Anonymous ID: eb0594 June 18, 2018, 7:40 a.m. No.1797194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7228 >>7250 >>7283 >>7367 >>7385


Long time Guardian ad litem fag, here. Adults are one thing. But so many kids with developing brains are truly messed up by nothing but pot. You’ve clearly no idea the devastation it causes families. And adults who started smoking as young teens absolutely get stuck, emotionally, at the age at which they began. It is the most disturbing thing, ever, to deal with parents in their thirties who are, emotionally, still about 15, especially when thy have kids with serious psychological problems. This happens constantly and you just want to slap them.


The stock answers are three fold, ie, didn’t hurt me; kids can’t legally get the pot anyway; alcohol is worse and it’s legal.


Give me a break. Parent potheads aren’t keeping that shit away from their kids. They are bringing it into the fricking house and smoking it right front of them. Or in their bedroom, like the kids won’t notice (did I mention these pot smoking parents are emotionally stunted?) House reeks of it. Don’t waste anyone’s time trying to argue otherwise.


Comparing pot to alcohol is simply asinine, although common. They don’t work the same way/have the same effects on the body and the only comparison is that many people tend to use both as a social/interpersonal lubricant. Yes, alcohol makes people intoxicated and often obnoxious, destroys the liver. Got it. This is known. Pot is fundamentally different and the mere fact it doesn’t make you “drunk” doesn’t make it “better.” Just an analogy - OxyContin destroys people but you don’t see people constantly comparing it to alcohol and defending it because it doesn’t make you drunk.


Kids are at very high risk to get triggered into serious mental illness by pot on their developing brains.


If a true adult with a healthy brain wants to smoke pot, that is their business. I doubt it does much more than feed an addictive personality that needs a crutch to do what others do on their own. It certainly has medicinal properties to help the truly needy but recreational users are largely just being losers.


“Mama’s little helper” was for weak women in the fifties used just to get through the day. Now? A whole generation is willing to do anything to get recreational pot at a time when mental illness is at an all time high, kids are so often on psychotropic medication and a glance around tells you we need to get MORE grounded, not less.