there is no question at all that all the investigations are all about Trump. if they weren't we could all fuck off.
been smoking for my reumatism for 20 years. much of my best work has been done high.
one thing I can guarantee: a bit of weed every day will insulate your ass against all the mockingbird shit. I stopped believing the media about a week after I started smoking - and its not a post hoc situation should anyone think that. there is a definite connection between the pot and the absolute disbelief in the msm bs.
renewed my aquaintence with God during the second week and picked up my Bible and the socratic dialogues in the third.
world needs more of the green shit.
megaanon posted in fall of last year contemporaneously with Q as well.
FBIanon was around in July of 2016 as well if I remember correctly. was definitely half chan.
> You will never have the possibility to become a World leader. It is rigged. But you can dream about being famous (talent shows / followers).
the longing to be a world leader or famous for some reason is the siren song of globalism to the masses. you can do nearly anything you want on a couple 100k per year (not saying that this is achievable for most) - so what exactly is the attraction of having millions unless it is to be able to exercise power over others or to make one feel good about oneself?