lawfag here with a mea culpa from recent Q lessons we must learn
two recent critical lesson posts - hussein video and IG report - one i failed and one i passed
the hussein video was fake - i knew it was the moment i watched it because to me it was blatantly out of context like all the fake news i follow - so i passed that one but many anons did not - they jumped all over it and made fools of themselves and then when called on it said no that was fine anyway. Lesson = NOT FINE we must discern and proceed with caution and allow the BOARD to vet all new info - ESP explosive info.
The IG report test i FAILED and made a fool of myself - badly. I read the SUMMARY and then posted the report is a whitewash. well the summary was bogus but the report was not. it contained plenty of substance and as we know more to come. BUT the lesson again is we must discern and proceed with caution and allow the BOARD to vet all new info - ESP explosive info.
comms learned - check
lessons learned? pending……