Biden-trafficked Minors Provide Child
Labor to U.S. Factories
PJ Media, by Athena Thorne
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought, 12/17/2022 2:53:56 PM
This isn’t the first time PJ Media has reported on the sad fates of the human beings trafficked into our country by cynical globalist-socialists, and it won’t be the last. Still, it’s particularly disheartening when minor children, placed in peril by the Biden administration’s extralegal immigration and national transformation machine, are taken advantage of. To its credit, Reuters has been conducting real journalistic investigations into the growing problem of illegal child labor at U.S. factories. The news outlet conducted hundreds of interviews and documented several cases of third-world labor abuse. On Friday, Reuters reported on underage illegal aliens staffing auto parts factories across Alabama and into Georgia.