Anonymous ID: 098e99 June 18, 2018, 7:34 a.m. No.1797140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7155

>>1796869 (old breads)

Arabic reads left to right…just sayin'. Why no arabic fags here?



enhancing labels on the boxes could prove interdasting!




In my experience the mexican moms send one son over the border, usually around age 17 or so to work illegally and send money back so they can buy shit. When one son gets caught, or otherwise stops sending money, they send the next oldest son. The money drain NEVER stops, even if the son marries and has his own family, the mom and ENTIRE fam, never stop asking them to send money. One guy I know just drained the "pay bills" account to give money to an Uncle who got in with loan sharks. These people are blood suckers. Cut off the flow! I'd like to see remittances from non citizens back to Mexico taxed heavily…to build the wall. They literally never stop asking for money, and they have so many kids sacrificing a few to the border literally means nothing to them. Selfish ass mothers…that's the cause…send me more money to buy clothes, new fridge, new telly….

Anonymous ID: 098e99 June 18, 2018, 7:38 a.m. No.1797175   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>so I can show trump bashers what's really going on there.


Why don't you make memes based on THESE truths?


Heya Mememakers…I'm catching up after a few days of IRL…anyway I noticed that there's no real "fighting back" happening re the "muh separation from children"…


I suck at meme but…here's a few ideas to blast


  1. how the flipping fuck do we know WHO are the actual parents of any child illegally brought across the border?


  1. Child trafficking IS a THING!


  1. Coming across the border with a child used to mean better treatment…


  1. What kind of loving parent drags a child or children across the desert in horrific conditions? No matter how bad things are back home (if indeed they are actually all that bad) what sort of parent puts their child through that? Exposing them to the trafficking, rapes, water deprivation etc…nope. Like the staged dead Syrian kid that became the poster child for the rapefugees–remember? His father et al were safe in Turkey..father hears he can get free shit, in particular teeth, in Germany, so he fucking hauls his entire family illegally in shady ass boats, from SAFETY in Turkey, on money borrowed from a Canadian relation…so he can get free teeth in Germany….


I wonder if the gov is doing DNA testing to ensure…




would you take your kid along on a bank robbery?


Would you take your kid along to shoplift? (dindus need not answer this one)


Who takes their kids along when committing a crime that you KNOW (especially given the administration change) has a criminal penalty including prison?


I bet you'd take your kid along if you thought having a kid along would get you out of jail free.


DNA test the kids.


We literally have NO proof those claiming to be parents ARE parents. Child trafficking is a thing.

Anonymous ID: 098e99 June 18, 2018, 7:50 a.m. No.1797265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7310


>Wild guess here, but he looks similar to Prince Harry?

Nah, Harry is a ginger…looks more like William, but dollar bill indicates American? Polo sportsman child's sweat shirt clue to date? Some anon speculating the child is "Alan" who claims to have been abused since childhood..


Ralph Lauren polo sportsman series from the 1990's is all I have now…

Anonymous ID: 098e99 June 18, 2018, 7:55 a.m. No.1797305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7383


re baby killers…Iraq sanctions caused the deaths of over 1 million Iraqi children due to milk shortages.


Pic your own source


I know that thousands of children died in the Iran/Iraq war on boths sides and the vile old Cabal financed both sides of that war as well. Know some awesome Iranians who grew up watching their childhood friends blown up…says it's changed them forever. One refuses to have children…children are the real victims of wars like this and they grow up either damaged or filled with hate.

Anonymous ID: 098e99 June 18, 2018, 8:21 a.m. No.1797525   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Mexico, are they sending their best…?

Tells me they don't give a shit about their kids…sending a 17 year old across the border to risk death just so the mom can buy more shit When you have ten of them (as in personally known case) I guess sacrificing one or two literally means nothing.

Anonymous ID: 098e99 June 18, 2018, 8:38 a.m. No.1797696   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>So, its natural to suspect some scrubbing of a federal law enforcement official

This is true….back in the day a friend's parents were both VERY high level NSA….that info was close to the vest, no social media, no records, no nothing to link them. I met them, knew only above, and that they worked at an underground facility. Not even able to search them NOW years after retirement. So not being able to find stuff about "Stroker"…does not mean he does not exist, it MIGHT mean his position is deeper and not what we're told because info on others easily found….even if not mass quantities. OR it could mean that identity is a cover IDEN….guess we shall find out soon!

Anonymous ID: 098e99 June 18, 2018, 8:44 a.m. No.1797743   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>who specialized in document alteration, forging signatures, etc, and heard he is the best in the business

Well they should have put him on the birth certificate detail cause that fake shit was FAIL the second it was posted…perhaps FAIL on purpose?