lawrence livermore lab said they created more energy using fusion than they used to start it
about 5 days ago
lawrence livermore lab said they created more energy using fusion than they used to start it
about 5 days ago
they re-invented the pullman car
don't know
stolista group
is one of the leading developers in the ukraianian market of modern residential real estate
might look there
one weird thing is if you google
stolitsa group ukraine which is supposedly in real estate
and go to images
google suggests related searches
wagner group
private military companies logos
private military contractors
"they want you to give up or die"
i knew a local man who was in hiroshima or nagasaki (forget which now) after the war
he was in his 70s at the time
a large % of them had many cancers and they had fought the va for years
he told me back then
"they know if they stall another few years we will all be dead"
he was right
search for "atomic veterans"