Anonymous ID: 40a948 June 18, 2018, 5:32 a.m. No.1796383   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Seems that the Iran deal was all about money, not security or nukes.

Trump has backed out of the deal because America will NOT pay

Now due to Trump's pressure, Iran and the EU are being driven together

Economically speaking, BUT….

Not the big global companies of the cabal

Instead it will be smaller companies

And result in a much healthier economic relationship

For the EU states. This is why there were smiles

All round at the G7, when Trump explained

How his plan helps Europe

And frees Europe

From the clutches of the cabal


This is the natural result that would have happened

If politicians had not been OWNED by the cabal

It is natural for states to trade with other states

Who are physically close

In preference to those

Who are far away

Doing anything else creates and unnatural distorted world economy