clickty click into search engine <enter>
et voila!
NYT as source is great cherry on top of bullshit debonk no?
have your eyes scheduled for medical operation, cataracts or something?
go back an look at the photo, Stop being an ass.
filtered because your an ass
I blame the leadership.
DeBonked NPC ball squezed in vice under two keystrokes
None of these shit senators say DEACTIVATE FBI
Everyone will speak my language soon enough.
The ROOT of the problems is State Department and US Military failed to do National Security background checks and protect us against commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist leninist socialist globalist terrorist pedoist jihadism sharia-ism and identity fraud. Until this is rectified it will just get worse.
This RRN Brocken Clock isn't correct today.
unless you have them on speed dial, there are no whitehats.
No need to wait for what you want. here she is three days ago. From Thy Enemy Website to Ironically boot.
Sorry. Bzzzt stop. Nobody knows the future.
Remember this man carried a encrypted diplomatic blackberry for nefarious intentions and then tossed it into the toilet.
Oh look what you posted had NOTHING to do with what I posted.
If you change from this NOW moment to the PAST or FUTURE nothing will exist in that space.
Have you tried the MALTA?
Try the HOT MALTA too