Anonymous ID: a77713 SHOCK AND AWFUL? June 18, 2018, 4:48 a.m. No.1796214   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6226 >>6240 >>6314

I feel compelled to write this. I apologize if anyone feels I am out of place in this but I find it terribly upsetting.


Why in the world is Q using that horrendous term "shock and awe"


A remnant from the failed, globalist, Bush, administration to fight the false war from the 9/11 attack. All were interconnected.

Here we are hearing "shock and awe" in relation to Q and our present Administration.


Can not a better phrase be found? Seriously.

Anonymous ID: a77713 June 18, 2018, 5:01 a.m. No.1796269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6276

absolutely not!

do you really want the public to respond to those words in relation to the bush admin.?


do any of you want Q and Trump tied to cheney,, wolfowitz, rummy, the entire gang of Bush globalists actors … the attack on 9/11 and the false attack on Iraq that has ended up destabilizing the entire area? that has led to the downfall of Europe, via forced migration?

shock and awe was the entire beginning attack on Iraq.

The bushes being one of the worst globalist families around. Remember papa bush making the knife across the throat move when referring to Trump?

you really want people to pick up on shock and awe?

Anonymous ID: a77713 June 18, 2018, 7:01 a.m. No.1796881   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Over a month ago, I posted a few pictures from a book of Puzzles. I stated, that when I received the book, I would then share the book with Anons as I had bought it for you all.

I had a bit of a time this last month, with a semi- life changing event.

It is pretty much over now and I am feeling back to my old self. I made a copy of a few pages of the book. I have it as a PDF file on my desktop. I don't know what to do with it as far as posting anonymously. I have never tried sharing files in a public setting.

Can anyone help me?


I will scan and save pages of the book in 10 page increments. It is still hard for me , physically to do this. So I am doing a bit at a time.