Anonymous ID: 42d9a1 June 18, 2018, 8:03 a.m. No.1797371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7449 >>7731


re: Kazakhstan/UraniumOne


It ALLLL Started In Kazakhstan!!

This Was Central To Uranium One & The Inevitable Racketeering That Ensued. Follow Me Down A Timeline


>Sep 6 2005 Canadian financier Frank Giustra orchestrates a Uranium deal for his company UrAsia in Kazahkstan this was aided by the Bill Clinton whom flew in just for the evening of final negotiations

>Giustra in turn donated $31.3Million dollars to the Clinton Foundation shortly thereafter

>Giustra also pleged $100,000,000 plus half of all mining income towards a new foundation formed in South Africa by Bill, Giustra & Carlos Slim of all people

>Feb 2007 UrAsia merges with a South African mining company whom afterwards assumed the name Uranium One

>Within 2 months Uranium one expands into the U.S.

>June 2008 talks begin of negotiation for Rosatom to seek an investment into Uranium One

>Fast Forward to 2009, ARMZ a subsidary of a Rosatom, acquires 17% stake of Uranium One

>Rosatom the Russian uranium Company whom owns ARMZ states "We have no intention of acquiring full ownership of uranium one"

>Subsequently on June 29 2010 Bill Clinton is paid $500,000 dollars to speak to russian investors whom assigned the buy rating to the Uranium One stock

>June-July 2010 Rosatom seeks majority ownership of Uranium One around the same time of Bills speech to Kremlin financiers

>On October 2010 the Committee on Foreign Investments approved Rosatom taking a 51% stake in Uranium One

>In the years between 2008-2010 The Clinton Foundation received 8.65 Million dollars in donations specifically from UrAsia and there initial investors


Where Did This All Start? Kazakhstan...

Who Was The First World Leader To Recognize Kazakhstan As A Free Nation Following The Dissolution Of The USSR? Bill Clinton.


What Was Rosatom Also Doing In The 2008-2010 TImeline? They Were Propositioning the United Nations IAEA(International Atomic Energy Association) To Install An LEU Uranium Bank In Siberia That They Run & Control. Needless To Say The IAEA Approved in 2010.


Guess Where Another One Of Those Uranium Banks Exists? In Kazakhstan. This Was Approved August Of 2015 Following The Uranium One Takeover By Rosatom


Racketeering: The Procured Uranium From Kazakh Is Transferred From Their Facilities To Rosatom's Enrichment Facility/Bank In SIberia. Once Processed It Is Then Shipped Back To Kazakh For Storage. This Is All For Monetary Gain At The Behest Of The UN's Approval Of These Sites.


This Push For Fuel banks Was Funded By NTI - (Warren Buffett & Sam Nunn & Ted Turner)


Ironically Iran's Ahmadinejad Publicly Supported This Push For A Fuel Bank In Kazakhstan.


Old Videos Explaining All This In Stumbling Detail.