This place is played out. I was the best of us and i haven't even come here the past 2 years barring a dozen times or so where I just wanted to check on the state of things. I'm starting a new place for oldfags to rsch. Will be using the Unplugged apps Erik P has put out. He offers a phone you can buy designed to integrate with his apps but it's a grand and no audio port which is a deal breaker for me, don't use Bluetooth for reasons that should be obvious to you. I'd recommend just rooting an old android and using the encrypted Unplugged apps on public wifi or through a mesh grid. Stop playing into the hands of our oppressors by stating here. I have just as much sentimentality about this place and its culture as you do, if not more. It's time to bring back the old crew that created this powerful hivemind and get back to what we do best without these Watkins freaks and better opsec. Unplugged is legit. Look into it then invest in an old android and be ready. Will be in touch soon on how to get to the new encrypted rsch board. This is the last thing the shills want us to do. Get your new phones ready in the meantime.
Alexandria File Anon.