Anonymous ID: 39a2c0 June 18, 2018, 4:41 a.m. No.1796200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6204 >>6209 >>6211 >>6224 >>6234 >>6296 >>6315 >>6328 >>6355 >>6357 >>6396 >>6460 >>6635

I have one big question that I have to have answered. Its been driving me crazy.


Why have we NEVER seen any video of PETER STRZOK? I mean, he’s one of the most talked about persons on the planet right now. All we have seen are these tired pictures of him.


He’s the superman of the FBI. I mean, he did everything. He lead the investigation for the Hillary Clinton private email server as the No. 2 official in the counterintelligence division. He edited Comey's original draft of the exoneration letter stating that HRC had committed "gross negligence," which is a crime to "extreme carelessness." PZ was the official overseeing FBI interviews of Mike Flynn. He also co-authored the letter from JC that reopened the investigation into HRC’s emails that was sent to Congress. Oh, can’t forget, he was the top FBI agent working on the SC Muller Team investigating the Trump/Russian collusion probe. I think he did everything but mop the floor.


Not only that, PS and Lisa Page had time to send 50,000 texts to each other in 5 months. It’s funny that none of their supervisors knew. How did he also have time to have this so called affair with what has been reported with LP that we’ve heard about for so long? (By the way, I haven’t seen one text message between the two of them that sounds like they’re having an affair. In fact, in some texts, he calls her “Dude”.) To me, these texts sound like a couple of guys chatting.


Did this man ever sleep, eat or even go home, ever?


I can’t believe that not one reporter (either MSM or even a citizen journalist) has camped outside the FBI headquarters, his house or even the nearest Starbucks to ask him questions. Not even someone on the street with their iphone has captured video of him. You know, we have video showing Imran Awan leaving a courtroom. Why nothing of STRZOK?


My intuitions are that he’s not real and someones using this made up name (maybe McCabe). Also, Lisa Page is maybe Rod Rosenstein. They could’ve been using these names to be able to text each other without drawing any attention to themselves. With all the people involved in this huge conspiracy to take down DJT, why did we only get text messages from these two, no-one else.


I know that he says that he’ll testify but I’ll believe it when I see it.


Was this ghost created to be the “FALL GUY”? Someone that won’t be held accountable?


Any thoughts on all this cause it surely doesn’t make sense to me?