where true Normies can see the facts.

Think Mirror.

The facts are strong enough on their own! In fact overwhelmingly so without having them in this personality mess in here.

Our main purpose is to be a bridge & share information.