…Be sure to steal the digits.
…Fuck, anon thought that was Feinstein, for a moment.
…You're just making shit up. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3287144/The-sex-change-Spitfire-ace-Britain-s-MAN-WOMAN-thanks-WOMAN-man-cue-truly-bizarre-love-story.html
…Best anon could find. Found nothing.
…Anon is not him, just a nobody.
…You suck as a liar.
…Had to dig for it.
…Sorry, forgot the link. https://in-the-sky.org/newscal.php
…Anon bets there is some really interesting information, in those texts. Kinda got a stiffy, thinking about it.
…More prophesy bullshit.
…That's why the IP hop? Fuck off, not interested in your drivel.
…Mars mar > 'sea' > ???